View Full Version : Wasted Trip to Roswell NM

11-02-2005, 12:58 PM
Am presently in Roswell NM. I found a house on the net, so I had my friends check out the neighborhood. No problems there. Contacted the Realtor and I then drove out here with my MM. Left Central Florida at 9:20am day before yesterday (Monday) and arrived here yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Checked out the house in person this morning with the Realtor. Outside is nice, but problems inside, so I am going to pass on this house.

MM only got 21 (or 22) MPG at the most, at between 75 and 80 MPH. Was hoping I could get more as two weeks ago, we took a trip with the Continental (InTech V8) and was getting 26 to 28 mpg at the same speeds.

Saw hardly no Highway Patrol, however one Texas HP did pass me while I was doing 75.

Good thing about the MM is that when car see you coming on the Interstate, they all pull over and let you pass.
Bad thing about the MM is that on two lane roads, when they see you coming, they slow down and it's hard to pass.

One time in the Interstates, I was doing 75 and got boxed in between a car on my left who would not move, and an 18 wheeler in front of me. Did not feel comfortable, so what do you do in a situation like that? You Floor It. The MM took off like a shot and I got in front of the car and passed the truck. When I looked down at the speedo, I was well over 100mph. No need to go that fast anymore, so I then let her coast back down to 75.

Will look at a couple more houses today and tomorrow, but they don't read as good as the one I had wanted. Will leave for Florida early Saturday morning and should be home around dark on Sunday afternoon.

Wasted trip, except for the ride.

Mike Poore
11-02-2005, 02:21 PM
MM only got 21 (or 22) MPG at the most, at between 75 and 80 MPH. Was hoping I could get more as two weeks ago, we took a trip with the Continental (InTech V8) and was getting 26 to 28 mpg at the same speeds.
Bob, do you have the ProGuard skid plate installed? We're still trying to figure out how I'm getting nearly 30MPG highway. Although after talking to a few guys, we can't give the ProGuard all the credit.

RF Overlord
11-02-2005, 03:05 PM
We're still trying to figure out how I'm getting nearly 30MPG highway. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Mike's car is a freak of nature...no one will ever be able to explain it...and maybe we shouldn't try, it might anger the gods... :lol:

Bob, do you have any mods? How many people were in the car? How much luggage and/or other "junk"? How many miles on it? Cleaned the MAF lately? Partially clogged air filter? Tire pressures checked recently? I could go on...

Your Lincoln probably has a taller RAR than the Marauder, too. Honestly, 22 MPG isn't too far out of line...any single one of the things I mentioned might have only a small effect, but put 2 or 3 of them together...

11-02-2005, 03:53 PM
Am presently in Roswell NM. I found a house on the net, so I had my friends check out the neighborhood. No problems there. Contacted the Realtor and I then drove out here with my MM. Left Central Florida at 9:20am day before yesterday (Monday) and arrived here yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Checked out the house in person this morning with the Realtor. Outside is nice, but problems inside, so I am going to pass on this house.

MM only got 21 (or 22) MPG at the most, at between 75 and 80 MPH. Was hoping I could get more as two weeks ago, we took a trip with the Continental (InTech V8) and was getting 26 to 28 mpg at the same speeds.

Saw hardly no Highway Patrol, however one Texas HP did pass me while I was doing 75.

Good thing about the MM is that when car see you coming on the Interstate, they all pull over and let you pass.
Bad thing about the MM is that on two lane roads, when they see you coming, they slow down and it's hard to pass.

One time in the Interstates, I was doing 75 and got boxed in between a car on my left who would not move, and an 18 wheeler in front of me. Did not feel comfortable, so what do you do in a situation like that? You Floor It. The MM took off like a shot and I got in front of the car and passed the truck. When I looked down at the speedo, I was well over 100mph. No need to go that fast anymore, so I then let her coast back down to 75.

Will look at a couple more houses today and tomorrow, but they don't read as good as the one I had wanted. Will leave for Florida early Saturday morning and should be home around dark on Sunday afternoon.

Wasted trip, except for the ride.
What makes you pick Roswell?

11-02-2005, 06:02 PM
Best I ever did with the 4:10 gears and superchips tune on long highway trips from central CA to Mesa AZ and to LA was 22 mpg. Usually it's 21.

Also, even with the gears if I put the anemic stock tune back in my mileage immediately jump a couple MPG around town, from 16.6 to at least 18.

But having DR's tune is so much better it's worth it.


11-02-2005, 06:05 PM
What makes you pick Roswell?
Precisely what I was thinking Kevin.

I'm not up on the whole story.

11-05-2005, 07:19 PM
OK. Just got back home.

My 03 MM 300A is stock except for the Flowmaster Mufflers and the K&N Air Filter.

Notice that at higher elevations, my gas milage improves. Gassed up in Roswell, drove 70 miles West to Ruidoso, then back to Roswell, then left the next morning (yesterday) and did not get gas until Post Tx., all on Hwy380. Got 24.5mpg on that tank. That was the best I ever got. Had a couple tanks in the mid 23's coming back. I.E., got better milage returning than going out. (Could it be going down hill :rolleyes: or because the wind comes out of the west?)

Why Roswell? Because I no longer like Central Florida and I have an old Shipmate in Roswell (sells UFO stuff) whom I visit, and I just like it out there. Not many people, unlike here. Still looking for a house.

Left Roswell yesterday morning at 6:55am MST (8:55am EST) and arrived back in my driveway at 4:00pm EST. Slept five hours in a rest area in Mississippi. MM odometer says 1562 miles, but when I did the trip twice with my former 98 Continental, its odo read 1625 miles. Don't know which is correct.

Ever notice that the larger the SUV, the more they try to intimidate you?

Saw my first new Chevy Malibu SS today on I-75. Surprised at how small it looks. Also has those tiny small twin pipes coming out the rear. (Our MM's have nice large "He Man" pipes :bows: ).

While on US-84 between Post Tx and Sweetwater Tx, I hear on my CB that there is an unmarked cruiser Southbound. (that was me). Then a trucker said, "That not a cop, as an Old Guy is driving". I told him "Hey I resemble that statement" and he said, that I'm just older than him. What surprised me was that he knew what a MM was.

BTW, I don't make time on the open road by speeding (well, I do go five or nine above the limit), I make my time by not having to stop. When I do stop, I do everything. Fuel, food, drink, bathroom.

Lastly, when I gassed up for the last time today, in Ocala Fl, I pull into the station and park up next to another 03 MM 300A. Gentleman from Illinois, returning home. Forgot the name, but he reads this forum.

Gas Prices. Most everywhere had gas at about $2.35 a gallon, however the cheapest I got was $2.07 in East Texas, and the high was $2.45 right here in Florida.

Hope to clean the MM tomorrow as it is now dirty.

11-06-2005, 09:13 AM

I'm hip about not liking Florida. I didn't know if you had a specific reason (you do.. your shipmate) for Roswell or not. Where I was going with this (since finding a house was an issue) is that there is a LOT of desert Southwest out here. My daughter goes to school up in Portales, NM so I've been through Roswell a BUCKETLOAD of times. The area is somewhat "bland" to my eye being a high plateau with very little to break the skyline. I live in a similar climate yet I have huge mountains all over the place to add to the view.

Now Ruidoso and the Indian Reservaton near there.... GREAT looking place.

11-06-2005, 10:28 AM
What makes you pick Roswell?
Thats what I was going to ask???????

11-06-2005, 06:12 PM
Why Roswell? Because I no longer like Central Florida and I have an old Shipmate in Roswell (sells UFO stuff) whom I visit, and I just like it out there. Not many people, unlike here.

Spaceship mate?

11-06-2005, 06:20 PM
What about the Aliens?

11-06-2005, 06:24 PM
What about the Aliens?

It's New Mexico. You need to be more specific.

11-07-2005, 01:00 PM
My old shipmate sells all kinds of "Alien" stuff. By the way he talks, I think he really believes that stuff.

One last thing that I forgot to add. Once on my return, I let my tank run very low. The fuel warning light came on. When I stopped to fill up, it took 17 gallons, so I guess that the light comes on when there are still 2 gallons left in the tank.