View Full Version : * Santa Ate My Cookies ! *

12-25-2005, 07:41 AM
Well Merry Christmas to all. Last nite My wife Put out Cookies and milk for Santa and This Morning 7:30 am My Lovely daughter Victoria came down and the first words out of her mouth was "Santa Ate the cookies and drank the milk daddy but he left the crumbs all over the table. I'll have the write him a letter and tell him not to leave a mess." Kids are funny . Next thing out of her mouth was " Daddy how did Santa get in and leave all the presents with out setting off the Alarm? " . Boy did I have a good hard Laugh. Then she askes me " How Come Kibe ( Our Dog ) didn't Bark when Santa came? ". Where did she get these questions I ask my self. Then my wife opens one of her presents and its a Dig. Canon Carmera, First words out of her mouth was " Now you can take pictures of your Marauder and send them to all your friends". I shook my head and started the laugh again , What a priceless Christmas Morning I had. I just wanted a share a little of my day with my friends and I hope your day is as wonderful as ours. Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday to All ! :santaw: :wreath:

12-25-2005, 08:52 AM
So, Santa brought you all the happiness a bright little girl can carry.

12-25-2005, 07:43 PM
Sounds like the logic of my "soon to be 6 yrs old" lil girl. They really are precious.

I was really not much into the Christmas spirt this year. With all the media promoting the anit-Christmas goofs and the commercialization (sp?), I was really feeling "grinch". This was right up to setting up the midnight "gifts under the tree" set up we did last night.

Today started at 5am and was magic for the kids and us. I remember this one for a long time. :)

12-25-2005, 08:33 PM
I, like Defyant, wasn't really in the Christmas mood this year. But that changed when my 6yr old woke up at 7(after going to bed at 3) with "Mommy, Daddy, Santa brought me my TV. He covered it up with a Rudolph blanket and forgot to cover the backside. So I took a look."

Kids do come off with some of the strangest(and priceless) comments.

12-25-2005, 10:00 PM
It's always the kids who make Christmas for us folks that have been around awhile. Their innocents is priceless.

12-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Then she askes me " How Come Kibe ( Our Dog ) didn't Bark when Santa came? ".

Because Kibe knew that if Santa saw him awake he wouldn't get any toys.

12-27-2005, 01:12 PM
Um... did you wrap up that slot car track I got for ya, just wondering? Isn't your kid ten already? I thought most kids knew the truth about Santa by then. Oh well, that's a good one anyway.

12-27-2005, 06:29 PM
Um... did you wrap up that slot car track I got for ya, just wondering? Isn't your kid ten already? I thought most kids knew the truth about Santa by then. Oh well, that's a good one anyway. #1 . It was nice of you to get my daughter a gift, Thank you, I'm sure she will have fun with it. #2 You aint one of these guys that goes around and tells kids their is no Santa are you ? #3 My Daughter is 9 and she gets gifts from Santa & Her parents. Santa is a special part of the Holiday Season and gives Children and some people hope and brings many people Happiness. Believing in Santa doesn't mean one is crazy or nuts , all of us have a right to believe what we wish.

12-27-2005, 06:44 PM
#1 . I dont know what your talking about. #2 You aint one of these guys that goes around and tells kids their is no Santa are you ? #3 My Daughter is 9 and she gets gifts from Santa & her parents.

I could not have said it better myself. :up:

12-27-2005, 06:46 PM
#1 . I dont know what your talking about. #2 You aint one of these guys that goes around and tells kids their is no Santa are you ? #3 My Daughter is 9 and she gets gifts from Santa & her parents.

No, I don't want to ruin a good thing. I was just thinking back to when I was a kid around christmas. Half the guys on the bus knew it was there dad taht was really well, yeah. Hey, I'm not trying to strike a bad cord here. It's your child I don't want to interfere with your parenting or anything like that. I think your taking this a little overboard. Oh, you already forgot about that gift right j/k..... Have fun with it. I got it for you for helping me out with my car and hosting the block party, that's the real reason.

12-27-2005, 06:57 PM
Thank you, My daughter just read what you wrote about Santa and now she is upset, really upset , Thanks I needed that.

12-27-2005, 07:01 PM
Thank you, My daughter just read what you wrote about Santa and now she is upset, really upset , Thanks I needed that.

