View Full Version : Deer + Rut = Yard damage

11-09-2005, 09:45 AM
Two bucks had a smackdown in my backyard recently. Although I didn't see happen, the aftermath is quite apparent. They must have went at it for some time, as there were several 'spots' of damage spread widely across my 260' X 260' lot.

At one one the fight must have entered one of my 3' fenced garden areas as the fence was flat facing in on one side, and flat facing out upon their exit at the other side. Lots of other fence damage as well.

It was about to rain as I took these pics, so I limited them to the yard marks.

So...coming froman ex-city boy...how long does this 'so-called' RUT last?






11-09-2005, 09:57 AM
Oh dear!!!

11-09-2005, 10:00 AM
Looks like it was one hell of a stag party.

11-09-2005, 10:01 AM
Some females ( sure you looked closely)are hard to let go...........it is mating season ya know.....:lol:

11-09-2005, 10:44 AM
Isn't Mother Nature wonderful. :sigh: Love is in the air. :lovies2:

11-09-2005, 01:37 PM
I'm not sure about the rut locally Barry...but when we were in Colorado back at the end of September, the rut for the Elk was supposed to last until mid-late November. Too bad you weren't there to see the fight...looks like it was quite a battle! But also, during the rut, the males urinate when my make their battle calls. It's usually really musky, stinks to high heaven, and attracts the females.

Don't fall asleep in your grass today. :D


11-09-2005, 02:13 PM
I hate deer.

They are like 200 lbs rodents! Stupid animals just run right out into the road all the time! I especially like it when they walk past a large glass window and see their reflection.

11-09-2005, 03:35 PM
Usually runs a couple of weeks.
That would have been cool to snap a few pics of them bolting up!!
No damage is usually sustained from the initiall grip..
Its on the submitting bucks flee that the dominant adds insult to injury.
Note the extra holes in the rear end when skinning one?

11-10-2005, 01:02 AM
So...coming froman ex-city boy...how long does this 'so-called' RUT last?

'Bout as long as it takes to get yer 30.06 out...and create a "rut" of your own.

Or is that "ruckus"? I dunno anymore.....

11-10-2005, 07:35 AM
But watch out. THat 30.06 can really buck.

11-10-2005, 01:17 PM
This morning while making coffee, I looked out the window and what do I see?

What appears to be the winning Buck from the battle earlier riding a Doe...ie. Gettin 'er done!

He's getting it done alright...smack in the middle of my mum garden.
WTF is wrong with these deer. I have an acre of yard for them to walk through, but they always choose my gardens.:shake:

Anyway. I was dressed. I needed only put on my steel toe boots and off I went. Out the door with my son's aluminum bat that is!

I actually was able to bum rush this Buck and get off an amazing swing to the noggin. He took two staps back, and ran like hell. The Doe just stood there in amazement. I ended up throwing the bat at her. She fell, looked at me again in amazement, and hobbled off.

The Buck stood on the edge of my property as I dealt with the Doe, apparently thinking this MAN-DEER was in charge now. I went after him again and damn if he didn't try to stand his ground. It wasn't until I bum rushed him yelling, screaming, and flailing this bat like a wild MAN-DEER did he snort and run off.

That's it.

I need a bigger bat.

11-10-2005, 01:23 PM
No joke...
Load up on coffee... ie drink lots of it and have a nice jucie steak for dinner. Then, go mark your property, or at least the area you want them to stay out of. If you have nosie neighbors, you may want to do this at night.

But you'll have to redo it after each rain, or every couple of weeks.

Joe Walsh
11-10-2005, 08:09 PM
Nice job Barry! Did you give him your Mark McGuire impersonation?
Be careful though as Bucks can be mean sons of a ******* when they are rutting.

BTW: A friend of mine from Pittsburgh is a bow hunter and had a 'target' plastic/foam deer in his backyard that kept getting knocked over every night.
He thought that it was neighborhood kids messing around, so he set up his video camera one night and guess what???
He taped a buck coming out of the woods and humping the 'target' buck until it's head fell off and it tipped over!!!
Meanwhile three Does are standing around watching the entire event!....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: