View Full Version : Am I Too Anal?!!

11-22-2005, 04:51 PM
I was changing the oil on the MM this morning, and as I was pouring the good stuff down the funnel, it occured to me that I may be the most anal person on the planet. The funnel that I use has a filter in the neck, hence the oil is pre-filtered before it even hits the block. Both ends of the funnel have caps to keep the dirt out as well.

My motor is cleaner than my kids, the exterior is shinier than the North Star, and the interior is off limits to anyones shoes other than mine! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????!!!!!!!!

I have tried therapy, but I end up using the cotton out of the prescription bottle to polish something on the car. I'm sure Freud would love me though! :puke:

11-22-2005, 05:06 PM
I was changing the oil on the MM this morning, and as I was pouring the good stuff down the funnel, it occured to me that I may be the most anal person on the planet. The funnel that I use has a filter in the neck, hence the oil is pre-filtered before it even hits the block. Both ends of the funnel have caps to keep the dirt out as well.

My motor is cleaner than my kids, the exterior is shinier than the North Star, and the interior is off limits to anyones shoes other than mine! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????!!!!!!!!

I have tried therapy, but I end up using the cotton out of the prescription bottle to polish something on the car. I'm sure Freud would love me though! :puke:

You must smoke a pipe:) Dennis

11-22-2005, 05:15 PM
you are not alone,... I've been known to pull my wheels so I can polish the insides,.. and shine up the front inner fender wells.

not too mention,.. once in a while I pull my grill,headlights,side markers, air box w/tube, and whatever else I can easily yank,.. just so I can get it 'er extra clean.

I hope you are using Zaino. Resistance is Futile. :borg:

11-22-2005, 05:15 PM

Mike Poore
11-22-2005, 05:32 PM
The funnel that I use has a filter in the neck, hence the oil is pre-filtered before it even hits the block. Both ends of the funnel have caps to keep the dirt out as well.

My motor is cleaner than my kids, :puke:

Sounds about right to me. :dunno:

11-22-2005, 05:59 PM
I got no problem either.... I too pull the wheels at least 2x's a year to clean & wax the insides & do the wheel wells. I also clean my Metco's. As soon as it gets warmer I'm going to pull the grill and finisih the paint job that was missed at the factory.

11-22-2005, 06:15 PM
I got no problem either.... I too pull the wheels at least 2x's a year to clean & wax the insides & do the wheel wells. I also clean my Metco's. As soon as it gets warmer I'm going to pull the grill and finisih the paint job that was missed at the factory.

You wax the insides of the wheels too? If so, what did you use to clean it originally? Now that the wheels are off for the winter, I want to do a complete clean and wax on them this weekend. Plan on getting them inside to warm up and get the polish warm. Mine as well get them inside and out. Never thought of waxing the inside of them...

11-22-2005, 07:52 PM
Sounds about right to me. :dunno:
X2. You can never be too anal about any car. Take care of it well.

11-23-2005, 12:42 AM
I see someone else is like me. I wife even got asked by my neighbor on why I do that.
you are not alone,... I've been known to pull my wheels so I can polish the insides,.. and shine up the front inner fender wells.

not too mention,.. once in a while I pull my grill,headlights,side markers, air box w/tube, and whatever else I can easily yank,.. just so I can get it 'er extra clean.

I hope you are using Zaino. Resistance is Futile. :borg:

11-23-2005, 07:16 AM
Yeah, you're a wee bit anal retentive. But, the inside waxing is not a bad idea if you have the time to do it. Can't hurt it.

