View Full Version : Got my marauder!!

Dave Compson
09-07-2002, 09:02 AM
Well, i got it. I finally just broke down and bought it. I am a very happy man. Now, i have questions for the group.

How do i keep it clean, i know wash it... often... but i mean how do i keep the paint from getting scratched when i clean it. What do you recommend? How do i clean the rims without scratching them.

Also, has anybody noticed cracking or flaking on the leather seats in/ on/ and around the merc. gods head on the front seats? Is it just me.

Thanks alot.

by the way, my merc was made on 06-02 is this when they started producing them?

Dave Compson

09-07-2002, 12:08 PM
Welcome Dave...

6-02 would be near the beginning of the run, a few weeks into it. I have the first marauder showing up in Dealerships on June 3rd.

I haven't had any problems with my seats at all and haven't heard of any...

Everyone has their own system for washing their cars, but if you go to a professional car show, almost everyone uses Zaino products on their cars. One reason, the stuff works wonders.

Visit them at http://www.zainobros.com

Not only do they give you one heck of a shine, they actually do make your vehicle easier to wash and keep clean. Becuase the wheels are clearcoated, I use Zaino on my wheels too, it helps keep the brake dust off them...


09-07-2002, 12:44 PM

Do you have a 4 car attached garage? *drool*


09-07-2002, 01:01 PM
3 car... and it's too small dammit. ...or I own too much crap. :)

Dave Compson
09-07-2002, 08:25 PM

I really like the photo. I visited your site and checked out the others. I even used one for wallpaper for a while. I appreciate the advise on cleaning. I washed it today, it was a rush job, but ill do more tommrow. You know its my luck. As soon as i take delivery of my marauder, it pours down rain onto me.

As for the seats, ill take the car into the dealership on monday, and have them take a look at it. Its probably not a big deal, but i noticed it. It looks like there is a crack in the leather surrounding the god head on the seats. No big deal really, but i have to be anal. I paid alot for this car.

Keep up the great work on the site, and thanks alot.


09-08-2002, 05:19 AM

Las Vegas......................... .....Rain????

Definately check with your dealer on your problem with the seat. My 03MM had problems with contaminates that got into the finish and my dealer sent the car out and had it clayed, buffed and polished for me to make it right. I think most dealers are trying to give Mercury's image a kick in the a** with this car and hopefully they will be as aggressive with the service after the sale to keep us happy. Good luck!

Dave Compson
09-09-2002, 07:32 AM
Yeah, it rained. Sucked really bad. And now, after washing it. I can see a couple of scratches in addition to the seat issue. So, today, its off to the dealer. I spent yesterday playing tourist down on the strip with some family. I got lots of complements from valet people, and others about the car. Most of them noticed the exhaust tips first. That was funny to me. Anyway, i love my car. Now, its time to wash it again.
