View Full Version : Mr. Cash

Donny Carlson
11-16-2005, 10:22 PM
We've heard about the Arab sheik(s) who have bought Marauders, had blowers and other performance mods put in, then have them shipped back home. I want to share with you some similar stuff from the SSR forum.

There are two owners on there that are from Bahrain. One is a student living in Martyo country, the other actually lives in Bahrain. The student and his roomates all own several high ticket cars, they throw the keys onto a table and whoever wants to drive whatever just grabs the keys and goes. Somebody drove his new SSR into high water and hydrolocked the motor, GM says "no way Jose" to the warranty claim... so, he's putting a built engine in it along with lambo doors and a sound system that costs about as much as the car originally did. He has a Prowler back home in his fleet with "Mr. Cash" as the vanity plate.

It gets better.

Lingenfelter has a built 427 kit for the 05/06 SSR which, including trans upgrade, brakes, and cooling, will set you back about $30K. The first customer for the kit is the other Bahrainian on the forum. He posted up that somebody had keyed his car while he was having dinner with some friends, he got it repaired, and somebody keyed it again. We all thought it was the Lingenfelter, so appropriate sympathy was shown... but it turns out the Lingenfelter SSR is still on the boat on its way to Bahrain. What got keyed was his '05 Phantom. Rolls-Royce Phantom. $328,000 MSRP Phantom.

He even posted pics of the keyed doors.

And if that didn't make your head explode, he posted in the "hey aint it great how low the price of premium fuel is" thread the current price for a gallon of 93 octane in Bahrain. 47 cents.

I say it again. I'm living the wrong life.

Tomorrow I'm ordering my new vanity plate "Mr No Cash"

11-16-2005, 10:56 PM


11-17-2005, 04:16 PM
I feel a lot better now. I thought those guys might be involved with conspicuous excess. Whew. Dennis:beer: outofcash

Joe Walsh
11-17-2005, 06:08 PM
Glad to hear that THEY are living so well on the $3.00/Gal U.S. Gas prices....

11-17-2005, 07:10 PM
Can I throw up now ?


11-17-2005, 07:20 PM
Glad to hear that THEY are living so well on the $3.00/Gal U.S. Gas prices....

We keep buying it at those prices. Why would they not want to sell it to us at those prices? Basic capitalism...

Joe Walsh
11-17-2005, 07:25 PM
We keep buying it at those prices. Why would they not want to sell it to us at those prices? Basic capitalism...

True, Everyone has to drive their OWN 4X4 dualie crew cab V10 Truck to the OFFICE!

11-17-2005, 08:13 PM
We keep buying it at those prices. Why would they not want to sell it to us at those prices? Basic capitalism...

we keep buying it because some of us actually have to go to work to earn a living and live check to check.., if u dont go to work even for a few days it is a major financial burden. basically we have to buy gas no matter what the price in order to work/pay bills etc.

i know gas prices are irrelevant to some people on this board because they make mega cash.... well that is not reality as far as i'm concerned. gas prices are a big deal to 98% of consumers.

and if you work for a :censor: scrooge like i do, i get barley over 10% of what they charge for MY LABOR per hour, no raises ever, and work 6 days a week, get a whoppin ONE week vacation, the crappiest insurance available, not to mention i have $30k invested in tools etc.

sorry for the rant, not directed at any one person, just have to let it out once in a while :beer:

11-17-2005, 08:53 PM
They may have cash - but I can guarantee they're not happy ;)

11-17-2005, 08:58 PM
They may have cash - but I can guarantee they're not happy ;)

if you have to be miserable might as well be living in a nice neighborhood

11-17-2005, 09:15 PM
Bahrain is the hottest place i've ever been. And having been there a few times, I'm glad I live here. Oil and money, what can you say or do? I think Michael Moore is an obnoxious a-hole but Farrenheit 9/11 brought out some good points about oil and money.

11-17-2005, 09:35 PM
we keep buying it because some of us actually have to go to work to earn a living and live check to check.., if u dont go to work even for a few days it is a major financial burden. basically we have to buy gas no matter what the price in order to work/pay bills etc.

