View Full Version : I have come to the conclusion that...

12-02-2005, 10:47 PM
People tend to drive the way they walk !

It's not funny either.

Do you know someone who will walk in front of another person without looking, or caring ?

Have you ever had someone walk across the path of your overloaded shopping cart,
and nearly get clipped ?

It's these same people that get on a highway, and cut across three lanes just to be in the left lane,
or they will come up on your rear bumper, get in the left lane, pass you,
and then cross three lanes right in front of you to get off at the exit, at the very last minute.

So the next time someone walks across your path, and makes you jump left or right
to avoid dropping them to the floor, follow them out to the street and watch how they drive...

12-02-2005, 10:50 PM
Interesting observation, but I tend not to jump out of anyones way. Next time I drop Auntie Em for banging my ankle with a shopping cart I'll be sure and follow her to see if she crashes on the way home.:D

12-03-2005, 06:42 AM
actually makes sense, after all, why be observant when driving either? Wonder if we can run them over in the stores and not have to deal with them in traffic???

12-03-2005, 07:11 AM
My father told me once that the Rules of the Road were an outgrowth, or, extension of how we intermingle as a society. Stay to the right, leave room for someone in a hurry, yeild the right of way, signal intentions, and so on. Your comparasion to walking is spot on, and I agree, people drive like they walk.

One of my peeves, is what takes place at elevator doors. No stairs available in my office building (emergency use only) and I am simply amazed at what happens once the door opens. Folks tend to rush in before the occupants can get out, and sometimes jam up at the door like there's a prize for the first in, or, like the car is going to leave without them. No courtesy at all, I suppose we're in the third generation now, where the rules for walking, driving, intermingling and so on, haven't been handed down. Parent's can't teach skills they were not taught themselves, eh? I'm recalling Dustin Hoffman's classic rant in "Midnight Cowboy" "Hey! I'm walking here!"

12-03-2005, 07:17 AM
My father told me once that the Rules of the Road were an outgrowth, or, extension of how we intermingle as a society. Stay to the right, leave room for someone in a hurry, yeild the right of way, signal intentions, and so on. Your comparasion to walking is spot on, and I agree, people drive like they walk.

One of my peeves, is what takes place at elevator doors. No stairs available in my office building (emergency use only) and I am simply amazed at what happens once the door opens. Folks tend to rush in before the occupants can get out, and sometimes jam up at the door like there's a prize for the first in, or, like the car is going to leave without them. No courtesy at all, I suppose we're in the third generation now, where the rules for walking, driving, intermingling and so on, haven't been handed down. Parent's can't teach skills they were not taught themselves, eh? I'm recalling Dustin Hoffman's classic rant in "Midnight Cowboy" "Hey! I'm walking here!"
.........I agree MAc...but eve more important..make sure there is a "car" there before stepping "in".......it happen here once--lady fell 9 stories.....we are so accustomed to things being where we expect them...........

12-03-2005, 08:23 AM
sounds deadly... talk about not aware of your surroundings...

12-03-2005, 10:21 AM
Not only are these "sleep walkers" oblivious to their surroundings, they're also oblivious to how their own positioning in those surroundings affect others. Watch how they operate in a supermarket aisle. Park the cart on one side and walk over to the other to browse the shelf... blocking the aisle so no one can get past without waking them from their daze. Too bad carts don't have air horns. :D

12-03-2005, 10:24 AM

Get a set of those train horns for the rude shopping peole, and blow their cart out of the way :D .


Not only are these "sleep walkers" oblivious to their surroundings, they're also oblivious to how their own positioning in those surroundings affect others. Watch how they operate in a supermarket aisle. Park the cart on one side and walk over to the other to browse the shelf... blocking the aisle so no one can get past without waking them from their daze. Too bad carts don't have air horns. :D