View Full Version : Sarge...Where are you?

03-30-2003, 07:47 AM
Either I've missed your recent posts (due to LML pushing the wrong buttons or somethin) or you haven't been around....

Just wanted to let you know you're missed!

03-30-2003, 09:10 AM
I think that last post I saw from Sarge said he was working 12 and 12 and might not be on often until......I know he had to cancel one of his many dyno trips due to work and the added security conditions.

03-30-2003, 09:30 AM
Hi y'all, I'm here...Working the 12/12/7 in the HQ command post "until further notice." I can read up and catch up on y'all anytime, but only 1 workstation allows posting, and I have to sneak in when someone breaks. By the time I get home, I've had enough of television, computers, faxes and pizza for the day...I just want to go to sleep.

Thanks for the howdy TAF, catch up with you later.

Everyone say a prayer for the Pig, and everyone else on that job. We have several main sattelite feeds here, so, we're getting a lot of 411 on the war. I'd say Tommy Franks is telling us the truth, just not all of it, all at once.

03-30-2003, 11:51 AM
Everyone say a prayer for the Pig, and everyone else on that job

Every a.m., Sarge. Good to hear from you. Keep the post as we all know you will. (keep those protestors in line, as well, that I keep seeing on Michigan Ave.)

03-30-2003, 09:35 PM
I was just thinking that myself this weekend! Glad to see you haven't fallen off the face of the earth! Hate to have your girl all alone with no one to drive her... :D

And no, I haven't been deleting Sarge's posts TAF (although I'm sure some of the take up some pretty big hunks of this site!). I only do that to RF. ;)

03-30-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by LincMercLover
And no, I haven't been deleting Sarge's posts TAF (although I'm sure some of the take up some pretty big hunks of this site!). I only do that to RF. ;)

Man o man. give a guy a tin star and....... ;)

Dave Compson
03-31-2003, 12:29 AM
We are here on the twelves also, i need sleep.

Lets see.. catch up on posts here on the site, or sleep?

Well, i am here posting. ...guess i answered my question...

Take care sarge.


04-01-2003, 08:21 AM
Good to hear from you Sarge.
I have been out of pocket the last week as well and have been trying to get on here when I can. Its tough when I can not get my MM.net daily fix. ;)

04-02-2003, 01:20 PM
Boss walks in late Monday, looks me up and down one time, frowns and asks "how long you been here?" I answer "I'm getting the resident mail, Paluch's taking the occupant stuff." Boss doesn't smile, but he says "Going to be a long week, take 24, come back fresh Thursday." I ran to the door before he could change his mind.

Felt real odd on the drive home, like I just got fired or something. For the next 24 hours, I won't know what's going on, I'll be shut off, disconnected, out of the loop, and at that moment, I didn't like that feeling. After a while of being on top of stuff, you get addicted to it, a junkie, or, slave, to knowing what's happening right now, and deciding what am I going to do about it as it changes. This constant state of alarm isn't good, got to get some rest. But, before I will rest, I have to kick the junk.

Woke up Tuesday beat, like hungover beat, but with an answer too. Read Logan's announcement and chuckled, knowing who here would bite on that. Showered, grab my keys, some OJ and cookies, and hit the road.

Pointed the Girl south, no radio, no music, just me and her, and time to get re-accquainted. Now she's making real music, the sounds of good old American concrete highway getting an upclose and personal examination from one classic American muscle car. Left the house at 10:45 AM, and at 1:40 PM, I walk into Kenny Brown's showroom.

Met David Frey, Kenny's Marauder boss. I caught him off guard, and he took it well. Got a brief tour of the KB shop, as well as a peek at a number of MMs under construction. Asked and answered a number of questions, and David seemed to appreciate my bolt-on approach. Talked a bout a cold air kit for the N/A MMs, brakes, tires, suspension mods, and so on. Got the real skinny (G-2) from very nice people. Kenny's got an A-Team on the MM job, for sure.

Developed one problem on the road, low output from the altenator, with a warning light. David hooked me up with Tim Hembree and his crew from Crossroads LM, the local dealer supplying MMs to Kenny. Had enough juice left to get over there, and they got the call that I was comming.

