View Full Version : Performance parts for my baby?????

03-28-2003, 06:00 AM
Good morning guys. I just joined this amazing site about a week ago. I have to say "good job" to whoever made started it.

I'm just wondering if anybody out there can tell me where I can find performance parts for my MM on Long Island? I see all of you guys with your cars looking SWEET and goin' FAST and I need to get some of that stuff. Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks. :help:

03-28-2003, 07:24 AM
Call Dennis Reinhart a/k/a "The Man"
@ Reinhart Automotive
e-mail: dreinhart1@aol.com

He'll set you up with chip, 'stat, plugs, gears, torque converter, etc.

He has a forum on this site as well as his own website.
Check it out.

Thank Logan, he is 'da Webmaster and founder!

Fourth Horseman
03-28-2003, 02:26 PM
Welcome aboard, SeanM! :up:

03-29-2003, 10:35 AM
SeanM Welcome aboard. We had the first NY Chapter on March 15 at Hooters in East Maedow. There were 13 Marauders at the meet, see the pictures in the photo gallery. Hope to see you at the next meet time and date to be set. John :up:

03-29-2003, 11:23 AM
sean,,are you the guy that jimmy from hasset sent here?he asked me for the webpage.welcome aboard,,and anything we can do to help let us know.call dennis,,by the whole kit from him,,,gears,plugs,stat,chip..i ts how the car should have come from ford.......Jeff

03-29-2003, 06:13 PM
Welcome and enjoy!