Fair enough... we have to buy gas. That's pretty much universal nowadays (although there are alternatives... public transit, bikes, walking, etc.).

Now, we have to buy gas... the next question is: do we have to buy so much? Do we need 300 hp in a 4500 lb sedan?

I'll venture an answer: NO. We want it, but we don't need it. None of us were coerced into buying our high performance cars (at least I wasn't). We exercised that freedom of choice, but as with all things in life, it doesn't come free. We either have to live with it, or make an alternate choice. I admit being blessed enough to be able to choose to take my 18 mpg (up from 10 mpg, woohoo!) 1978 Trans Am to work every nice day between August 1st and sometime in mid October, and although it wasn't pleasant paying that much money for fuel, it was nonetheless my choice and no one else's.

Now, what are we going to do about it? Well, if we're going to resort to animosity because we're jealous of their standard of living, we'll essentially be stooping to what is claimed to be the motivation behind terrorist attacks on the US: which is that they are supposedly jealous of our freedoms.

Someone out there is always going to be better off than I am. I'm not going to get bitter over it, because then I'll forget about what I do have and then I might just lose all of it.

11-17-2005, 09:40 PM
Michael Moore is an obnoxious a-hole.

i agree that is why i wont even watch his films........i rarely watch tv/movies and if it was a choice between a rerun of a george forman grill infomercial or anything Michael Moore, i'm gonna learn how to cook.

11-17-2005, 10:07 PM
Fair enough... we have to buy gas. That's pretty much universal nowadays (although there are alternatives... public transit, bikes, walking, etc.).

Now, we have to buy gas... the next question is: do we have to buy so much? Do we need 300 hp in a 4500 lb sedan?

I'll venture an answer: NO.
Someone out there is always going to be better off than I am. I'm not going to get bitter over it, because then I'll forget about what I do have and then I might just lose all of it.

Yes we all have to buy gas. Yes there are alternatives depending on where you live. Public transportation sucks here. I wish we had the same transit system I used while in Europe 15+ years ago. I dont think we will have anywhere near that kind of system in my metro area for 50+ years if they even consider building it.

I am not going to walk 50 miles one way to work. Obviously I dont need a MM to make the commute and financially i probably shouldnt even have one at all.

Ok so maybe i am bitter as you say.... someone will always have more than me.. i'm fine with that.

I have a bachelors degree and many computer networking certs but got laid off by the mighty NORTEL NETWORKS when they laid off 60,000... so yeah im kinda pissed when i had to find a new career, and invest time and money in retraining and tools and work twice as hard for half the money. :bs:


if u want bitter PM me... lol

11-17-2005, 10:12 PM
How do they get so much money, they're only students? Do they actually make money per hour with their schooling system? :baaa:

11-17-2005, 10:22 PM
Public transportation sucks here.

Okay, so basically our society has painted us into a corner by building a lifestyle that is desperately relying on cheap available gas. Very risky.

Please keep in mind I'm not targetting you directly in these posts. As with most of my posts, I only seek to provoke a sharing of points-of-view.

I have a bachelors degree and many computer networking certs but got laid off by the mighty NORTEL NETWORKS when they laid off 60,000... so yeah im kinda pissed when i had to find a new career, and invest time and money in retraining and tools and work twice as hard for half the money. :bs:

Both my wife and I are in the same boat, over at one of those OTHER big telecom firms (if you worked in the Dallas area, you'd just have to look across Arapaho to see who I'm talking about). We've been lucky so far, but for how long? Our company made similar job cuts, but it looks like Nortel isn't even close to being done. On my side, by next June some 350-450 of my colleagues will no longer be with us... never a pleasant situation.

11-17-2005, 10:32 PM
How do they get so much money, they're only students? Do they actually make money per hour with their schooling system? :baaa:

Probably no different than here when it comes to rich parents. Tell me all those kids with Vipers and BMW ragtops in Redmond Washington got those cars using spare money from their summer jobs, right? Microsoft money, babeee. An acquaintance at the AT&T Wireless offices in Redmond confided that he was having trouble getting his own kids to understand why the other kids at school had cool exotics and they couldn't. No doubt some resentment there, probably towards the parents at this point, for not being able to provide the same thing.

