View Full Version : Bunny Lady strikes again! - SBC Bundle package

Bradley G
10-19-2005, 08:33 AM
Has anyone got and offer from SBC to switch and save?
Combining phone, DSL and TV?.
I did and it was the worst mistake ever!
SBC relies on third party (Dish Network)for the satelite portion of the so called "Bundle package".
All in the name of saving a few dollars.
The problem started, when the Dish Network installer severed the existing Comcast cable to Tap the Dish into the existing lines.
That left me with no DSL or telephone service.
Took me hours of phone calls to get the installer and his supervisor to return and correct the oversight.
Dish Network still wants paid cause they are now providing our TV service.
SBC still does not have Comcasts authorization to "swich" us.
Cosequently, No bundle package rate as I agreed to.
After over six weeks, SBC still can not tell us when they can complete the change.

I canceled the service, to SBC and Dish network.
SBC is saying they can't help me pay.It was thier mistake of ordering the third party switch(TV) before they had authorization to switch the DSL and telephone.
Now I have to pay for comcast to restore the tv service and it took me mucho hours to get what I had, in the first place.
Moral; If SBC sends you a flyer offering all this great stuff , for a $avings.
Throw it away! :stupid:

10-19-2005, 09:02 AM
:thinker: Hmmmm.......let :bunny: see what she can do.

10-19-2005, 09:06 AM
:bunny: got da juice. :coolman:

Bradley G
10-19-2005, 09:10 AM
I pity those fools at SBC :lol:
:thinker: Hmmmm.......let :bunny: see what she can do.

10-19-2005, 01:45 PM
Sorry, I thought you wanted to hear experiences good or bad. I deleted it so not to get you upset.

Bradley G
10-19-2005, 01:56 PM
If it went like advertised(your senario) do you think I would have posted a problem or asked the membership for thier input or help?
I just did it and i am very satisfied. Went from charter cable 55 dollars a month and no box to dish network same channels but now digital and i got a 2 room dvr and a much better pic for the same price as cable. And when i send my old cable bill i get 3 free months of dish service. Then the dsl went from 28 bucks with a express speed to max at 1.5 to 24 bucks pro speed at max 3.0 and my speed is 2.8. Home phone stayed the same. Cell phone went from 1 phone @68 bucks a month and the other @ 44 bucks a month to a share plan for 72 bucks a month total and the same minutes. So my monthly bills dropped about 40 bucks plus 3 months of free dish which is over 150 bucks and better service.
I am happy i did it.

10-19-2005, 02:25 PM
I'm paying $11.79/mo for VoIP thru Broadvoice
$56/mo for ComCast limited basic (Broadcast) and 6Mbps internet

10-19-2005, 04:03 PM
See my previous post. I did not realize you were just stating your experience. I thought you wanted to know if they all went that way.

Bradley G
10-19-2005, 08:26 PM
Sorry TX, I was wrong to take out my frustrations on you.

I was upset that, $BC won't honor the offer(till who knows when), or pay to return me to Comcast.

See my previous post. I did not realize you were just stating your experience. I thought you wanted to know if they all went that way.

Bradley G
10-20-2005, 10:07 AM
Special Thanks to Mary:bunny2: for contacting the folks at Comcast.
Comcast is in the process of helping me get back my cable TV service re -connected.
Just recieved a phone call From Carlo Cavallaro, a Comcast personel, who is arrangeing the persons responsible to restore my cable TV.
And he said this would be done for me, at no charge!
Thank you Mary and Carlo!

10-20-2005, 10:10 AM
Cool! :cool: I love my Comcast Cable/Internet. It's expensive, but worth every nickel. :up:

Bradley G
10-20-2005, 10:34 AM
Turns out the whole savings was a dollar a day!

And this was based on the "Promised" rate.
The actual rate, was more , just for the Dish network, however, that was for Two months billing with out the bundle package rate, which I agreed to.
I do like the, One stop shop!
And Comcast has had way better customer service personel!(In my experience)
I do like the features of being able to watch previously played shows on Demand.

Cool! :cool: I love my Comcast Cable/Internet. It's expensive, but worth every nickel. :up:

10-20-2005, 02:37 PM
My pleasure! Carlo is Director of Local Goverment Affairs out of Oak Brook. I work in the same dept. of Comcast here in MA.


Bradley G
10-20-2005, 03:11 PM
He was very Kind to me, Mary!

I invited him here to take a look.So,... everybody on thir best behavior!:P
You be very proud to work for a nice company, to do business with!
Your efforts are well appreciated!

My pleasure! Carlo is Director of Local Goverment Affairs out of Oak Brook. I work in the same dept. of Comcast here in MA.


Bradley G
11-04-2005, 06:20 AM
Up Date:

Well Comcast, was Johnny on the spot!
I recieved phone calls to get hooked back up without calling first!
I draged my feet a couple days, (missed the Bears game).
But The time I was able to call , I got a fellow, Richard, who came out the same day.
He replaced & rerouted all the existing lines(some were d***** across the roof)
He also gave me a second box for the x-tra TV, free hook-up and a very reasonable rate.
Thank you Mary! your efforts are much appreciated !:thanks:

11-04-2005, 03:26 PM
Aint' that the truth.
Cool! :cool: I love my Comcast Cable/Internet. It's expensive, but worth every nickel. :up:

11-04-2005, 03:39 PM
It's Comcastic!


11-04-2005, 07:45 PM
I am happy for you Brad. Mary, the :bunny: is awesome! :bows: You are always here for everyone. Thanks Dennis:beer:

Bradley G
11-04-2005, 07:49 PM
Now if I did not like this community here so much, I'd go watch some Telebision :P

It's Comcastic!


11-04-2005, 09:14 PM
I've got Direct TV and Earthlink DSL. The only thing I use Comcast for is to threaten Direct TV or Earthlink when I want something.