View Full Version : Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack

10-27-2005, 10:43 PM
PITTSBURGH—A zombie-preparedness study, commissioned by Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy and released Monday, indicates that the city could easily succumb to a devastating zombie attack. Insufficient emergency-management-personnel training and poorly conceived undead-defense measures have left the city at great risk for all-out destruction at the hands of the living dead, according to the Zombie Preparedness Institute.

"When it comes to defending ourselves against an army of reanimated human corpses, the officials in charge have fallen asleep at the wheel," Murphy said. "Who's in charge of sweep-and-burn missions to clear out infected areas? Who's going to guard the cemeteries at night? If zombies were to arrive in the city tomorrow, we'd all be roaming the earth in search of human brains by Friday."

Government-conducted zombie-attack scenarios described on the State Department's website indicate that a successful, citywide zombie takeover would take 10 days, but according to ZPI statistician Dr. Milton Cornelius, the government's models fail to incorporate such factors as the zombies' rudimentary reasoning skills and basic tool use.

"Today's zombies quickly learn to open doors, break windows, and stage ambushes," Cornelius said. "In one 1985 incident in Louisville, a band of zombies was able to lure four paramedics and countless law-enforcement officials to their deaths by commandeering an ambulance radio and calling for backup."

ZPI researchers noted that tens of thousands of Pittsburgh citizens live in close proximity to a cemetery. This fact, coupled with abnormally high space-radiation levels in western Pennsylvania and ongoing traffic issues in the East Hills and Larimer areas, led Cornelius to declare the likelihood of a successful evacuation as "slight to impossible."

"The designated evacuation routes would be hopelessly clogged, leaving many no choice but to escape by foot," Cornelius said. "Add a single lurching zombie into that easily panicked crowd and you've got a nightmare scenario."

Cornelius' model shows that after the ensuing stampede, "the zombie could pick and choose his victims," and predicts the creation of hundreds of new undead "in a single half-hour feeding frenzy."

Pittsburgh's structural defenses are particularly inadequate. The city's emergency safe houses, established by a city ordinance in the early '70s, lack even the most basic fortifications for zombie invasion.

"Under the ordinance, wooden tool sheds and rusty station wagons are classified as adequate shelter," Cornelius said. "But once dozens of zombies hungering for living flesh begin pounding on the walls and driving their half-decomposed fists through the windows, sheds and cars quickly give way."

Federal Undead Management Agency spokesperson Dr. Sheena Aurora downplayed the ZPI report, arguing that zombies move slowly and can be easily overpowered. Aurora advised citizens to look over their shoulders frequently, adding that a large shopping mall can serve as a "long-term, even fun" refuge from zombies.

Such assertions alarm zombiologist Olivier Baptiste, who calls FUMA's information "hopelessly outdated."

"Dr. Aurora's claims are based on decades-old zombie models," Baptiste said. "Widely released evidence from recent years clearly shows that zombies can run just as fast, if not faster, than a living human."

Added Baptiste: "That FUMA trains its field agents to shoot zombies in the torso, rather than the head, demonstrates just how out of touch the government is."

Evans City, PA Police Chief Gino Fulci said zombie preparedness comes down to training on the local level.

"Children need to be taught from preschool that they might have to put a bullet between the eyes of their own undead mother," Fulci said. "'Destroy The Brain' banners should be hung above the entrances of schools, churches, and town halls everywhere."

Cornelius recommends that Pittsburgh residents prepare a "go-bag" containing a Glock 17 pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition. If leaving the house is not an option, Cornelius advises residents to barricade all first-story doors and windows, and have at least one method of suicide prepared, should zombies successfully breach the home.

10-28-2005, 03:11 AM
Thanks for the info (LOL)

I was busy planning for winter but it look like we will have to take the Zombie risk into account.

IMO, we might even see an outbreak as soon as this weekend.:)

10-28-2005, 03:31 AM
I'm glad I don't live in the Pittsburg area. We here in Maryland, being so closely associated with Civil War battlefields have a long standing zombie policy. Which includes taking unsuspecting out of staters to the cemetries and battlefields and telling them they are tourist attractions, this keeps the zombie's bellies full. Why just the other day the military personnel here at Walter Reed took a tour of the Antietimun (sp?) Battlefield in Sharpsburg, MD. Three NCOs and five privates came up missing after they lagged behind at the cementry reading the grave stones.

Mike Poore
10-28-2005, 04:38 AM
I'm glad I don't live in the Pittsburg area. We here in Maryland, being so closely associated with Civil War battlefields have a long standing zombie policy. Which includes taking unsuspecting out of staters to the cemetries and battlefields and telling them they are tourist attractions, this keeps the zombie's bellies full. Why just the other day the military personnel here at Walter Reed took a tour of the Antietimun (sp?) Battlefield in Sharpsburg, MD. Three NCOs and five privates came up missing after they lagged behind at the cementry reading the grave stones.