Now look what you have done!!!! You've heard of the phrase "hell have no fury like a woman scorned!!" You better watch your shins because that is where she will be aiming towards!!!! I should know, I have scars on my left leg from it.

12-27-2005, 07:11 PM
Uh............................ sorry man. Santa actually does exist. Well, St. Nicholas is real. At least, he was a real saint who did hand out gifts to children. His spirit still lives on even to today. But the real spirit of the holiday is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Um.... isn't it? My bad.

12-27-2005, 07:21 PM
Wait...are you guys trying to tell me...Santa isn't real? That is garbage and you all know it!! How could you say such things? Steven, you should be ashamed of yourself.

12-27-2005, 07:23 PM
Uh............................ sorry man. Santa actually does exist. Well, St. Nicholas is real. At least, he was a real saint who did hand out gifts to children. His spirit still lives on even to today. But the real spirit of the holiday is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Um.... isn't it? My bad. My Daughter Doesn't sit on St. Nicholas lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas , It's Santa we are talking about, and to many little kids his spirit live's and so does he today. What did Santa ever do to you ? By the way Victoria did kick Brian awhile back for saying something she did like.

12-27-2005, 07:27 PM
Oh that's okay. I'm used to being kicked by kids. Every time my aunt an unchle come down their son tries to beat me up or something. That sort of thing doesn't bother me. I mean, how am I supposed to know she's peering over your shoulder every second? Well, I forget, that's what kids do. Of course, I've never had a kid brother, just my cousin. He doesn't do that anyway, he just tries to fight me. Santa never did anything for me, I'm Jewish. We're discrimiated against, it's a crying shame!

12-27-2005, 07:42 PM
Oh that's okay. I'm used to being kicked by kids. Every time my aunt an unchle come down their son tries to beat me up or something. That sort of thing doesn't bother me. I mean, how am I supposed to know she's peering over your shoulder every second? Well, I forget, that's what kids do. Of course, I've never had a kid brother, just my cousin. He doesn't do that anyway, he just tries to fight me. Santa never did anything for me, I'm Jewish. We're discrimiated against, it's a crying shame! Your Cousin tried to beat you up, what did you do to him ,steal his presents, burn his Christmas Tree Down .

12-27-2005, 07:50 PM
Your Cousin tried to beat you up, what did you do to him ,steal his presents, burn his Christmas Tree Down .

Nothing, he's a kid. Just mess with him a bit. I'm a not a scruge or grinch.

12-27-2005, 07:55 PM
Nothing, he's a kid. Just mess with him a bit. I'm a not a scruge or grinch. You remind me of the kinda person the break's into people's home's to eat the cookies & drink the milk the little kids put out for Santa! No wonder Santa never did anything for you!

12-27-2005, 07:59 PM
I'm a not a scruge or grinch.
Sounds like something a scrooge or a grinch would say :nono:

12-27-2005, 07:59 PM
[QUOTE=StevenJ]Nothing, he's a kid. Just mess with him a bit. I'm a not a scruge or grinch.[/QUOTE

"Scruge"?! Chalk up another person who hasn't watched "A Christmas Carol" with the close captioning on!!!

12-27-2005, 08:06 PM
Nothing, he's a kid. Just mess with him a bit. I'm a not a scruge or grinch. He's a kid ? First you tell my daughter their is no Santa ,and now you Bully little kids & pick on them. What else are you not telling us? Maybe you steal his candy on Halloween too!

12-27-2005, 08:29 PM
Victoria, there is a Santa Claus, I believe and so do my three sons, once when my boys were little I almost managed to get a video of Santa delivering presents to my house...he was too quick for me....don't let anyone tell you there is no Santa.....those that don't believe got no toys 'cause they were naughty.:D

12-27-2005, 09:08 PM
Santa never did anything for me, I'm Jewish. We're discrimiated against, it's a crying shame!......Dude you opened up the wrong can of worms. You make as much sence as a $3 bill. I myself am jewish and I believe in santa. It doesnt matter what you think. Let whoever wants to believe in santa believe in him.......Your entitled to your own opinion but dont ruin it for other people especially little kids.....If I were you I would be careful walking through your community. You know that word travels fast....So pretty soon you'll have all the little:mad2: angry kids in the neighborhood hunting you down like a cheap whore........Never mind what the parents will say or do to you for making their kids:mad2: :bigcry: angry. Remember its not you who they will run to asking if Santa is real its their parents and then they have to deal with it. .........My mother always said " if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything at all "....I say we all dress up as santa for our next monthly meet and make StevenJ believe in Santa once and for all. Then we can let all the kids that are angry at you take their shots:uzi: at you......I can picture it now, StevenJ running like a bat out of hell from a bunch of :mad2: little boys and girls. So you might want to make peace :wflag: with them or next year we will make you dress up as Santa and have all the kids come up to you and tell you what they wants for christmas....Personally I think you owe Zo's daughter an appology. Does anyone else agree with me?????????????????????

