View Full Version : France to Let Rioters Govern Themselves

11-06-2005, 08:02 PM
After seven nights of riots by youth in predominantly-Muslim sections of Paris, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man) announced today that police would pull out of areas where dozens of cars burn each night to; “let the freedom-fighting insurgents govern themselves”

“Just like the United States should not force democracy upon Muslims in Iraq”; said Mr. de Villepin, “we should not impose our own provincial thinking about the so-called ‘rule of law’ on Muslim immigrants who have established a homeland in Paris We’re withdrawing our occupation forces immediately”

The Prime Minister, who, when he was Foreign Minister, vigorously opposed the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, today enthusiastically endorsed self-determination for “these peaceful religious people in our midst”

11-06-2005, 08:06 PM
Good luck.:lol:

11-06-2005, 08:32 PM
After seven nights of riots by youth in predominantly-Muslim sections of Paris, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man) announced today that police would pull out of areas where dozens of cars burn each night to; “let the freedom-fighting insurgents govern themselves”

“Just like the United States should not force democracy upon Muslims in Iraq”; said Mr. de Villepin, “we should not impose our own provincial thinking about the so-called ‘rule of law’ on Muslim immigrants who have established a homeland in Paris We’re withdrawing our occupation forces immediately”

The Prime Minister, who, when he was Foreign Minister, vigorously opposed the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, today enthusiastically endorsed self-determination for “these peaceful religious people in our midst”

I know many of your posts are humorous in nature.

I believe we are seeing a situation in France which will happen here in the future if enough Muslim Terrorists and others are allowed to enter our country.

Our borders must be sealed. The current regime and the two previous regimes have not enforced our immigration laws because their corporate patrons want more cheap labor so they can continue to turn American workers out in the street without jobs or health care.

Adding to this, our prisons are currently a training ground for the next wave of terror on America. Muslims are working double time to recruit blacks and other disaffected people into the terrrorist sphere of influence.

The safety of the American public is the price we will pay if the current situation continues unabated. Keep those guns clean and well oiled!

We need to initiate mass deportations of the dangerous and illegal people already here or simply 'green light' them and let the American people handle the problem on their own.

http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/FROG2.gif (http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/index.html)

I might also point out that the Froggies couldn't run a good cat fight let alone a country. They are good at surrendering and pawning off their problems off on us though. (see WWII and pre Vietnam war history)


11-06-2005, 08:43 PM
i think they burned 1300 cars or something in one night. gotta love that french gun control.

11-06-2005, 08:55 PM
Is this for real?

11-06-2005, 09:00 PM
For those without, I have a few extra clues.

11-06-2005, 09:32 PM
The major difference between us and France is that we are a nation of immigrants and our society turns everyone into americans. The French have a "master race" concept that results in immigrants being isolated and ignored in the worst sort of ghettos. The French have never recognized any immigrants as French, whereas we elect as governor a guy who can barely pronounce the name of the state he is in charge of. That would never happen in almost any other country. And that is the strength of this nation. Look at the Nobel prizes awarded. Some of the winners may be foreign born but most are working in the US. Yeah there are some issues with illegals and this should be dealt with soon. But most immigrants to the US were americans before they left home.

11-06-2005, 10:33 PM
The major difference between us and France is that we are a nation of immigrants and our society turns everyone into americans. The French have a "master race" concept that results in immigrants being isolated and ignored in the worst sort of ghettos. The French have never recognized any immigrants as French, whereas we elect as governor a guy who can barely pronounce the name of the state he is in charge of. That would never happen in almost any other country. And that is the strength of this nation. Look at the Nobel prizes awarded. Some of the winners may be foreign born but most are working in the US. Yeah there are some issues with illegals and this should be dealt with soon. But most immigrants to the US were americans before they left home.

The Froggies have been screwed up for decades; nothing new.

I agree that this country was built by assimilating immigrants and that assimilation used to be the true couse of things and was to our advantage when it was not just used to put hard working Americans out of work.

If this so-called assimilation were still true you would not have to wade through the 'para espanol a prima dos' cr*p when trying to reach a business on the phone!