I had a buddy in High School and college who's mom bought him everything. When he got lazy at school (most of the time), she'd buy him a tutor (on one occasion, me). When he was flunking left right and center in College, she bought him a 1982 Camaro Iroc-Z (with the 305 Cross Fire engine, though - maybe this was a twisted form of punishment after all?). I gave him a chance to make something of himself by getting him a low level position at the company I work for. Sure he worked hard the first year, and then he began milking things to the point of ridicule. However, he still manages to elude the ax through creative job shifting. His mom passed away many years ago, but his wife's parents are l-o-a-d-e-d... he still has his silly-$$ home entertainment system, high priced exotic import, big house. Am I jealous? Heck no, his reputation at work would be unbearable to live with, but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing working my a$$ off for the same results... but who can read the future, after all.

11-18-2005, 07:00 AM
The part of TX I live in there aren't many alternatives to driving. No public transit, at 90 degrees and 90% humidity at 7:00am they would have to put in showers where I work cause you would be soaked by the time you walked there. Co-workers probably wouldn't appreciate it. Unfortunately I have no choice but to grease up and back up to the pumps. I guess I could go on welfare. NOT!
For some reason I don't feel very sorry for Mr. Cash.http://www.shelbycarz.com/images/machinegun[1].gif

11-18-2005, 08:05 AM
For some reason I don't feel very sorry for Mr. Cash.http://www.shelbycarz.com/images/machinegun[1].gif

With a vanity plate like Mr.Cash, I'm assuming he flaunts his wealth. Regardless of whether it's true or not, I think it's in bad taste overall. We obviously don't know the whole story (only his side, we should try to get an exclusive interview with the person who keyed his car to get the other side :cool4: ) but my first guess would be he behaved like a prick and was duly rewarded for it. It's all good... I'm sure the local body shops appreciate the chance to offer him a 'special' deal on the repaint. Act like a prick, you'll eventually be treated like one.

Another story from the early 90s: I had my GTA for not too long and hooked up with the above mentioned buddy and his buddy for a cruise up to a touristy spot for some photos. He had a popular import big-$$ 'exotic' at the time that he had pimped up to silly levels (big stereo, big wing, skirt kit, etc.). The car itself was worth way more than my GTA was to begin with, without all his add-ons.

All through the photo session, I'd snap 1 shot of his car, and then turn around to snap 3-4 shots in a row of people coming off the arriving tourist buses and checking out my car. That was not expected at all. Here's something I noted that day... he was parked across 3 or 4 lanes (diagonal parking slots). Myself, in fine geeky "do onto others..." fashion, was parked as nicely as possible:


My thoughts... no one likes someone who thinks he is the ****z. Except for others who also think they are the ****z. Which is not much fun when things get rough because then these folks will be mostly looking after their own butts and will leave you high/dry.

Call it karma. Call it Someone up there keeping score. But I believe every little action in your day-to-day world seems to have a slight impact on how every little thing will turn out on a day-to-day basis.

11-18-2005, 09:11 AM

Wheres the perm, communicator watch, tight pants, and black jacket?

11-18-2005, 09:21 AM
Wheres the perm, communicator watch, tight pants, and black jacket?

Don't forget, this was circa-1994, the Baywatch years. I had Pamela Anderson in the back seat. :baaa:

Hey, I find your avatar extremely disturbing. Everytime I see it, I can't get Christopher Walken's voice out of my head, nor the sound of rhythmic cowbells and guitars dripping with reverb... and then I see Jimmy Fallon showing his uncanny ability to break up laughing at some point during EVERY sketch. :D

11-18-2005, 09:44 AM
Hey, I find your avatar extremely disturbing. Everytime I see it, I can't get Christopher Walken's voice out of my head, nor the sound of rhythmic cowbells and guitars dripping with reverb... and then I see Jimmy Fallon showing his uncanny ability to break up laughing at some point during EVERY sketch. :D

I like to make love while watching that skit on repeat. Make love to what...I won't say