12-27-2005, 09:15 PM
......Dude you opened up the wrong can of worms. You make as much sence as a $3 bill. I myself am jewish and I believe in santa. It doesnt matter what you think. Let whoever wants to believe in santa believe in him.......Your entitled to your own opinion but dont ruin it for other people especially little kids.....If I were you I would be careful walking through your community. You know that word travels fast....So pretty soon you'll have all the little:mad2: angry kids in the neighborhood hunting you down like a cheap whore........Never mind what the parents will say or do to you for making their kids:mad2: :bigcry: angry. Remember its not you who they will run to asking if Santa is real its their parents and then they have to deal with it. .........My mother always said " if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything at all "....I say we all dress up as santa for our next monthly meet and make StevenJ believe in Santa once and for all. Then we can let all the kids that are angry at you take their shots:uzi: at you......I can picture it now, StevenJ running like a bat out of hell from a bunch of :mad2: little boys and girls. So you might want to make peace :wflag: with them or next year we will make you dress up as Santa and have all the kids come up to you and tell you what they wants for christmas....Personally I think you owe Zo's daughter an appology. Does anyone else agree with me?????????????????????

12-27-2005, 10:40 PM
You guys are hysterical...

Looks like Santa bit the cookies and the dust...

Donny Carlson
12-27-2005, 11:33 PM
I sat between him and Big Foot during the last UFO abduction.

12-28-2005, 02:08 AM
He's a kid ? First you tell my daughter their is no Santa ,and now you Bully little kids & pick on them. What else are you not telling us? Maybe you steal his candy on Hollween too!
I don't bully little kids, I think that was the point that I was trying to make. You know what forget it. I'm sorry I said anything and I'm sorry you are mad at me. But that's your right so be that way. And you spelt "Hollween" wrong, it's Halloween and no I don't steal candy when trick or treating. As a matter of fact, I went trick or treating with my cousin last year at 'Halloween' and we had a great time and he got 90% of the candy, the other 9% went towards his friends and whatever 1% was left went to me.

......Dude you opened up the wrong can of worms. You make as much sence as a $3 bill. I myself am jewish and I believe in santa. It doesnt matter what you think. Let whoever wants to believe in santa believe in him.......Your entitled to your own opinion but dont ruin it for other people especially little kids.....If I were you I would be careful walking through your community. You know that word travels fast....So pretty soon you'll have all the little:mad2: angry kids in the neighborhood hunting you down like a cheap whore........Never mind what the parents will say or do to you for making their kids:mad2: :bigcry: angry. Remember its not you who they will run to asking if Santa is real its their parents and then they have to deal with it. .........My mother always said " if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything at all "....I say we all dress up as santa for our next monthly meet and make StevenJ believe in Santa once and for all. Then we can let all the kids that are angry at you take their shots:uzi: at you......I can picture it now, StevenJ running like a bat out of hell from a bunch of :mad2: little boys and girls. So you might want to make peace :wflag: with them or next year we will make you dress up as Santa and have all the kids come up to you and tell you what they wants for christmas....Personally I think you owe Zo's daughter an appology. Does anyone else agree with me?????????????????????
WOAH! Rob, simmer down friend. I think you went a little berserk here. But if Zo's kid is here (not mentioning her name for reason's of privacy) I am sorry your dad claims I ruined christmas.

12-28-2005, 07:13 AM
So you charge you little cousin a 1 % fee for taking him out for Halloween, Unbelievable. What else do you do that we don't know of ? Maybe steal his homework so he gets a (F) at school. Wait till my daughter tells her friends on the block what you said about their being No Santa Clause ! I can see It now ( House For Sale By Owner).