Recent immigrants don't assimilate like they used to; they instead choose to form their our cultural countries within our country.

Live in today's world not the 1950's.

We have industrial spying at an all time high sending our know-how and technology to China and India and even supposedly Amerian businesses exporting it there as they even move R & D and design functions overseas.

How many Americans have Microsoft and Cisco Systems hired lately?

We have a current regime willing to rebuild Iraq and Pakistan that won't get the ball rolling in New Orleans.

Ten years later and Florida has not even recovered from Hurricane Andrew due to Federal neglect!

Every culture but our own (mostly Western European) is celebrated in public now while ours is suppressed in our schools and public places.

Is our government committing suicide on our behalf or just selling us out?


11-06-2005, 10:41 PM
We have a current regime willing to rebuild Iraq and Pakistan that won't get the ball rolling in New Orleans.

Screw New Orleans, if New Orleans was such a stagnant economy that those displaced to Houston don't want to return, just how much money should be committed to reconstruction efforts?

11-06-2005, 11:27 PM
i like new orleans, it is one of the few US cities that has ANY historical value to it. that being said, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that putting $ into anything below sea level is a ********* idea.

11-06-2005, 11:31 PM
Screw New Orleans, if New Orleans was such a stagnant economy that those displaced to Houston don't want to return, just how much money should be committed to reconstruction efforts?

Right now there is not much to return to. What makes you say that one of our largest ports of entry is a stagnant economy? Did I miss something?
Is Detroit any better?


11-06-2005, 11:34 PM
i like new orleans, it is one of the few US cities that has ANY historical value to it. that being said, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that putting $ into anything below sea level is a ********* idea.

What about the Netherlands? They seem to manage it just fine.


11-06-2005, 11:38 PM
What about the Netherlands? They seem to manage it just fine.


yeah that's true... i've been there. maybe all the weed adds extra buoyancy and keeps the country afloat one way or the other


11-06-2005, 11:42 PM
yeah that's true... i've been there. maybe all the weed adds extra buoyancy and keeps the country afloat one way or the other



I want some!



11-07-2005, 07:12 AM
Screw New Orleans, if New Orleans was such a stagnant economy that those displaced to Houston don't want to return, just how much money should be committed to reconstruction efforts?
Not only that, the local elected officials have been in charge there for 60 years. 60 years of "you need us" to get you out of poverty. Katrina showed us how successful they have been. At least they are successful at scaring people. But more money? Not unless someone else is controlling it.

But hey keep these posts comming, they are great!

11-07-2005, 07:33 AM
I know many of your posts are humorous in nature.

I believe we are seeing a situation in France which will happen here in the future if enough Muslim Terrorists and others are allowed to enter our country.

Our borders must be sealed. The current regime and the two previous regimes have not enforced our immigration laws because their corporate patrons want more cheap labor so they can continue to turn American workers out in the street without jobs or health care.

Adding to this, our prisons are currently a training ground for the next wave of terror on America. Muslims are working double time to recruit blacks and other disaffected people into the terrrorist sphere of influence.

The safety of the American public is the price we will pay if the current situation continues unabated. Keep those guns clean and well oiled!

We need to initiate mass deportations of the dangerous and illegal people already here or simply 'green light' them and let the American people handle the problem on their own.

http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/FROG2.gif (http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/index.html)

I might also point out that the Froggies couldn't run a good cat fight let alone a country. They are good at surrendering and pawning off their problems off on us though. (see WWII and pre Vietnam war history)


11-07-2005, 07:47 AM
putting $ into anything below sea level is a ********* idea.
If someone wants to live below sea level and contribute to this great country, join the submarine force. Amen, pass the bullets and the gravy.

11-07-2005, 10:47 AM
Is Detroit any better?


Nope, not a bit.

11-07-2005, 11:08 AM
For those without, I have a few extra clues.

Hey, be nice now. I tend to spend very little of my time reading the paper of listening to the news.

Besides, who of us would be surprised if the French really DID try it? I know that I wouldn't.



11-07-2005, 11:36 AM
What about the Netherlands? They seem to manage it just fine.


That isn't really a very good question, is it?

In my opinion one needs to put the Netherlands in the exact same situation as N'orleans and then ask the question.



11-07-2005, 11:53 AM
That isn't really a very good question, is it?

In my opinion one needs to put the Netherlands in the exact same situation as N'orleans and then ask the question.



A great portion of the Netherlands is below sea level.

H E L L O!

11-07-2005, 03:41 PM
A great portion of the Netherlands is below sea level.

H E L L O!

Yes, it is below sea level but it was not recently covered by water and flooding. It did not recently get hit by a hurricance. It is not currenty suffering from broken levees. It has not had to displace its citizenship and so on.

See what I mean by asking your question in an appropriate context? While both cities are below sea level neither is comparable to the other when it comes to the question, "Is it worth rebuilding?"



11-07-2005, 03:56 PM
Yes, it is below sea level but it was not recently covered by water and flooding. It did not recently get hit by a hurricance. It is not currenty suffering from broken levees. It has not had to displace its citizenship and so on.

See what I mean by asking your question in an appropriate context? While both cities are below sea level neither is comparable to the other when it comes to the question, "Is it worth rebuilding?"



Geesh, some people will argue on and on even when they don't know a thing!

The Netherlands system of dykes was damaged during WWII and subsequent storm activity inundated great portions of the lands below sea level. They were rebuilt and the lands reclaimed.

Get a clue!

I suppose you will attempt to find something else to argue about next?

Try a subject where there is at least some chance that you are suitably informed.


11-07-2005, 05:07 PM
Geesh, some people will argue on and on even when they don't know a thing!

The Netherlands system of dykes was damaged during WWII and subsequent storm activity inundated great portions of the lands below sea level. They were rebuilt and the lands reclaimed.

Get a clue!

I suppose you will attempt to find something else to argue about next?

Try a subject where there is at least some chance that you are suitably informed.

:D And Who Paid for the Rebuilding? Come on you know..... Yup you got it the same poeple who will rebuild New Orleans.

11-07-2005, 05:42 PM
OK, Hitchhiker,

I'll allow this one. I was, of course, referring to modern times. I feel no sorrow for not knowing that the Netherlands went underwater around WW2. Too bad it wasn't France. :D

I am sure that you are just looking to get even for your loss to me in the other thread but that's fine. :)



11-07-2005, 06:20 PM
I know many of your posts are humorous in nature.

I believe we are seeing a situation in France which will happen here in the future if enough Muslim Terrorists and others are allowed to enter our country.

Our borders must be sealed. The current regime and the two previous regimes have not enforced our immigration laws because their corporate patrons want more cheap labor so they can continue to turn American workers out in the street without jobs or health care.

Adding to this, our prisons are currently a training ground for the next wave of terror on America. Muslims are working double time to recruit blacks and other disaffected people into the terrrorist sphere of influence.

The safety of the American public is the price we will pay if the current situation continues unabated. Keep those guns clean and well oiled!

We need to initiate mass deportations of the dangerous and illegal people already here or simply 'green light' them and let the American people handle the problem on their own.

http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/FROG2.gif (http://www.geocities.com/froggie_haven/index.html)

I might also point out that the Froggies couldn't run a good cat fight let alone a country. They are good at surrendering and pawning off their problems off on us though. (see WWII and pre Vietnam war history)


wow. I agree with everything you wrote here Hitchhiker. I guess there's a first time for everything. :P

I was listening to the news a little while ago, they were talking about how the riots are spreading... I started laughing... I know that sounds bad, I guess it is. but, I really, really dislike those frogs. I hope the rioters hit the Louvre (or however the hell it is spelled) Maybe then the French president will call out the troops.

11-07-2005, 07:00 PM
wow. I agree with everything you wrote here Hitchhiker. I guess there's a first time for everything. :P

I was listening to the news a little while ago, they were talking about how the riots are spreading... I started laughing... I know that sounds bad, I guess it is. but, I really, really dislike those frogs. I hope the rioters hit the Louvre (or however the hell it is spelled) Maybe then the French president will call out the troops.

I can't get the pink panther theme out of my head!

http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~akhwaja/gifs/pink1.gif http://images.amazon.com/images/P/6305308748.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg

da dump da dump

da dump

da dump da dump da dump

da dump da dump - pah...


11-07-2005, 07:15 PM
I would post only....


if we didn't have this 10 character minimum. :(

11-07-2005, 09:14 PM
New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt for many reasons. I'm not going into it on the forums, but I feel it would be a waste of money. The suburb towns on higher ground are another question.

My state is breaking the back of the people who actually work to pay the bills, which is really sad because Louisiana has so much to offer. Oil and gas, timber, a major port..... it is all wasted. :(

11-07-2005, 09:43 PM
New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt for many reasons. I'm not going into it on the forums, but I feel it would be a waste of money. The suburb towns on higher ground are another question.

My state is breaking the back of the people who actually work to pay the bills, which is really sad because Louisiana has so much to offer. Oil and gas, timber, a major port..... it is all wasted. :(

Gee, can you feel the love.

I guess that love thy neighbor and all that are just manipulative sound bytes for election time...what they really mean is love thy neighbor if they look like me, are wealthy, vote like me, and live on my block and to hell with the rest.

11-07-2005, 10:59 PM
The biggest reason not to throw federal money at rebuilding after Katrina is a simple one. It's not the federal government's job. And there is a practical reason too. LA and MS are the #1 and #3 most corrupt states in the country. It is guranteed that only a small percentage of the money would ever go to the victims. In NOLA the old saying was, "Half the state is under water and the other half is under indictment."

11-07-2005, 11:53 PM
The biggest reason not to throw federal money at rebuilding after Katrina is a simple one. It's not the federal government's job. And there is a practical reason too. LA and MS are the #1 and #3 most corrupt states in the country. It is guranteed that only a small percentage of the money would ever go to the victims. In NOLA the old saying was, "Half the state is under water and the other half is under indictment."

Ah, the days of Howie Long and the LA machine. Indeed!

So what is the federal government's job?

Paving the way for corporations to screw American working people?

Making the world safe for hypocracy?

No, it is preserving our civilization and that costs money! Lots of money!

BTW, when it comes to corruption no state can compare to New Jersey
and no state can compare to the corruption at the Federal level.

We are presently seeing our possible future in the events unfolding in France.

Unless our priorities change, the continued erosion of the lives of American people will eventually produce
violence here which will make the events in France look like a picinic. Our dis-possessed, and soon to be
dis-possessed, are smart enough to head for the golf courses, the best restaurants, and rich gated communities
and attack those who have sold them out, abandoned them, and screwed them rather than burn down their own houses!

This kind of behavior is, of course, clearly wrong, but desperate people do desperate things.

For the last decade, the smart money has been quietly acquiring property in remote areas
like Montana which will allow them to avoid the inevitable when that day comes.

We have already seen just how quickly order and civilization can break down.

It is going to look like an old Frankenstein movie; torches and pitchforks on the march.

This kind of meltdown can be avoided only by making big changes in the
kinds of leaders we elect and the accoutability we demand of them.

Our participation is the best option we have in helping to determine our future.


11-08-2005, 06:03 AM
Only those who engage in insults while saying that they are not "engaging" are the true hypocrites. :)

(Just joking, Hitchhiker.)



11-08-2005, 06:41 AM
The department that handles the network servers (my company has over 500 US locations; you do the math) just announced that their function is being outsourced to India. With manufacturing being stagnant, where are our young folks going to work to make a decent salary?

As for New Orleans, I've been there about 4-5 times.

First time in the late 70's, while working for a container ship company, the manager in charge of the New Orleans operation, after hearing the route I drove to get to the meeting, said I was lucky that I wasn't stopped, my rental car car stolen, and possibly killed.

On another visit (to a convention), I was told by the local folks not to walk more than two blocks off Bourbon Street at night. Too dangerous.

