View Full Version : Update Your Antivirus

12-30-2005, 04:34 PM
This is NOT an Internet Exploder only issue. Go and update your anti-virus software... NOW!

Zero-Day Exploit for WMF Flaw Circulating; Causing Widespread Infections
(29/28 December 2005)
A zero-day exploit for a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Metafile Format (WMF) has been circulating in the wild. Microsoft is "looking into the problem," which lies in the way Windows renders WMF image files. Security firms have given the flaw a critical rating because it is a zero-day vulnerability and because an exploit is already available. Users can become infected with the Exploit-WMF Trojan if they visit web sites with malicious WMF files or if they open malicious WMF image files that arrive as email attachments. The exploit that is circulating allows attackers to download software - a keystroke logger and an IRC-based remote administration tool - to vulnerable Windows PCs. A spyware site is reportedly using the exploit to place spyware and adware on vulnerable computers. The flaw affects Windows XP with SP1 and SP2 and Windows Server 2003.

You still here? Go get that update. :(

12-30-2005, 04:52 PM
Yup, left and got it done and back again. Thanks Brute. We all need a bump now and then as we get much to confortable bouncing around out here in the friendly confines of MM.Net. We forget that we are getting led out in the scary no mans land of computer nightmares every time we log on. Dennis:)

Mike Poore
12-30-2005, 04:53 PM
ZOOM>>>>>>>>>gone ....... thanks

Mike Poore
12-30-2005, 04:56 PM
ZOOM>>>>>>>>>gone ....... thanks

McAfee says I already have it. :D

12-30-2005, 05:14 PM
McAfee updated thanks.:D

12-30-2005, 08:04 PM
yup,.. my Norton already had it too,.. Thanks for the heads up Brute.

12-30-2005, 08:14 PM
Hmm, maybe this is why I use a Mac.

12-30-2005, 10:01 PM
Know why Macs don't get viruses?

Hackers don't spend time writing viruses for 5% of the market.

12-30-2005, 10:17 PM
All of you guys need to get rid of your Norton and McAfee
and get something that is worth its weight in gold.


Search for AVG FREE.
As long as you use it for PERSONAL USE, its FREE !!!

Works BETTER than the others and it is NOT a resource hog.
Plus you get updates EVERY DAY.

Been using it now for 2 years ever since Norton stopped earning awards.
McAfee hasn't gotten an award in about 7 years.

Trend Micro got the 2005 Award, but like everyone else,
Grisoft got an honorable mention, but didn't get top award.

Try them out.
It you don't like them, you can go back to your
regularly scheduled AntiVirus software...

12-30-2005, 11:14 PM
I have AVG Free.

12-30-2005, 11:30 PM
Thanks, but I'll stick with my cocktail of spyware and virus programs that have not let us down yet. Good to know for the future.

Thanks for the heads up

12-31-2005, 03:40 AM
Know why Macs don't get viruses?

Hackers don't spend time writing viruses for 5% of the market.

And this is a negative why?
Face it, I'm a tech. I have, or have held, factory certifications for Compaq/HP, Dell, E-Machine, IBM, Sony and Toshiba.
I only own Apple's, and I don't care if Apple had 5 users out there, I'd still be one of them. The fact is, though, your percentage statistic can be a little misleading. 5% of the market translates into roughly 10 million Mac users, and that's hardly an inconsequential number of computers.
Apple's market share is climbing, and it's climbing at a rate that exceeded Dell's last year. Apple is selling approximately 1 million new Macs per quarter. Yup, the number is lower, but the percentage of growth is FAR higher.
The UNIX based OS Apple uses is more secure than MS's. That's a fact. Apple's varient of UNIX (FreeBSD) simply does not allow Root access to the system, unlike Windows. Several "proof of concept" virus's have been written for Mac OS X, but the problem encountered with them, was that in order for them to work, the virus had to ask the user for permission to install. No self respecting virus author writes bugs that cannot be hidden from view.
I'd best head off the nutty "no software" claim too.
Most every major application out there has an Apple counterpart, and the one's that don't, work fairly well under emulation. Microsoft makes Office for the Mac, and it is in every way compatible with their Windows version. Microsoft also makes this neat little program (called VirtualPC), that runs everything I've ever thrown at it.
A Mac can run, side by side, programs written for;
Mac OS9 and earlier.
Mac OS X.
UNIX based software (minor tweaks required by the programmer)
X-11 based software.
Oh, and in '06, Apple is moving their hardware to Intel processors. People have already gotten Windows installed on their developer boxes, while others have already install OS X for x86 on IBM clones. It's going to be an interesting year, when you can buy one computer for under $500, that can run every program currently available, isn't it? Why buy a Dell or HP box, when your new Mac can run Vista for gaming, and the secure OS X for getting your work done?
My largest client has 15000 computers. 80% of them are currently Macs, and starting next year, the remaining Dell's might be on the block
OS X is now 5 years old. OS X has millions of users. What OS X does not have, however, is adware, spyware or virus's. Zero. Zilch. None. It has been tried, it simply has not worked. Hackers would love to have Apple's targeted, too, because of the demographics involved.
Why so?
Because Apple users tend to be those in the upper income brackets. My clients are doctors, lawyers and educators, and for the most part, they've simple got more of value to steal.
On the other hand, I'm not sure why I'm telling anyone any of this. If Apple's marketshare continues to climb, I'm not going to be able to live my current lifestyle, because I won't have as much to repair any more!
Disregard everything I've written, run down to CompUSA and by a Windows based clone right now!
Daddy needs a supercharger for his new 'Stang