12-28-2005, 07:44 AM
So you charge you little cousin a 1 % fee for taking him out for Halloween, Unbelievable. What else do you do that we don't know of ? Maybe steal his homework so he gets a (F) at school. Wait till my daughter tells her friends on the block what you said about their being No Santa Clause ! I can see It now ( House For Sale By Owner).
Um......... now you're being a little crazzy don't you think? I think you've dragged it into the mud and it's struck rock bottom. Look, it's not like it's even my fault. She peered over your shoulder and read something that I indirectly implied and even misspelled on a online message board and that's my fault? Yeah sure.... :shake:

12-28-2005, 07:55 AM
So you charge you little cousin a 1 % fee for taking him out for Halloween, Unbelievable. What else do you do that we don't know of ? Maybe steal his homework so he gets a (F) at school. Wait till my daughter tells her friends on the block what you said about their being No Santa Clause ! I can see It now ( House For Sale By Owner).

His parents might kick his a$$ out the door with only the clothes on his back.

12-28-2005, 08:40 AM
......Dude you opened up the wrong can of worms. You make as much sence as a $3 bill. I myself am jewish and I believe in santa. It doesnt matter what you think. Let whoever wants to believe in santa believe in him.......Your entitled to your own opinion but dont ruin it for other people especially little kids.....If I were you I would be careful walking through your community. You know that word travels fast....So pretty soon you'll have all the little:mad2: angry kids in the neighborhood hunting you down like a cheap whore........Never mind what the parents will say or do to you for making their kids:mad2: :bigcry: angry. Remember its not you who they will run to asking if Santa is real its their parents and then they have to deal with it. .........My mother always said " if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything at all "....I say we all dress up as santa for our next monthly meet and make StevenJ believe in Santa once and for all. Then we can let all the kids that are angry at you take their shots:uzi: at you......I can picture it now, StevenJ running like a bat out of hell from a bunch of :mad2: little boys and girls. So you might want to make peace :wflag: with them or next year we will make you dress up as Santa and have all the kids come up to you and tell you what they wants for christmas....Personally I think you owe Zo's daughter an appology. Does anyone else agree with me?????????????????????

Wow....Im gone for a few days and look what happens. As for dressing up for the monthly meet as Santa, Rob, this means Steven gets to sit on YOUR LAP. I bet he gets the same expression that he did in the photo:D Also, do you really want your kids sitting on his lap? Didnt think so.

Steven, WTF man??????? Why would you do that to a sweet innocent child? Does it give you pleasure to make a little girl cry? Then you charge family 1% of their earnings to help them out. Do yourself a favor and dont be a stereotype! Love thy neighbor, respect your elders, dont prey on the innocent, and dont have that look on your face while standing behind a man in a photo.

12-28-2005, 09:05 AM
All is calm in NORTH Florida...

12-28-2005, 09:46 AM
All is calm in NORTH Florida...

Oh yeah?! Keep it up. We will ship him up your way!!!

12-28-2005, 10:17 AM
I didn't do anything. I just forgot that sometimes other family members read the boards and read posts. It's not like I went over to his house and yelled "By the way santa isn't real", which isn't something I'd do or want anyone to do to anyone anyway. All I did was talk about some childhood experience I had about when I was her age talking to some other kids on the bus and they told me that they knew santa was not real. I didn't intend to start a fued or anything. Oh by the way, St. Nicholas is real. He was a Saint who lived in a small town who went around handing out presents to children on Christs's birthday. His act, among other certain events, eventually sparked what is known as Christmas, the end!

12-28-2005, 10:23 AM
Um......... now you're being a little crazzy don't you think? I think you've dragged it into the mud and it's struck rock bottom. Look, it's not like it's even my fault. She peered over your shoulder and read something that I indirectly implied and even misspelled on a online message board and that's my fault? Yeah sure.... :shake: Do you have a Blockbuster card? Rent the movie " Miracle On 34th. Street. " . and you will understand that even the * United States Goverment * will not say their is no Santa ! :santaw:

12-28-2005, 10:33 AM
Next you'll tell us the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy aren't real either!


