View Full Version : Very interesting robots...

12-06-2005, 10:22 AM

12-06-2005, 10:32 AM
Amazing. They things are doing stuff I can't do anymore and exibits displeasure much like my wife. Dennis:)

12-06-2005, 11:12 AM
That is amazing. The future IS now!

12-06-2005, 04:07 PM
dammit! I wanted to be the first one to invent a bipedal robot!! crap!

well,.. I guess I better get to work on my Teleporter, before someone beats me to that too!

12-06-2005, 05:30 PM
I remember seeing a show on the Honda Asimo robot about a year or so ago, it was amazing what this thing could do.

Before long they'll be armor plated and carring weapons, wheres Isaac Asimov when you need him.

Let's form Voltron!

12-06-2005, 07:44 PM
I remember seeing a show on the Honda Asimo robot about a year or so ago, it was amazing what this thing could do.

Before long they'll be armor plated and carring weapons, wheres Isaac Asimov when you need him.

Let's form Voltron!

I've seen a number of shows on the Asimo... Simply amazing! It looks like Sony has made a mini-me of it :lol:

Just think, it won't be long before all the kids are begging for one of these for Christmas :rolleyes: I just want one, to do my job so I don't have to go to work :D

PS - I miss Voltron

Donny Carlson
12-06-2005, 07:51 PM

Remember: Sarah Conner don't live here!

12-06-2005, 08:07 PM

What about Johnny 5? :(
http://www.elitemrp.net/gallery/albums/Random_Images/Johnny_5_Eating_Cheez_Doodles. sized.jpg

12-06-2005, 08:32 PM
.............................. .............................. .........

12-06-2005, 09:27 PM
Voltron on the big screen!

"Producer Mark Gordon ("The Day After Tomorrow") is developing a live action feature film based on the 1980s giant robot kids TV series and toy sensation."

Full story: http://www.audioholics.com/news/pressreleases/VoltronLiveActionMovie.php

12-06-2005, 09:32 PM
Or something closer to reality...

I've recently picked up my 2nd Roomba. Now, these aren't perfect machines, but they're pretty cool. The new "top of the line" model is the Roomba Scheduler, and this one is something that actually qualifies (in my eyes, at least) as being a "useful robot".
My original Roomba vacuum was a bit of a novelty. It did a pretty decent job of cleaning, once I set realistic expectations of it (and accepted that it has limitations) but I had to unplug it, start it up, and when it completed its job, go find it, then plug it back in for a recharge.
"Still beats vacuuming", I thought, and I was pretty happy with it.
The new one, however, makes me smile.
First off, it's capable of accepting a schedule that you, via an infrared remote control, program into it. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9AM, my Roomba goes off and cleans my bedroom.
Cool, huh? Just wait.
It comes with a "base station" that sits on the floor. The base station has an infrared transmitter built into it. The Roomba, when it's not cleaning, is parked on the base station.
Why is it parked there? Because the base station is the gizmo that recharges the battery.
3 times a week, my Roomba wakes itself, shifts into reverse (while going "Beep Beep Beep", just like a real, live garbage truck), backs off of the charging station, then vacuums the floor.
When it's done, it locates the base station (the station has an infrared transmitter, remember?), lines itself up for the approach, then drives back to base and recharges itself.
Once a week, I empty the collection hopper, and once a month, I give it a good cleaning. Is it perfect? Nope. Sometimes, it isn't back on the charger when I come home, but it's pretty good at relocating it. If it's working a particularly dusty environment, you're going to have to keep compressed air handy, in order to keep robot's infrared sensors clean. Will it eat the cat? Nope, but as I've said, it isn't purrfect (groan). But is it geeky techie cool and even a little practical?
You bet!!!
Mad4macs is not an employee of iRobot Corporation. He is not, in any way, affiliated with iRobot or any reseller of iRobot products and does not collect commission on the sale of any of iRobot Corporations robotic devices.
Mad4Macs is a techie geek.

12-06-2005, 09:35 PM
there in the new Beck video, freakin amazing

12-06-2005, 09:39 PM
Thanks Bowman9 for telling us about the Asimo. I had never heard of that one. I came across the Sony Qrio link by accident.

Neat stuff, although the comment on the Qrio site about the AI remembering how you treated it gives me the creeps. I'm not worried about the robots per se, but it was us humans that build these things. Who knows how they will be used in the future? Today, entertainment, in a decade "I, Robot" live for us all to deal with. My hope is that these things will stay as toys, and in very limited roles beyond that.

12-07-2005, 09:28 AM
When they make it to the US, some kid will be painting it with day-glo lime green and adding stickers, a high wing spoiler and a fart can to it. ;)

12-08-2005, 12:28 AM
Voltron on the big screen!

"Producer Mark Gordon ("The Day After Tomorrow") is developing a live action feature film based on the 1980s giant robot kids TV series and toy sensation."

Full story: http://www.audioholics.com/news/pressreleases/VoltronLiveActionMovie.php

According to the article there will be a Transformers movie and a Voltron movie. I'm curious if live action giant robots will translate well to the big screen.

I think the Robotech Macross series would be a better choice for a live action film.