View Full Version : Another Speed trap Thread

03-31-2003, 06:21 PM
The following article on speed traps appeared in the New York Times:


I thought it was an interesting read. I don't know whether it is because I love lawyers, I hate speed traps, or the article is written about my back yard. In any event I thought you folks might appreciate the read.


03-31-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by martyo
I don't know whether it is because I love lawyers,

I'm in New Orleans, staying in a suite on the corner of Bourbon & Canal.......I think I'll go have a drink(s) after THAT one, Marty....

Then take Wolfes advice and.....go lay down...hopefully NOT in the middle of the street :lol:

03-31-2003, 09:12 PM
He calls himself a "speed weenie."

I think I'm looking too far into this but, umm... BAH, NM!

04-01-2003, 05:10 AM
Don't get me started on speed traps but after getting 3 speeding tickets in 9 months I have finally learned the wisdom of two little words, which I shall pass on to you:

Cruise Control.

04-01-2003, 07:23 PM
Try New Rome Ohio some time LOL!!!!

04-11-2003, 04:00 PM
New Rome!!!! No one can even come close to our 'New Rome,Ohio'. This city by far is the most open, and obvious wrong doing in the USA.

pop.: 60 (down 46% over 10 years)
homes: 10, 3 apts (18units)
prop taxes collected in 2001: $15,000
size: approx. 3 blocks
Elected officials: All self elected, family related, to include all of city counsel, mayor, council woman, judge, treasurer, and tow truck owner.
City Hall: Double-wide trailer (with a holding area in lobby)
Jail cell: 400lb. bench with handcuffs
Cop to Resident ratio: 1 cop to 4 residents
Tickets issued in 2001: 3390
Area covered in ticketing: 1000 ft.
Revenue: $377,651 (est. only-pocket dipping is in question)
Methods of payment: Formerly cash only, state auditor concerns changed collection system.
Total amount of 'missing' revenue: $120,000

Of the 3390 tickets issued, only 352 were for speeding. A spattering of New Rome offenses include:
No front plate-$55
driving with headsets-$90
crack in windshield-$55
chipped tailite-$55
no rearview mirror-$55
tinted windows-$105
dirt on rear license plate-$55
no seatbelt-$60
loud exhaust-$55
driving TOO SLOW-$90
backing up improper-$90
inproper lane change-$90

court costs

$13 credit card fee

There is actually an "I hate New Rome" website out there!

I drove thru this 'scruffy, empty-lotted, raggedy town' once......I did'nt see a thing. Must have been a family reunion going on at the double-wide!

04-11-2003, 04:28 PM
And yall think we got red-necks in the south?

That's ridiculous...go wastin a good double-wide that way...

04-11-2003, 05:43 PM
Where in Ohio is this wonderful town? In a couple of weeks I will driving through the entire state of Ohio on US 35.

04-11-2003, 05:48 PM
Old US40 (Broad St.) 7 miles east of Columbus.

This IS NOT on your itinerary...unless you REALLY get lost!

Bring a pack-lunch:lol:

04-11-2003, 09:16 PM
I saw a TV secial on New Rome, it indicated an "outsider" had somehow got himself elected as Mayor. Tried to disolve New Rome and almagamate it with an adjoining Village or something.

04-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by bchapman
Don't get me started on speed traps but after getting 3 speeding tickets in 9 months I have finally learned the wisdom of two little words, which I shall pass on to you:

Cruise Control.

I hear that! No more community service for me:D Although I havent gotten any tickets in the MM YET (Knock on wood) my first speeding ticket caused me 30HRS of community srevice:po: 88MPH in a 55MPH zone driving my DeLorean (too bad the flux capacitor wire was dangling:D ) with only a DJ licence. oh the state trooper and judge were SSOO NICE (sarcastic and :po: ). oh well like you said thank god for Cruise Control on these new cars:coolman: ! i have soo many points on my license and im a criminal justice major....Go figure!

04-11-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by RCSignals
I saw a TV secial on New Rome, it indicated an "outsider" had somehow got himself elected as Mayor. Tried to disolve New Rome and almagamate it with an adjoining Village or something.

True, a fellow "in a white corvette" got fed up with tickets and secretly got enough electoral votes, 6, to run for mayor. The 'clan' was caught unaware, as none of them signed as write ins....he won by a landslide: 8 to 0. He promptly hired a few of his own people, much to the dismay of the clan, whom he refered to as "a little mafia" and set to pass a ballot to disolve the city. He needed three sigs., he got seven. "Facing New Rome's political extinction, the voters could not pull the plug. In what amounted to a huge turnout, 32 voters, the proposition failed 21 to 11. Almost immediately there were accusations that non-residents voted, but for now, it would be bussiness as ussual for Ohio's most notorious speed trap."

Quotes from writer Steve Spence.