View Full Version : Truck Turds ?

Bobby Clobber
10-27-2005, 04:59 AM
If you find a turd in your truck, this may be why :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


10-27-2005, 05:34 AM
But relations between management and workers "can often get strained"

:lol: :rofl:

Bradley G
10-27-2005, 05:40 AM
Might be cheaper to serve a "high fiber diet in the cafateria",

And do excercises like the Japanese! :bows:

10-27-2005, 07:19 AM
If you're spending over 48 minutes on the can in an 8 hour period you may have other problems.

10-27-2005, 07:38 AM
Is it possible that the poor results from FMC is not realted to potty breaks but to a total lack of interesting and exciting vehicles? I suggest that the *****ter problem may possibly be in the product design and development area not the production line! Just a guess. Dennis:alone:

10-27-2005, 10:40 AM
Let's see...48 minutes per 8 hour shift equals 6 minutes per hour, every hour, in the bathroom. Unless you have a stomach virus or a really bad prostate problem, who could possibly need that much time in the can? Then figure lunch breaks, and any other type of authorized breaks, and Ford probably gets about 5 hours worth of work from these guys in an 8 hour shift.

Mike Poore
10-27-2005, 10:46 AM
But relations between management and workers "can often get strained" :lol: :rofl:
"That's why", observed an un-named source, "sales are in the toilet." :laugh:

Donny Carlson
10-27-2005, 11:47 AM
They get 48 minutes per *****, er >shift< includes the time it takes to walk to and from the nearest bathroom. It could take more time to schelpp to the can than it does to do what you have to do when you get there. Assembly plants are big, and whenever I toured them, I did't see bathrooms conveniently located near the assembly line.

Bradley G
10-27-2005, 11:48 AM
Go to your room for that!:nono:
"That's why", observed an un-named source, "sales are in the toilet." :laugh:

Joe Walsh
10-27-2005, 07:24 PM
"That's why", observed an un-named source, "sales are in the toilet." :laugh:


"In order to deter these long bathroom breaks, Management has removed all magazines and reading material from the bathroom stalls."

10-27-2005, 07:53 PM
As usual the News only reported half the story of my plant. They failed to mention that we are the last plant in Ford's system to do tag relief(ie breaks are given at 40 min blocks starting 1 hr after the shift starts, then an 8 min break afyter lunch.) Every other plant does mass relief at a given time. So if someone has first break(5:00pm) and has to go to the bathroom at say 8:00 pm and lunch is at 10:12pm you get the picture. Yes we do have some lazy azz slobs that abuse the privledge but hey why should the News report that. Let's sensationalize this and make it seem like everyone is doing it. Yes I'm peeved....:mad2:

10-28-2005, 08:54 AM
As usual the News only reported half the story of my plant. They failed to mention that we are the last plant in Ford's system to do tag relief(ie breaks are given at 40 min blocks starting 1 hr after the shift starts, then an 8 min break afyter lunch.) Every other plant does mass relief at a given time. So if someone has first break(5:00pm) and has to go to the bathroom at say 8:00 pm and lunch is at 10:12pm you get the picture. Yes we do have some lazy azz slobs that abuse the privledge but hey why should the News report that. Let's sensationalize this and make it seem like everyone is doing it. Yes I'm peeved....:mad2:Is your plant feeding you that crap too about being the only plant tag relieving? Lorain Assy, Ohio Assy and Kentucky Truck also tag relieve that I know of. I was a relief man at Lorain for two years until I became a lift driver. Got tired of always shutting down for mass relief and getting loaned out. Our plant finally hired more people about a month after I went into stock. Best move that I ever made. And yes, you are correct about the possible 4-5 hours between early break and lunch or start of shift and late break. I didn't see that mentioned in the article.
Sh** happens! Some abuse it, but there are times when nature calls and you can't even wait for the allowable time before you can walk off if they don't send you. (Usually caused by those clowns that think that its their right to get three piss breaks a day)
I wonder how many plants actually mass relieve? (Dearborn Truck Plant did the day that I took the tour during MVIII) How would the plant run if they had a high absentee day?
Our union allowed the company to put it up for a vote (mass vs. tag) about three years ago. Not once but twice. May have helped a Local president to lose his next election. I'm sure that the relief men and other higher seniority people never voted for him again. Instead of mass relief, they slowed the line speed down to produce less Vans / hour. We have been on overtime and some Saturdays ever since. No down weeks like everyone else. Average 48 - 55 hours per week.

Sorry about the hijacked thread, my rant is done! Carry on...
