View Full Version : Dogone

Bradley G
10-18-2005, 09:02 AM
Just got a call from the Lake County animal control.
Seems a neighbor called and had our beloved "Patches" picked up.
He has been Missing since Friday.
I called but they said they don't have him
We think some of the neighborhood kids, let him out of our yard(gate was open)
My children have been really punk the past few days.
Emberly was crying for , it seemed like hours, last night as my wife and I tried to console her.
I asked my mom if I could borrow her CRV, to go and get him.
I love him but he would murder my seats, with his paws.
I am so happy, I think I will suprise the kids at dinner , with his return!:party: Yeah!

10-18-2005, 09:15 AM
Im having a problem with my neighbors dogs punching holes in the fence and getting into my back yard. The first 5 times I didnt have a problem with it, but they are now chewing on my fence in my yard.

I think im going to call animal control myself.

10-18-2005, 09:18 AM

That's great news! I know the kids will be very happy to have their 4-legged family member back.

We had to have our dog put to sleep yesterday afternoon. He has been with us since '94. It wasn't easy explaining to my 5 year old why Mickey didn't come back home with me from the vet. He was torn apart but I know kids bounce back quickly.

10-18-2005, 09:27 AM

That's great news! I know the kids will be very happy to have their 4-legged family member back.

We had to have our dog put to sleep yesterday afternoon. He has been with us since '94. It wasn't easy explaining to my 5 year old why Mickey didn't come back home with me from the vet. He was torn apart but I know kids bounce back quickly.

Yes the children bounce back quickly, its the adults that grieve about the loss of their 4-legged companions. I still tear up at Lassie shows and I lost my Collie in 1987. The good side is that replacement with another canine partner can help heal that wound in your heart and psyche.

10-18-2005, 09:34 AM
My dog was trained with the electric fence. If she was calm, she was good. But if there was a cat or other animal, she was gone! She would take the shock to get to that critter.

Well, we have this neighbor who would rat us to animal control. She even went so far as to capture my mutt and call animal control. I know what your thinking. I dont want someone elses dog *****in and pissin on my lawn either. But I would have gone to the neighbor and said "AY! your dog is in my yard!" (maybe not so tactfully) If the complaint fell on deaf ears, then call animal control.

As fate would have it, their toddler wondered away and.... you guessed it, endded up in our yard. DefyantWife simply notified the proper gov't agencies. The child was returned safe and sound and they had a heap BS to contend with. And for some reason, we dont have a problem with them anymore.....

We have since removed the useless electic fence in favor of a chain and soon a fence.

10-18-2005, 09:41 AM
I asked my mom if I could borrow her CRV, to go and get him.
I love him but he would murder my seats, with his paws.
I am so happy, I think I will suprise the kids at dinner , with his return!:party: Yeah!
Good to hear you found him! Sucks when they run off, even when you make many efforts to keep them there is still a few times when they'll get away, even a very well trained dog can be known to chase an animal...

As for the Marauder seats, as one who cannot find a way around it I drive my dog 1.5-2 hours on some weekends to visit my parents and take him out of my suburban apartment to their country house complete with a Golden Retriever and Yellow Lab that enjoy playing. He loves it, it's good excercise, but I have to take him in the Marauder. (He's a lab too...doesn't like riding in my 'stang.)

I use a queen sized comforter to cover the seat, so far no damage at all. A blanket is too thin, but a nice comforter gives plenty of cushion between dog paws and leather.

So far so good, once I can move out of my apartment and get a little land this won't be an issue anymore, good thing you have the CRV available, takes the guesswork out of it, that and the dog won't give you an odd look when you punch the gas and he's flying to the back of the seat...I don't think that happens when you floor a CRV...atleast not to the same extent as in a modified Marauder.

10-18-2005, 09:57 AM
He's quite a LARGE dog to misplace...no?

Glad you have him back. Maybe it's time to turn the fence back on?

10-18-2005, 10:35 AM
If you have any other pets, It would benifit you to Keep Patches under quarantine for a week or so...and closley watched for symptoms that look like distemper.

SPCA's and "the pounds" are wonderful places where people who act like they know about animals hang out--round here anyway... And many of these folks dont know the procedures to control communicable diseases for animals, like Parvo...

I hate to be the realistic nut in the crowd, but if that were to happen...the little girl sounds like she loves this dog, and the tears would fall. (and my heart would just break)

Dont ask me how I know...

