View Full Version : Daylight savings time

10-31-2005, 04:08 AM
Makes for an interesting time killer;


10-31-2005, 05:44 AM
I personally think the whole idea is a waste of effort. What we are doing is forcing everyone to wake, go to work, get home, and go to bed one hour earlier.

If you want to go to work an hour earlier, and get home an hour earlier to have "more daylight" then you should have to convince your employer on your own - no need to change the clock for all of us.

Electric lights burn just as much electricity during the morning as they do in the evening.

Now that I have the hour back that they stole from me last April (I HATE that 47 hour weekend.) I'd be happy if they never went back to DST again.

Of course, now that our congress has SOLVED ALL OF OUR OTHER PROBLEMS, they saw fit to increse DST by another month. Wow. They REALLY have their priorities straight. It's not like there are ANY OTHER pressing matters that need their attention.

Actually, It doesn't matter when the 47 hour weekend occurs. The fact that they take an hour away from my weekend is the problem - when they do it and when they give it back is irrelevent.

The only real concern is that children will have one more month of going to school in the dark. I hope no more kids get injured.

Sorry for the rant there - I need a good rant every now and then.

10-31-2005, 06:25 AM
Solution to energy reduction:

* LED lighting for interior (draws MUCH less power than fluorescents and incandescents)

* Hydrogen fuel cell generators

* Widespread biodiesel production (reduces reliance on foreign crude)

The LED lights will significantly reduce electricity costs. I switched to a gas fireplace and it cut my natural gas bill by 75% for winter heating. Forced air is ineffective and a waste of my money.

10-31-2005, 07:03 AM
I always knew it was Daylight Saving Time and NOT SavingS Time. Now I can go around and correct all the people I know who are saying it wrong.

After all, if Daylight Saving Time is important enough for Congress to prioritize and act on then it is important enought for me.



PS: Can I take my tongue out of my cheek now. :)

10-31-2005, 08:18 AM
Daylight Saving time? When did that crap start? Here in the great Tampa Bay area we are up when the lawnmowers start and off to bed just after the early bird special ends. The major concern today is that the MAIL BOX FLAGS don't all match! SOMEONE GET ON THAT NOW! Dennis:beer:

10-31-2005, 09:51 AM
Personally I'm just glad the clock in the Marauder is back to the right time.

10-31-2005, 06:17 PM
Personally I'm just glad the clock in the Marauder is back to the right time.

Truly very funny!

10-31-2005, 06:35 PM
Yeah, but I'll give Ford credit for the ease at which this clock can be set. I bought a winter beater awhile back, an old Protege, and I never figured out how that $%#@ thing worked!
"H" and "M", now THAT, I can handle :D

10-31-2005, 06:46 PM
Now with DLS time being extented into NOV...you can
keep cutting the grass for another month. Hi Hi
And more time to rake your leaves.....can you dig it?

Gotta Love It! :D

10-31-2005, 06:51 PM

I just saw a press release from AGWAY stating they grass has no concept of what time it really is and that the grass cutting amounts would remain the same. :P



10-31-2005, 09:11 PM

I just saw a press release from AGWAY stating they grass has no concept of what time it really is and that the grass cutting amounts would remain the same. :P



Dan, Just for the record when you see " Hi Hi " it means it's a joke.
Now I can say April 1st came early this year!!!
BTW there was a guy in Indiana who said if they "change the time"
the grass would stop growing! (quote was in local paper)

Gotta Love it! :pimp:

11-01-2005, 02:45 AM
Or you could do like Hawaii and not change the time at all.... :cool:

11-01-2005, 06:42 AM
Dan, Just for the record when you see " Hi Hi " it means it's a joke.
Now I can say April 1st came early this year!!!
BTW there was a guy in Indiana who said if they "change the time"
the grass would stop growing! (quote was in local paper)

Gotta Love it! :pimp:


Where are you from? I have never heard of "Hi Hi" meaning that. Maybe "Ha Ha." :)

Anyway, the :P icon also means that it was a joke (for the record.) :)

Oh, and April 1 never comes early unless Congress decides that it wants to get in the business of moving calendar dates aroundt, too. "Hi Hi"

