View Full Version : Middle Eastern message board

03-30-2003, 06:49 AM
I found this via another board. Very disturbing pics...I have no idea how to get the page to translate, but it appears some are for this nature of graphic humility towards our troops. The thread is 8 pages long and the page numbers can be found at the bottom left in reverse order. To scroll up or down the scroll bar is on the left. Took me a minute. Let the pages load. Here is one example of something I don't like, do we all agree?


Edit by Logan for Content

03-30-2003, 03:45 PM
All, I'm right there with you on the sentiment, but I'd like to keep the more graphic stuff off this board please and keep the war topics to a minimum.

This board is about Marauders. There are a ton of boards on the war and politics in general.

Ultimately, I'd like to think this board is more family oriented than most and would appreciate it being treated as such.


PS - I'm not trying to pick on ya specifically Jeff, because ultimately I agree with you, so please don't get upset I truncated this thread!!