Top drawer treatment for the sudden visitor from Chicago, and they called me SergntMac like they knew me. Seems they do, and a few others here as well. Tim and David both keep up on our exchanges, and I think we have earned some respect with them. While the Girl was getting checked out, Tim was very hospitable, despite feeling ill with a serious headache. Seems he has "stolen" my MM logo and he uses it as wallpaper on his office PC. "Thief!" I joked, and we chuckled. The Girl back in driving trim (loose wire on the alternator), I head home. BTW, Crossroads has two blues in stock, and two silvers due in today, just so ya know.

If any of you ever visit Indianapolis, visit Kenny Brown's and Crossroads LM. Both are class acts, real people who really love the MM as much as we do. On the road home, I drempt of an '04 KB-S in silver, but I know now, that I couldn't let go of my Girl. After the much needed comfort she's given me, she's a keeper.

Back to the grind in the AM, I know they are saving the resident mail for me, probably all the left over pizza too. See y'all in ten days, will peek in when I can, y'all be safe.

PS...Almost forgot the important stuff. 384 miles @ 21 MPG. With all my mods, and this overweight right foot I got to live with. Go figure...

04-02-2003, 01:24 PM
Now THAT"S what we've all been miss'in....Sarge you never cease to surprise. Great post!:up:

04-02-2003, 01:26 PM
Sarge...with all the xtra green you are making when you super charging?? Would bring you out of the loop in style...stay safe...

04-06-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by SergntMac
... but only 1 workstation allows posting, and I have to sneak in when someone breaks.

Sounds like the Command Post has their priorities screwed up Sarge!! :P :P :P :D

Keep your head down :uzi: and catch ya when we declare VICTORY :banana2: which will be REAL SOON!! :D :cool:

04-07-2003, 08:17 PM
Hey all! Just got an e-mail from Sarge tonight. He wanted me to tell you all hey and that he's thinkin' of us all while he's "manning the post."

Give 'em hell Sarge! :D

04-07-2003, 08:32 PM
i wonder if the Sarg has a satellite feed to the hospital where the wife will produce 'pokechild......

04-07-2003, 08:35 PM
The pokechild? LMAO! :lol:

04-10-2003, 06:29 AM
Training my replacement as you read this, my 21X12 are wrapping up, and I'll get back to my normal routine until this guy does his 21X12. Then, in the boss's words..."we'll see."

I want to thank all of you who kept me in touch with the e-mails, it's nice to be thought of when away. I'm as much a junkie to this board as any of you, and I miss my friends here. Special thanks to LML, MartyO, Keith and "you know who."

I was able to read, and I read some exciting stuff, maybe it was good I couldn't reply with my two cents. But, I've been saving up, I owe y'all a few bucks...

See y'all later.

04-10-2003, 06:34 AM
Guys we could be in trouble here.....Logan hope you got enough donations to cover some serious bandwidth!

04-10-2003, 06:45 AM
I would gladly double my donations to be able to keep up with Sargeant Mac's posts. This board is definitely a better place with him here among us. :up:

04-10-2003, 07:00 AM

01-30-2006, 11:31 AM
Before S/C wars, oil threads, political threads, slamming, flamimg, the Dark Side?? The days of new discoveries about the black stallions we all rode!!


01-30-2006, 11:39 AM
Before S/C wars, oil threads, political threads, slamming, flamimg, the Dark Side?? The days of new discoveries about the black stallions we all rode!!

.....and walking to school bare foot in the snow, uphill both ways?????

01-30-2006, 11:50 AM
Before S/C wars, oil threads, political threads, slamming, flamimg, the Dark Side?? The days of new discoveries about the black stallions we all rode!!


Who ever though 3 years ago would be the "good old days" :rolleyes:

01-30-2006, 03:32 PM
.....and walking to school bare foot in the snow, uphill both ways?????

Oh well. Read the thread....

01-30-2006, 03:33 PM
Before S/C wars, oil threads, political threads, slamming, flamimg, the Dark Side?? The days of new discoveries about the black stallions we all rode!!


True Dan

Thanks for that.

01-30-2006, 04:44 PM
....wow.... :geezer:

01-30-2006, 08:57 PM
I had only been on the site for 60 days or so.

Niether Tad nor Mac would talk to me them. Then they did...and all was good. ;)