12-31-2005, 11:53 AM
All of you guys need to get rid of your Norton and McAfee
and get something that is worth its weight in gold.

www.grisoft.com (http://www.grisoft.com)

Search for AVG FREE.
As long as you use it for PERSONAL USE, its FREE !!!

Works BETTER than the others and it is NOT a resource hog.
Plus you get updates EVERY DAY.

Been using it now for 2 years ever since Norton stopped earning awards.
McAfee hasn't gotten an award in about 7 years.

Trend Micro got the 2005 Award, but like everyone else,
Grisoft got an honorable mention, but didn't get top award.

Try them out.
It you don't like them, you can go back to your
regularly scheduled AntiVirus software...

I've been using AVG since July and havent had any problems since. I scheduled my daily update for the middle of the night and all runs smoothly. Highly recommended.

12-31-2005, 12:32 PM
I'm with Mad4Macs. My main machine is a Mac Powerbook. I haven't had any major problems with software/viruses/trojan horses ever. With the Intel systems coming, 2006 will definately be interesting.

12-31-2005, 01:06 PM
I have been using MaAfee for more that a year with zero problems.

12-31-2005, 01:18 PM
And this is a negative why?
Face it, I'm a tech. I have, or have held, factory certifications for Compaq/HP, Dell, E-Machine, IBM, Sony and Toshiba.
I only own Apple's, and I don't care if Apple had 5 users out there, I'd still be one of them. The fact is, though, your percentage statistic can be a little misleading. 5% of the market translates into roughly 10 million Mac users, and that's hardly an inconsequential number of computers.
Apple's market share is climbing, and it's climbing at a rate that exceeded Dell's last year. Apple is selling approximately 1 million new Macs per quarter. Yup, the number is lower, but the percentage of growth is FAR higher.
The UNIX based OS Apple uses is more secure than MS's. That's a fact. Apple's varient of UNIX (FreeBSD) simply does not allow Root access to the system, unlike Windows. Several "proof of concept" virus's have been written for Mac OS X, but the problem encountered with them, was that in order for them to work, the virus had to ask the user for permission to install. No self respecting virus author writes bugs that cannot be hidden from view.
I'd best head off the nutty "no software" claim too.
Most every major application out there has an Apple counterpart, and the one's that don't, work fairly well under emulation. Microsoft makes Office for the Mac, and it is in every way compatible with their Windows version. Microsoft also makes this neat little program (called VirtualPC), that runs everything I've ever thrown at it.
A Mac can run, side by side, programs written for;
Mac OS9 and earlier.
Mac OS X.
UNIX based software (minor tweaks required by the programmer)
X-11 based software.
Oh, and in '06, Apple is moving their hardware to Intel processors. People have already gotten Windows installed on their developer boxes, while others have already install OS X for x86 on IBM clones. It's going to be an interesting year, when you can buy one computer for under $500, that can run every program currently available, isn't it? Why buy a Dell or HP box, when your new Mac can run Vista for gaming, and the secure OS X for getting your work done?
My largest client has 15000 computers. 80% of them are currently Macs, and starting next year, the remaining Dell's might be on the block
OS X is now 5 years old. OS X has millions of users. What OS X does not have, however, is adware, spyware or virus's. Zero. Zilch. None. It has been tried, it simply has not worked. Hackers would love to have Apple's targeted, too, because of the demographics involved.
Why so?
Because Apple users tend to be those in the upper income brackets. My clients are doctors, lawyers and educators, and for the most part, they've simple got more of value to steal.
On the other hand, I'm not sure why I'm telling anyone any of this. If Apple's marketshare continues to climb, I'm not going to be able to live my current lifestyle, because I won't have as much to repair any more!
Disregard everything I've written, run down to CompUSA and by a Windows based clone right now!
Daddy needs a supercharger for his new 'Stang

It is always funny when 'Mac Cultists' get on their soapbox.


12-31-2005, 01:33 PM
It is always funny when 'Mac Cultists' get on their soapbox.


LOL...sensitive aren't they:)

Anyway, I've been running Norton's just fine for years. All the computers in my home LAN run it and I have had zero problems. That includes the kid's going to wherever they go on the net, my traveling notebook, my gaming PC, and my multimedia rig that downloads a few gigs of content per day. If you keep your subscriptions current and stay off the porn and warez sites, you do just fine.