View Full Version : Anyone here work for Sprint Wireless? I need your help...

12-17-2005, 05:07 PM
I'm having major issues with Sprint trying to upgrade my phone. I need to find someone that works for Sprint, I've been toyed around with and I'm ready for :censor: go nuts.

Also, a question for non-Sprint folk - Does number portability only apply to switching companies? Sprint swears that if I drop my current plan and re-sign up I will not be able to keep my numbers, that they will make me lose them.


I'm on the verge of leaving. If it wasn't for a major service fee discount from my employer I would've already left for the way I've been treated.

I've had Sprint wireless for 5 years and pay for my mom's cell phone on my wireless plan. Sprint is about to lose 2 customers (and many more before I'm done).

I'm hoping to find someone who works for Sprint or knows someone I can talk to. It's not really a complex issue but it's being made one.

For those who don't know, here's the deal, and here is how Sprint wireless treats long time customers.

Right now there is a special sale going on for new customers, new customers get $170 instant rebates off a new phone, so the Samsung PM-840 is $49.99 - a great phone for the price.

Current customers do not get this same treatment even if they are ready to switch plans and sign up for one of these new plans.

We get an upgrade rebate - $75 if you're phone is less than 2 years old, $150 if your phone is more than 2 years old.

I have two phones, a Samsung flip phone on my number, and my mom has a Sanyo SCP-4700, a phone that was mine before I added the Samsung about 1.5 years ago.

The Sanyo has been on my account since 2002.

At anyrate, a long time customer gets a $20 lower rebate than someone off the street regardless of what we're ready to sign up for.

Heres my issue.

I lost my old Samsung phone. I got it from my sister when she switched to Verizon and I activated as my primary phone and gave my mom my Sanyo. I'm ready to upgrade so don't mind that I lost my Samsung.

My mom on the other hand, loves her Sanyo, and doesn't want to lose it.

The only way to get the full rebate on the upgrade is to use her phone. So, the plan I was told was to upgrade her phone, pay the activation, and then her phone becomes a spare on my account. Then the next day I call Sprint, move the new phone to my number (dropping the lost phone) and reactive her phone to her number.

So far I've been really f:censor: d with about what I'll be charged in terms of activation fees. I've been to three Sprint stores around town, and spoken iwth them on the phone. Thusfar it's been a horrid mess. Everyone has a different way it works. The managers are clueless. I nearly jumped the counter Thursday night I was so livid.


I was told I'd only be charged one activation fee, that the others would be waived...that was by the Sprint rep on the phone. No note on my account was made, so the guys in the store refuse to go along with that and state I may get away with it but most likely will have to pay 2-3 activation fees to do this. ($36 each)

I was also told that they can't do the phonse switch, and that "other customers have done it, but it's tough to get them to do it, it's technically bendign the rules." I can't get a gauruntee I will be able to do that without another charge.

Considering how much tis could rack up too, I'm on the verge of leaving, and no one from Sprint has managed to have the intelligence to give me a straight up answer of what I will owe.

I know enough that I'm about ready to call the customer service and give an ultimatum of what I'm willing to pay based on what I've been told. I want them to make it happen and send me my new phone with MY number and leave my mom's phone alone. I want my full rebate too. If I don't get this, I'm probably out.

I'm gonna search for my phone when I get back to town, it may be at my parents house, I'll be there on Christmas to search for it.

Even then, it's an old phone, and my plan is way outdated. The new plans have twice as many minutes for the same price, but require signing a contract. IF I have sign a contract I do not want to be stuck with my old phone in case it dies. My mom's Sanyo is runing strong and she's more than happy with it, but mine is getting close to needing to be retired.


Sorry for the rant, this has been too much hassle during a very busy time where I don't have time to worry about this sort of thing.

I'm hoping to find an insider I can trust who can get me what I need and cares enough about his company to not lose 2 long term customers.

Any help?

12-17-2005, 05:58 PM
1. I have never heard of anyone that has Sprint, that likes Sprint. Everyone with Sprint has problems.

