View Full Version : Please talk to your children!

12-13-2005, 04:44 PM
Hello All,

This young boy was the son of my co-worker. If you haven't done so yet, please tell your kids of the dangers of such actions. Please pray for his family as they are going through this ordeal.

Thanks, Tom


12-13-2005, 05:24 PM

That is rough.

12-13-2005, 05:39 PM
What ever happened to kickball?

Sad indeed.

12-13-2005, 06:21 PM
What a shame.

12-13-2005, 06:31 PM
Thank you for the notice, I had never heard of this before. It is shocking and disturbing, and very very sad.

Agent M79
12-13-2005, 06:35 PM
I grew up in a sh*% hole and before I was on my teens, my 'crew' were busy doing this and much worse. Ultimately only a few of us made it out without time in jail or ending up on the wrong side of the dirt.

My kid is growing up in a decent neighborhood with decent friends. One of those places where 'bad things like this don't happen'. Guess what. If you think your 8 to 12 year old doesn't know anything about this, you are wrong. And they may be dead wrong.

If they aren't doing it, they know someone that is. If they don't know someone that is, they know of it. If they don't know it today, they will tomorrow.

This, unfortunately, is also the age that they learn the power of lying means they get to skip consequences and lectures. Talk to them any way. Repeat yourself. Often.

If only this were the only topic to put on the loop reel, eh?

12-13-2005, 07:14 PM
I grew up in a sh*% hole and before I was on my teens, my 'crew' were busy doing this and much worse. Ultimately only a few of us made it out without time in jail or ending up on the wrong side of the dirt.

My kid is growing up in a decent neighborhood with decent friends. One of those places where 'bad things like this don't happen'. Guess what. If you think your 8 to 12 year old doesn't know anything about this, you are wrong. And they may be dead wrong.

If they aren't doing it, they know someone that is. If they don't know someone that is, they know of it. If they don't know it today, they will tomorrow.

This, unfortunately, is also the age that they learn the power of lying means they get to skip consequences and lectures. Talk to them any way. Repeat yourself. Often.

If only this were the only topic to put on the loop reel, eh? Thank you, Dave. You give us tough language, but honest talk too.

If I had kids, I would draw this same line in the sand. I would pull it as hard as I could pull, because y'all know something else is always pulling our kids away from us. Tug-o-war, and we have to win.

There's a public service message playing around here lately, about adult supervision for a house party. It looks sad at first, Dad is very firm on supervision and he holds his ground. His son chides him for not trusting him. Turns out, it's the same scam I pulled on my father when I was 13. It didn't work for me either.

Now, I get him. Back then I did not.

But, he surely got me.

Never give in. Never.

12-13-2005, 07:48 PM
I agree to what's been said above, to an extent... You want to protect your children, and never let any harm come to them. This I understand, but isn't a big part of being a kid the mistakes you make and lessons you learn as a result?

My parents weren't overly hard on me. I didn't get lectured, except when it was deserved. The gave me rope, but never quite enough to hang myself with. As I earned it, more rope was given. I do something stupid, and the slack in the rope was pulled back.

Sure I made mistakes (some bigger than many here, I suspect), but each mistake was a lesson. I think the key to good parenting is how you deal with the child's mistakes, to ensure they learn from them, rather than never allowing mistakes to be made at all...

Disclaimer: Understand I have no children of my own. When I do, it's quite possible my views my change.

Mike Poore
12-13-2005, 08:07 PM
I thought the Boscov's ad was tastefully done and inserted appropriately. NOT!:banned:

12-14-2005, 08:14 AM
IM going to ask tyler about this....

12-14-2005, 08:34 AM
Thanks for the enlightenment. I feel bad for the family of that boy.

My two kids are 9 & 12. I know what I am talking about tonight. Like drugs, sex and the importance of education havent been enough to keep up on. I just hope they have the sensibility to not kill themselves.

And I'm taking the doors to their bedrooms off...

12-14-2005, 10:55 AM
This is the first time that I've heard of this in connection with drugs, but a similar thing is going on with sex and masturbation. Dr. Drew even had a segment on it on his show on Discovery Channel.

12-14-2005, 11:20 AM
This is the first time that I've heard of this in connection with drugs, but a similar thing is going on with sex and masturbation. Dr. Drew even had a segment on it on his show on Discovery Channel.
That is the exact connection that I made on this unfortunate incident. Until a couple of years ago, I had never even heard of this "sexual asphyxiation" trend. Now, it seems to appear in the news on a fairly frequent basis. That may not be the connection here with this sad event; but .... :(

12-14-2005, 11:54 AM
I remember playing this in middle school. It was a rush, but since adulthood I have seen the devestating effects this can do. I am lucky to not have had been injured, now to give back and tell my kids starting when they go to pre-school. I remember kids doing it in elementary school. That was in a small town outside of SLC, Utah back in the late 80's early 90's. So you know it has spread everywhere especially with the internet and all. My heart goes out to the families that lost their children.