11-23-2005, 08:11 AM
You wax the insides of the wheels too? If so, what did you use to clean it originally? Now that the wheels are off for the winter, I want to do a complete clean and wax on them this weekend. Plan on getting them inside to warm up and get the polish warm. Mine as well get them inside and out. Never thought of waxing the inside of them...
I wash, claybar, then use whatever wax I'm using on the rest of the MM. I use either Simple Green or Purple Power & a stiff brush on the wheel wells / inner fender wells & after they dry I use some Engine Brite on them. Looks really good for car shows... :D :D

11-23-2005, 08:16 AM
Normal, I thought everyone did that. "Shoes in the trunk in the

trunk before you get in!!!!" :D

11-23-2005, 08:21 AM
I wash, claybar, then use whatever wax I'm using on the rest of the MM. I use either Simple Green or Purple Power & a stiff brush on the wheel wells / inner fender wells & after they dry I use some Engine Brite on them. Looks really good for car shows... :D :D

Thanks for the input. I did bring in the clay bar, car wash, Z2 and ZFX to do the wheels this weekend. I plan on getting them cleaned up - front and back, and getting a couple coats of wax on them. Then I might just find some space in the basement to store them instead of leaving them in the garage. We will see what the wife says about that!!! :D

11-23-2005, 08:24 AM
My MM was originally bought with the idea of it being the new family car. We were going to dump the mini van and have the MM and the 98 Cobra to tool around in. Well, I love them kids but they are down right rough on cars! And I began to see what I had here with the MM; rare car!

The cobra is history the van is the local beater. There is nothing worse than finding melted M&Ms or sticky lollypops stuck to you leather seats!

Never again!

11-23-2005, 09:02 AM
I saw the title of this thread and rushed to read it before the moderators spotted it... looks like I fell into the same trap as when I spotted that "look at these puppies" thread. Oh well, carry on...

11-23-2005, 10:49 AM
you are not alone,... I've been known to pull my wheels so I can polish the insides,.. and shine up the front inner fender wells.

not too mention,.. once in a while I pull my grill,headlights,side markers, air box w/tube, and whatever else I can easily yank,.. just so I can get it 'er extra clean.

I hope you are using Zaino. Resistance is Futile. :borg:

I own stock in Zaino.....they are getting tired of me, but not my money.

11-23-2005, 10:55 AM
I was going to leave out the part about pulling the wheels and doing the fender wells. Glad we are all on the same sheet here. I wipe the under carriage down when I change the oil too. Yeah.....I forgot my meds again. :o

11-23-2005, 11:10 AM
I have a dilema, about being anal, I don't want to mar/dent my lug nuts to remove the rims for cleaning. :confused: So I leave them stay dirty because of lug nuts. Please help!

shoud I or shouldn't I?
shoud I or shouldn't I?
shoud I or shouldn't I?
shoud I or shouldn't I?

11-24-2005, 02:11 PM
Had the front tires replaced and re-balanced. Now I have to clean the back of the wheels again and remove the old double stick tape!!

11-24-2005, 10:23 PM
Reading the responses to this thread reassures me that I am normal, and those things that normal people think are crazy are really well.....normal. I must run....I have an old dirty shoe to chew on.:depress:

11-26-2005, 04:05 PM
I was changing the oil on the MM this morning, and as I was pouring the good stuff down the funnel, it occured to me that I may be the most anal person on the planet. The funnel that I use has a filter in the neck, hence the oil is pre-filtered before it even hits the block. Both ends of the funnel have caps to keep the dirt out as well.

My motor is cleaner than my kids, the exterior is shinier than the North Star, and the interior is off limits to anyones shoes other than mine! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?????!!!!!!!!

I have tried therapy, but I end up using the cotton out of the prescription bottle to polish something on the car. I'm sure Freud would love me though! :puke:

Just dont bring your car to Yuma whatever you do... You wont get to the store before you feel like pulling over to dust it off.
One week and the engine bay is covered in dust.

On the other hand, it might be amusing watching you trying to get to the local post office for your next Zaino delivery:lol:

11-26-2005, 04:23 PM
Just dont bring your car to Yuma whatever you do... You wont get to the store before you feel like pulling over to dust it off.
One week and the engine bay is covered in dust.

On the other hand, it might be amusing watching you trying to get to the local post office for your next Zaino delivery:lol:

I would have huge shoulders donning my california car duster. What a pain in the ass. I would go nuts.:mad2:

11-26-2005, 06:08 PM
X2. You can never be too anal about any car. Take care of it well.

..and this guy KNOWS clean!