On another trip, while taking an airport van to the hotel, we stopped at a light in downtown New Orleans, and saw a police car slam on the brakes and pull to a stop. Walking in front of us in the crosswalk was a black gentleman carrying a boombox.

One problem.

He was completely naked. Typical Sunday afternoon on New Orleans?

The only other place that I've visited and felt more nervous was Saudi Arabia back in the late 70's. Walked off the plane and bumped into a soldier with a machine gun. (Unfortunately, the same thing happened to me in Washington DC right after 9/11.)

11-08-2005, 12:13 PM
Ah, the days of Howie Long and the LA machine. Indeed!

It was Huey Long. Howie Long was a good football player and bad actor.

So what is the federal government's job?

The only valid duties of the federal government are courts, customs, and military. Everything else was usurped from the states using a creative reading of of the "commerce clause".

Paving the way for corporations to screw American working people?

Making the world safe for hypocracy?

No, it is preserving our civilization and that costs money! Lots of money!

What civilzation? There wasn't a lot of civilization in NOLA. There was incompetancy and the results of depandancy on the federal government. I'm not as cynical about the US as you are and I don't want them in charge of anything that ANYONE ELSE can handle. I think that the bulk of the people who want more federal government intervention have never seen the federal government at work. I worked for the US Army and I'm continually amazed that we can field 2 infantrymen sharing a rifle.

BTW, when it comes to corruption no state can compare to New Jersey
and no state can compare to the corruption at the Federal level.

Corruption stems from two main sources, money from "SOMEWHERE ELSE" and a culture of paternalism. Becoming more paternal or bringing in more federal money is not going to fix it. And BTW, New Jersey is #2 on the list, and the US government as a whole would come in at the low 40's. I research this stuff. I don't just assume that my opinions are truth.

We are presently seeing our possible future in the events unfolding in France.

Unless our priorities change, the continued erosion of the lives of American people will eventually produce
violence here which will make the events in France look like a picinic. Our dis-possessed, and soon to be
dis-possessed, are smart enough to head for the golf courses, the best restaurants, and rich gated communities
and attack those who have sold them out, abandoned them, and screwed them rather than burn down their own houses!

There's no evidence that our "dispossessed" are any smarter than the ghetto dwellers in France. There won't be any large number of attacks on the wealthy until things go a lot farther down the socialist road you advocate. I can see a time where someone with the same fuzzy, jealous, angry, evil perspective you come from, will be indoctrinating the the less aware elements of the country. After a generation of that there is a chance that some large percentage of the less able portions of society make an effort to take the whole country down. By that time though, there will be a lot more signs of collapse.

This kind of behavior is, of course, clearly wrong, but desperate people do desperate things.

That's crap! You don't think it's wrong. You get moist wishing for it.

For the last decade, the smart money has been quietly acquiring property in remote areas
like Montana which will allow them to avoid the inevitable when that day comes.

We have already seen just how quickly order and civilization can break down.

Civilization does not break down that fast in places that were civilized to begin with.

It is going to look like an old Frankenstein movie; torches and pitchforks on the march.

This kind of meltdown can be avoided only by making big changes in the
kinds of leaders we elect and the accoutability we demand of them.

Our participation is the best option we have in helping to determine our future.


Your style of leadership would destroy productivity and reduce this country to poverty more certainly than any hurricane. History has shown that the highest living standard for the most people is created when there is the least interference in markets.

11-08-2005, 12:31 PM
Howie or Huey; BFD.

The rest will remain to be seen.

The salient points have been made.

Unless things change here, what is happening in France will indeed happen here.

No amount of posturing will stop it.

I never said that I am hoping for it; I am dreading it!




11-08-2005, 12:48 PM
Shotguns and canned food.

11-08-2005, 12:51 PM
We are presently seeing our possible future in the events unfolding in France.

No, you are seeing what already happened here.

Today it's refered to as the civil rights movement. Only problem is they don't have a Force like Martin Luther King yet.


11-08-2005, 01:03 PM
After almost two weeks, France just declared a state of emergency.

What's next...Surrender?