Bradley G
10-18-2005, 12:11 PM
I just got back with Patches.

He is full of burs and man does he stink!
cost me a couple of Benji's but a small price to pay for his safe return.
I couldn't prove he was current with shots, so it's off to the vet for more shots!(he got a chip shot before he could be released)
Thanks for all your replies!!!
Oh LilWrink, he was caged by himself, so I'll keep close watch but he appears to be fine!

If you have any other pets, It would benifit you to Keep Patches under quarantine for a week or so...and closley watched for symptoms that look like distemper.

SPCA's and "the pounds" are wonderful places where people who act like they know about animals hang out--round here anyway... And many of these folks dont know the procedures to control communicable diseases for animals, like Parvo...

I hate to be the realistic nut in the crowd, but if that were to happen...the little girl sounds like she loves this dog, and the tears would fall. (and my heart would just break)

Dont ask me how I know...

10-18-2005, 05:01 PM
Just got a call from the Lake County animal control.
Seems a neighbor called and had our beloved "Patches" picked up.
He has been Missing since Friday.
I called but they said they don't have him
We think some of the neighborhood kids, let him out of our yard(gate was open)
My children have been really punk the past few days.
Emberly was crying for , it seemed like hours, last night as my wife and I tried to console her.
I asked my mom if I could borrow her CRV, to go and get him.
I love him but he would murder my seats, with his paws.
I am so happy, I think I will suprise the kids at dinner , with his return!:party: Yeah!
You don't really think that the kids will eat the dog for dinner do you, Brad?:) I suggest you take the kids and the dog to dinner in a very nice steak house. He must be hungry and the reward for returning home may keep him from leaving the next time. Oh, by the way be sure to thank your neighbor for burning your dog with the Doggy cops. Perhaps kick his azz after the red meat kicks in. LOL glad you got him back. I lost one for good as a kid and still haven't gotten over it. Dennis:beer:

10-18-2005, 05:31 PM
Damn dogs. Glad to hear you got your pup back.

Bradley G
10-18-2005, 06:22 PM

Thanks Guys!
Patches got his shots. (he did not like the doctor)Took me to put the muzzle on.
When we got home, I pulled most of the burrs from his ears Nose, mouth, ect.
Got the shears out for all the Matted fur.
He would only sit still for about a half hour.
My son was the only one, who I was able to suprise.
My wife Nancy, rubber lipped to my daughters that he was back in our possession.
Everyone was happy, fighting and teasing each other.(I don't know where they get that!:rolleyes: )
I have my theory as to who called the doggie cops.
He probably would have come back on his own(always has)
I would rather have "Patches" than the several hundred Benjis' it took to get him back!
This dog is so happy to be home(He's pooped!)
I love happy endings!

10-20-2005, 08:10 AM

....I have my theory as to who called the doggie cops.
He probably would have come back on his own(always has)
I would rather have "Patches" than the several hundred Benjis' it took to get him back!
This dog is so happy to be home(He's pooped!)
I love happy endings!
Neighbor calls Doggie Cops....Marauder does burn-out on their front lawn at 2:30am. :burnout:

Glad to hear the kids are happy and Patches is back where she belongs. :)

Bradley G
10-20-2005, 09:03 AM
Thanks Pal,

I could never do that.(I can't stay up past 10-11 most times)
But it still made me laugh to think about it!

Neighbor calls Doggie Cops....Marauder does burn-out on their front lawn at 2:30am. :burnout:

Glad to hear the kids are happy and Patches is back where she belongs. :)

10-20-2005, 09:08 AM
Thanks Pal,

I could never do that.(I can't stay up past 10-11 most times)
But it still made me laugh to think about it!
Hmmm, where do you live again....:thinker:


Bradley G
10-20-2005, 09:19 AM
Sure!, It would be me cleaning the egg off my car, after that!
Hmmm, where do you live again....:thinker:


10-20-2005, 11:42 AM
Sure!, It would be me cleaning the egg off my car, after that!
Marauder Meet at Brad's house...the neighborhood streets would be paved with rubber. :burn:

Bradley G
10-20-2005, 11:47 AM
Not as far fetched as it sounds!

My home is 1.3 miles from the Shop.
That would be the most excietment Shady Hill has seen, in decades!
You could probably leave you mark(s) door to door!

Marauder Meet at Brad's house...the neighborhood streets would be paved with rubber. :burn: