View Full Version : Product/Company Directory?

11-03-2005, 06:19 PM
This list is from the Mustang Forum, which I joined to get some information on the new Mustang, I thought there were options for the Marauder, *****, you should see the choices that I have to make with the Mustang! One thing I immediately noticed was this post listing EVERY and ANY company that makes, sells, performs services for the Mustang. I think this would be nice to have here. It includes all the info on each company, and their contribution to the Mustang. Please note #8 on the list, seems Lidio is a Legend in the Mustang World like he is in ours!
Feedback Please.....

- MUSTANG AFTERMARKET MANUFACTURER'S (Alphabetical Listing 1-100):

11-03-2005, 06:21 PM
- MUSTANG AFTERMARKET MANUFACTURER'S (Alphabetical Listing 101-200):

11-03-2005, 07:19 PM
...Please note #8 on the list, seems Lidio is a Legend in the Mustang World like he is in ours!
Feedback Please.....

When I was looking for an engine builder, Lidio came highly recommended on corral.net. Mustangs are his bread & butter.

11-03-2005, 07:37 PM
Nice List!

Now if this site got a bit each time we clicked one of those links from here....

11-03-2005, 08:10 PM
Nice List!

Now if this site got a bit each time we clicked one of those links from here....

I dont understand why everything has to be about "getting something". This is an example of what we could do here and use as a resource. Look at that list folks, you name it, if you need it for your Mustang, its there. This site needs to get back to its roots of procuring good solid information for the membership to use at will and make their Marauder experience better. They allow this list even if the listed person isnt a paying vendor. Just a thought...

11-03-2005, 11:44 PM
I dont understand why everything has to be about "getting something". This is an example of what we could do here and use as a resource. Look at that list folks, you name it, if you need it for your Mustang, its there. This site needs to get back to its roots of procuring good solid information for the membership to use at will and make their Marauder experience better. They allow this list even if the listed person isnt a paying vendor. Just a thought...
Sounds noble.

Why not add these fine resources to the "Links" section. It would make finding them easier later.

11-04-2005, 04:33 AM
I dont understand why everything has to be about "getting something"
I don't either Dave.

I totally agree with you.

Flexibility with age.

Perhaps now I can put the Buckeye list of performance shops back in my thread of two years back and it won't get deleted for vendor violations?

Bradley G
11-04-2005, 06:10 AM
That is a tremendous idea!

Thanks Dave !!!
Sticky linky savy?

11-04-2005, 07:48 AM
Wow, what a list, of course Mustang has been around forever, but it would be great for us to have a sticky of all the venders available for the MM guys to do a quick research without doing an in-depth hunt.:D Course, you learn a lot more(pros and cons) by doing so.

I would still rather support the vendors that support us!


11-04-2005, 09:28 AM
I could have sworn any time anyone posted a link to some other business, heck even eBay, the link got deleted since they were not a vendor and did not financially support this website :nono:

11-04-2005, 09:39 AM
Posted at the top of each Forum


What are the rules for vendors? Are they allowed on the message boards?
MercuryMarauder.net defines a vendor as any company or individual that sells, markets, promotes, manufactures or distributes any products or services for the purpose of generating a profit, regardless of the product or service's cost or profit margins.

Vendors who choose not to contribute financially to the site are strictly prohibited from using the MercuryMarauder Message Boards to promote or conduct their business ventures in any capacity. Promotion includes, but is not limited to, including links to company web sites, posting email addresses or contact information (including phone and company address), posting blatant advertising or marketing messages or soliciting customers through messages of group purchases, pricing specials, etc. Conducting business activity may include posting order or product status updates or responding to inquiries about products that are not directly made to them. If you are vendor and someone asks about an order status, respond offline, not on the message boards.

Violations of these rules are also violations of the Terms of Service that everyone agrees to when registering to use the MercuryMarauder.net Message Boards. As always, violations may result in immediate account termination, depending on their severity and perceived intent. We are very strict in enforcing vendor rules.

The bottom line is likely this - if you are here to simply take advantage of the MercuryMarauder Community to further your financial goals and you do not wish to give something back to the operator of the site, you are likely not welcome here. If you are here as a Mercury Marauder enthusiast, you are more than welcome.


<!-- / message -->
Go ahead and post up. Like you said, you don't sell em, no one else here does, no problem with that.

Vendor rules are all about people using this site for personal profit directly or indirectly. The above was a response from Logan pertaining to Marauder Alley signs.

11-04-2005, 09:39 AM
I could have sworn any time anyone posted a link to some other business, heck even eBay, the link got deleted since they were not a vendor and did not financially support this website :nono:

Thats a decition that the boss man would ultimatly have to make.

11-04-2005, 10:43 AM
Look at that list folks, you name it, if you need it for your Mustang, its there. I don't have a Mustang, and this isn't a Mustang board, so, this just doesn't make any sense to me (shrug).

There isn't one company listed that can't be found by skimming the last ten pages of MM&FF, or, 5.0, so instead of posting all 100 links, let's save some bandwith and post one link to the collection maintained at the Mustang site?

I wonder how many of these vendors sell stuff for the Marauder, stuff that's not already available from one of our supporting vendors? If we don't patronize our supporting vendors, we won't have any, and posting links to their competition is, well...Nevermind.

But, this is why God gave us two feet...So we can still get around on one, while our self-inflicted gun shot wound in the other, heals.

Just my .02C...Carry on.

11-04-2005, 11:09 AM
Just in case no one noticed..... On the Forums page, the Supporting Vendors have their URLs listed next to their forums.

My :twocents: ? We have a Links page which could contain links relevant to our car and that don't compete with our supporting vendors, such as the "Marauder Alley" sign company or a place to get dash plaques that we've used. It doesn't need to be just products for purchase either. We used to have that before the last website upgrade. An extensive link page needs to be kept up and maintained because broken links are useless, as websites are updated and changed.

11-04-2005, 12:24 PM
I don't have a Mustang, and this isn't a Mustang board, so, this just doesn't make any sense to me (shrug).
There isn't one company listed that can't be found by skimming the last ten pages of MM&FF, or, 5.0, so instead of posting all 100 links, let's save some bandwith and post one link to the collection maintained at the Mustang site?

I wonder how many of these vendors sell stuff for the Marauder, stuff that's not already available from one of our supporting vendors? If we don't patronize our supporting vendors, we won't have any, and posting links to their competition is, well...Nevermind.

But, this is why God gave us two feet...So we can still get around on one, while our self-inflicted gun shot wound in the other, heals.

Just my .02C...Carry on.

Thanks for your opinion Mac. As I stated in the original post
"This list is from the Mustang Forum, which I joined to get some information on the new Mustang..... I think this would be nice to have here." That should about sum it up. I know you dont have a Mustang, and that this is not a Mustang Forum..thanks for that news flash. The reason I posted this was so folks could see what else is out there on different forums, and if that is something that may make our own community better. It is nice to have other resources available to us. I fully realize the importance of sponsoring Vendors, no need to preach there after working with sponsoring Vendors to cut costs to members attending MVIII. Ultimately I would say that this is Logan's call, but having some feedback may help him decide on what to do, or it may not. To address the TOS, the intent there im sure, as it is listed, is to prevent someone from coming in and selling a product for a profit and using the MM.net exclusively for that purpose. That shows intent on the part of the offending Vendor to post here and make money as a result.
This resource list is not vendor driven, it is made up of companies and services contributed by the MEMBERS of the forum as someone that they have dealt with and have either services or products for their car. It convieniently places them at our fingertips and saves valuable time looking for websites.
Thanks to that Mustang List, I have 5 companies that makes the style of spoiler I want, 3 companies that make hoods, 3 companies that make spring lowering kits, 4 companies that make pulley kits, etc etc. It saved me so much time to be alble to visit the provided site, and compare. I just thought that our membership would appreciate a data base like the mustang one. Again, my problem was I thought for the membership. I swear, some folks will argue just for the sake of arguing. Its an idea, you either think its great, like I do, or you dont.

11-04-2005, 01:53 PM
I'm not arguing with you, Dave, but you said this...
Look at that list folks, you name it, if you need it for your Mustang, its there. And you say it in a way that left me confused. There may be a few Mustang owners here along with you, Marty, Warpath, but I presume they have their resources identified, so, I was confused by your meaning. If I ever do become a Mustang owner, I'll probably join a website concentric to that automobile.

I understand what the TOS on non-supporting vendors is, and clearly too, but thanks for the reminder. Again, I'm not arguing, no need to modify my text to make your point.

Nonetheless, there's probably little for the Marauder owner to select from among these vendors, yet almost all of that is cover by one or more of our supporting vendors, and to the extent of being redundant. It's in our best interests to patronize them as often as possible, so they can support us when we need that support. Just recently, Wes Chain was able to put together a deal on a Marauder mod that saves us almost 70 bucks from the MSRP, however, if interested parties side-step that offer and but elsewhere, we may not get another offer from Wes. Simple math, no arguments from me. Moot point anyway, the links are posted, yes?

11-04-2005, 02:00 PM
Mac, I was just saying if you were a mustang guy, like i am, and came accross this resource list. I thought if you need it...its there someplace!

That is what i found intreguing about it. one stop resource and parts.

Perhaps I didnt explain it right. I agree, we should always use our vendors first, it may not be practical to do it here. I think initially when I posted, I was still in awe of the shear amount of info there and how much time it saved me. I dont know who all are suporting vendors on that site, I dont plan on being a posting machine there, rather a vulture, picking the best for my new ride.

11-04-2005, 02:47 PM
Damn, why you all up in MY business? Rather than y'all blathering about you think this, you interpret that, you should've noticed my silence on the thread.

Yes I knew about it and I didn't mind it and recognized the intent in which it was posted.

the intent there im sure, as it is listed, is to prevent someone from coming in and selling a product for a profit and using the MM.net exclusively for that purpose. That shows intent on the part of the offending Vendor to post here and make money as a result.
EXACTLY the intent.

Agent M79
11-04-2005, 03:46 PM
Um. Do you mean that we should have a list of those Mustang vendors here or do you mean we should have a list like the Mustang vendor list here but for vendors who sell Marauder stuff?

11-04-2005, 04:35 PM
Um. Do you mean that we should have a list of those Mustang vendors here or do you mean we should have a list like the Mustang vendor list here but for vendors who sell Marauder stuff?

If you read my first post, you will see that I thought we should have a list simular to the Mustang Parts list, only comprised of any and everyone that makes or has a service for our Marauders.

Again, the Mustang list was intended to serve as an example, not to be our list however.

11-04-2005, 05:00 PM
If you read my first post, you will see that I thought we should have a list simular to the Mustang Parts list, only comprised of any and everyone that makes or has a service for our Marauders.
Well are you gonna post a Mustang list with the idea of having a Marauder-list, or just leave it at that...a Mustang list on a Marauder website? You can do it :cool:

Agent M79
11-04-2005, 05:02 PM
Yeah, that's what I thought. I got a little tripped up by some other responses in the thread where I was getting the impression otherwise and just want to make sure.

While the inference seemed to be for a Marauder list like the Mustang list, I can see where a little ambiguity in the message may have allowed it to be construed otherwise. Not be me, of course, kuz I am sew intellergent and sofistikated. :coolman:

This list is from the Mustang Forum, which I joined to get some information on the new Mustang, I thought there were options for the Marauder, *****, you should see the choices that I have to make with the Mustang! One thing I immediately noticed was this post listing EVERY and ANY company that makes, sells, performs services for the Mustang. I think this would be nice to have here. It includes all the info on each company, and their contribution to the Mustang. Please note #8 on the list, seems Lidio is a Legend in the Mustang World like he is in ours!
Feedback Please.....

...(big list deleted)

...and yes, I am all for it.

11-04-2005, 06:59 PM
Me too!

Okay gang, let's go!
Mac, funny line! I always wondered why I had 2 feet!

My Podiatric surgeon- Dr. Sorefoot no appointment needed. 1-800-798-7456 ex.2131

11-04-2005, 07:41 PM
Obviously this idea is destined for the recycle bin. Its a real hit and a lot of help on the Mustang site, which it would appear is an immediate turn off to folks here. People here seem to be resistant to new things, most missed the point that the original list was an example of what we could acomplish here, not to push Mustang stuff on a Marauder site. Heaven forbid. There is more to life than Marauders! Enjoy living in a vacuum.

Bradley G
11-04-2005, 08:06 PM

How about some praise, for sharing!
Thanks Dave!
I am totally in favor, of any tool, to get fast info for car stuff!
Is the Marauder powered by a motor that was also used in a Mustang?
Doesn't it share the same rear end? New Mustang wheels? Come on Kiddies!
Forget the holes ! where's the cheese?:confused:

11-04-2005, 08:06 PM
I think it's a good idea, Dave. That's what Links is for. Add in all the supporting vendors too, so it's one stop shopping/info. Even create subcategories. Here are a few to start.

Autometer (http://www.autometer.com/)

Bob White Decals (http://www.bobwhitedecals.com/)

Zaino Polish Products (http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc)

Bradley G
11-04-2005, 08:08 PM
That's what I'm Talk'in About!:bunny2:
I think it's a good idea, Dave. That's what Links is for. Add in all the supporting vendors too, so it's one stop shopping/info. Even create subcategories. Here are a few to start.

Autometer (http://www.autometer.com/)

Bob White Decals (http://www.bobwhitedecals.com/)

Zaino Polish Products (http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc)

Agent M79
11-04-2005, 08:10 PM
Clearly, some misunderstood you and I saw that and you cleared it up. I think after the clarification that no one who reads the entire thread is going to be confused as to the intent of your suggestion.

I don't know you Dave and I won't get drawn into a position where I am taking your inventory or try to attempt to characterize you but you are clearly someone who others have respect for and sets a tone that others follow.

Take a deep breath, curse me out loud, wipe the swear off your lips and read the side which I heard well above any of the other static posted that all of the rest of us saw:

Nice List!
Sounds noble.
I totally agree with you.
That is a tremendous idea!
...but it would be great for us to have a sticky of all the venders available for the MM guys to do a quick research without doing an in-depth hunt...:D
...and yes, I am all for it.

11-04-2005, 08:20 PM
Here's another step: Add after the link, which supporting vendor(s) sells the item. For example, Reinhart Automotive sells the Bob White Decals, but his website doesn't show all the choices.

Autometer (http://www.autometer.com/) - available from Innovative Interceptors, Reinhart Automotive

Bob White Decals (http://www.bobwhitedecals.com/) - available from Reinhart Automotive

Zaino Polish Products (http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc)

11-04-2005, 09:05 PM
What works on some forums doesnt always work on others. I will take BigDogJim's advice and go post on the Mustang forum.