12-28-2005, 10:42 AM
Next you'll tell us the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy aren't real either!

jeez! :agree: He will most likely be telling us they don't exist too!:bop:

12-28-2005, 10:46 AM
I didn't do anything. I just forgot that sometimes other family members read the boards and read posts. It's not like I went over to his house and yelled "By the way santa isn't real", which isn't something I'd do or want anyone to do to anyone anyway. All I did was talk about some childhood experience I had about when I was her age talking to some other kids on the bus and they told me that they knew santa was not real. I didn't intend to start a fued or anything. Oh by the way, St. Nicholas is real. He was a Saint who lived in a small town who went around handing out presents to children on Christs's birthday. His act, among other certain events, eventually sparked what is known as Christmas, the end!

Okay Mr. Spell Check, its not fued, its feud. Its Christs', not Christs's.

I have an idea for you, before you make a comment on something, STOP. Think about it. Would somebody be offended by this? Will Rob hate me even more? Will anything negative transpire form anything Im about to say? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then just zip it. I dont know why you say or do the things you do, maybe its just hereditary. Just be careful because if you keep it up, youll force us to make you sell your Marauder and buy a Civic so you can run with the ricer crowd. Theyd love some fresh meat such as yourself.

12-28-2005, 10:50 AM
Oh yeah?! Keep it up. We will ship him up your way!!! Now thats the best Idea I've heard yet!

12-28-2005, 11:26 AM
Now thats the best Idea I've heard yet!
The border is closed...

12-28-2005, 12:46 PM
[quote=MarauderMarc]Wow....Im gone for a few days and look what happens. As for dressing up for the monthly meet as Santa, Rob, this means Steven gets to sit on YOUR LAP. I bet he gets the same expression that he did in the photo:D Also, do you really want your kids sitting on his lap? Didnt think so.

I wouldnt let him sit on my lap if he was growing on me. Be carefull he might just end up sitting on you lap:bigcry:

12-28-2005, 12:48 PM
The border is closed... The border can always be reopened. Trust me thats what I thought before the majority of my mothers family from Cuba showed up......

12-28-2005, 04:23 PM
The border is closed...

What border?! Hell, Macclenny is so small isn't even on a map!!!!!! :lol:

12-28-2005, 06:08 PM
The border is closed... Wanta Bet? Remember Christmas is about giving, so we are giving him to you . :woohoo:

12-28-2005, 06:25 PM
What border?! Hell, Macclenny is so small isn't even on a map!!!!!! :lol:
Just the way we like it...


12-28-2005, 06:35 PM
What do you mean "there isn't a Santa?" ?!?!?!?!!?

How the heck did all of these parts for my MM appear at my doorstep!?!?!

:santaw: :santaw:

12-28-2005, 08:45 PM
Wanta Bet? Remember Christmas is about giving, so we are giving him to you . :woohoo:

Yes, I agree. In some countries and traditions its rude and disrespectful to turn down a gift. :nono: So have some spirit and accept this..uh...fine gift from a fellow MM.net member.

*mute button NOT included.

12-29-2005, 04:36 AM
Yes, I agree. In some countries and traditions its rude and disrespectful to turn down a gift. :nono: So have some spirit and accept this..uh...fine gift from a fellow MM.net member.

*mute button NOT included.
OK,OK, but only if you install the mute button before shipping!

12-29-2005, 05:13 AM
OK,OK, but only if you install the mute button before shipping!

That could be arranged!!! :lol:

12-29-2005, 09:38 AM
OK,OK, but only if you install the mute button before shipping! Would a roll of Duck Tape Due ?

12-29-2005, 09:39 AM
From the sounds of things I'll need 2 rolls!:P

12-29-2005, 12:47 PM
From the sounds of things I'll need 2 rolls!:P you might need a pallat of duct tape, plus some earplugs as a back up plan just in case!!!!

12-29-2005, 02:05 PM
you might need a pallat of duct tape, plus some earplugs as a back up plan just in case!!!!

and a big supply of tea!

12-29-2005, 05:58 PM
you might need a pallat of duct tape, plus some earplugs as a back up plan just in case!!!!
That's ok. I have three teenage boys. I've seen or heard it all. Talk about relevant work experience!

12-29-2005, 09:35 PM
That's ok. I have three teenage boys. I've seen or heard it all. Talk about relevant work experience!

Yeah....well.....okay. You just tell yourself that, but dont go complaining when you have half of your hair pulled out and for some reason you keep trying to bite your own ear with no prevail!

01-03-2006, 10:18 AM
Oh My God! I cant take it anymore. Why did I read this thread.