2. If you drop your present plan and sign up for a new plan, that is not porting your phone. Sprint should not have any problems keeping the same number on the new plan. Porting is when you change from one cell company to another, or even when you change from your landline to a cell company. (I'm thinking of porting my home landline number to one of my cell phones and just getting rid of my landline [landline just happens to be Sprint]). In the past, I have changed plans within the same company and kept my cell number.

3. As for the rest of your post, you lost me. You have so many issues that I could not keep up.

4. I am present with Cingular. The reason I picked Cingular is that Cingular uses the GSM system (Global System for Mobil), which is the world wide system. Up until a couple years ago, the USA (and perhaps Canada) was the only country that did not use the GSM system. I have two Four Band GSM (Motorola) phones that I can take to Europe with me and use them there. You can't do that with a Sprint or NexTel or Verizon. At the moment, the only national companies in the USA (and perhaps Canada) that use the GSM are Cingular, AT&T and T-Mobil. When they first switched a couple years ago, their coverage was not that good, however they (at least Cingular) now have great coverage. I kept my old AT&T phone that uses the old TDMA
system, just in case the areas I visited did not have the GSM system. Set it up for PrePay. Never had to use my TDMA phone. Wasted my money. Everywhere I've gone has GSM. Even out in the middle of the desert in New Mexice, I had signal, and could talk. (Checked to see who's antennas I was using [hit 611] and it was a small local company called Plateau, but it worked great). My TDMA phone was using Cellular One antennas.

5. BTW, with my Cingular phones, I will not sign up for one or two years of service. Refuse to do that. I pay full price for the phones and don't have to worry if I want to drop Cingular for another company, however I have been happy with Cingular.

Good Luck. My advice, go with a GSM phone.

12-17-2005, 06:35 PM
PM me with some contact info. and I'll get in touch.

I co-manage a sprint account with about 300 +/- phones and have had major issues with them as well.

I know some folks who might be able to help.

12-17-2005, 08:03 PM
I also work for Sprint, but on the local side. All I can suggest is that when you talk to a rep, and aren't getting the results that you want, demand that you speak to a supervisor, or a manager.

The reps that answer the phone are hired right off the street, and are under extreme pressure to get rid of your call and get on to the next one. You will get much better results if you go beyond the rep level. Trust me, they haven't been there long, and are just doing what they have been told to do.

Good luck. :beer:

12-17-2005, 08:55 PM
I have had cingular for about twelve years. Six months ago, added a third phone on my "family plan". Took about four months to get the billing straightened out. Three in-person visits, several phone calls.

I really think all cell providers suck.

12-18-2005, 12:44 AM
You really need to get off the Sprint Network and get yourself
an unlocked QuadBand GSM Phone.
You will PAY $$$ for an unlocked phone, but the beauty of not being locked
to any carrier is worth the money.

Once you get your unlocked GSM QuadBand phone,
go to the carrier of your choice (anyone but Spring or Nextel).
Give them your SPRINT Cellular number and tell them
you want to port it to a GSM plan.
They will make you fill out a form for porting the number.

Here is the best part....
Choose any FREE PHONE that comes with the plan you are purchasing.
You will get your GSM SIM CHIP for FREE this way !!!
Otherwise the SIM will cost you $25 and they will ask a lot of questions.

Shortly after this, usually 48 - 72 hours, your Sprint phone will stop working.
You can then turn on your FREE GSM PHONE and let it activate itself.
Call your SPRINT Cellular Number and your new FREE GSM PHONE should ring !

Here is the easiest part...
Now turn off the FREE GSM PHONE.
Remove the GSM SIM CHIP.
Install the GSM SIM CHIP in your unlocked GSM Phone.
Turn on the phone, and let it find your network and activate itself.
Now call your cellular number.
Your unlocked GSM Phone should ring.
Then using your Unlocked GSM Phone, call your home phone.
The call should go through without a problem.


Its that easy...

Now whenever someone gives you grief, port your number,
get the FREE PHONE, swap the GSM SIM,. and cancel your old account !
In the long run you will save $$$, and lots of FREE backup phones !