Um, sorry for the hyjack Dan, that's damn funny stuff. Only thing I'm hoping is, when they're done with Pittsburgh, the go to Philadelphia, then Washington, in that order.:rofl:

10-28-2005, 05:26 AM
Wish we had a program like that here in FL. All we know how to prepare for down here is hurricanes.

Mike Poore
10-28-2005, 05:30 AM
[QUOTE=ckadiddle]Wish we had a program like

You do a good job at it too. I admire the way you folks get things done, and especially admire your Govornor.

BTW, I saw a convoy of power line trucks headed south on US 15. Help is on the way.

10-28-2005, 05:50 AM
These f***ers have already taken over most of Iowa.

I'm running out of ammo.

Anyone in TX wanna help me out?

10-28-2005, 06:19 AM
These f***ers have already taken over most of Iowa.

I'm running out of ammo.

Anyone in TX wanna help me out?Are those Yankee Zombies?

10-28-2005, 06:51 AM
Are those Yankee Zombies?
What difference does that make??? Zombies are not prejudice on who's brains they eat, why should it matter what zombies you shoot. Here in Maryland it doesn't matter what your race, color. religion or political view is we feed our zombies indiscriminately.

10-28-2005, 06:54 AM
Here it comes; the interracial gay zombie marriage thread.

Mike Poore
10-28-2005, 08:25 AM
Here it comes; the interracial gay zombie marriage thread.
nuke the baby gay zombies!:laugh:

10-28-2005, 08:34 AM
Make them take the Yank/Reb test posted somewhere here on the board!
Are those Yankee Zombies?

10-28-2005, 08:35 AM
No beem them over to Sulu's place. :laugh:
nuke the baby gay zombies!:laugh:

10-28-2005, 08:53 AM
Only thing I'm hoping is, when they're done with Pittsburgh, the go to Philadelphia, then Washington, in that order.:rofl: [/color][/color]
Zombies won't even bother with Washington, DC. Everyone knows that you can't find half of a brain there anyway. :rolleyes:

10-28-2005, 11:39 AM
Um, sorry for the hyjack Dan, that's damn funny stuff. Only thing I'm hoping is, when they're done with Pittsburgh, the go to Philadelphia, then Washington, in that order.:rofl:

Nah, after Pittsburg they are going west. With all of the Ohio drivers lollygagging in the left lane nobody would notice a few more zombies.

10-28-2005, 12:08 PM
Hell, with the Zombie lobby in D.C. they are up for equal rights.

They already have control of the 18-25 year age group. Of course none of them vote, so that will be their downfall.

10-28-2005, 12:35 PM
California, being more disarmed than most other states, will easily be overrun by all those undead f-ckers. Thanks to some crazy uncles showing me "Zombie" by Lucio Fulci when I was 10, I've had this paralyzing fear of zombies my whole life! :o

Now, if you wanna have a snowball's chance in hell (on earth), I suggest you drop the Glock 17 and go for the Sig Sauer P-226, in 9mm! Hehe! And load up on Ammo and water!!!

As for rifles....well, I hear pop-guns aren't banned yet! :D

Exorcisms, vampires, werewolves, yeah they're bad. But for me...zombies represent inexorable and unstoppable doom! And the game for handling them completely changed, now that they can haul ASS! :eek:

10-28-2005, 12:55 PM
Funny I thought Pittsburg would be able to handle Zombies. Ya'll do sell BLUE MAUI SNOPPS up there don't you. :drink:

10-29-2005, 06:37 AM
Have y'all seen "28 Days Later"? The American version was completely different.

Jim wakes up and asks the doctors what happened. The doctor says, "Well, a couple weeks ago we had a problem with zombies. There must have been 20 - 30 of them. We shot them all. No problem since."

10-30-2005, 06:31 AM
Have y'all seen "28 Days Later"? The American version was completely different.

Jim wakes up and asks the doctors what happened. The doctor says, "Well, a couple weeks ago we had a problem with zombies. There must have been 20 - 30 of them. We shot them all. No problem since."
I'm sure 1 or 2 got away. And I'm pretty sure they're running to California :D

Hack Goby
10-30-2005, 08:01 AM
Here in the Motor City Zombies get union wages hell I even think I work with a few of them. :D

10-30-2005, 09:42 AM
A few.... quit being modest Hack. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here in the Motor City Zombies get union wages hell I even think I work with a few of them. :D

Mike Poore
10-31-2005, 04:07 PM
Here in the Motor City Zombies get union wages hell I even think I work with a few of them. :D
They weren't the ones responsible for the turds in Barb's new Aviator, were they? :rolleyes: