View Full Version : Richard Pryor carwash moment

01-03-2006, 09:09 PM
Disaster at the Car Wash. The DTR went peacefully into one end but came roaring out the other and mated with a PT Cruiser. Not a pretty picture. The gal who was driving cars out of the tunnel to the drying area somehow lost control and came roaring out of the tunnel at full throttle. Trilogy 110 in full song which ended abruptly in flying body pieces. Thankfully no one was killed. A miracle as people were all over the drying area toweling off cars including the PT Cruiser. Fortunately the concrete was wet and I am still running stock tires and wheels. Traction was limited and the airbags did not blow. Zack's Badgeless DTR grill, purchased by Macon Marauder last week is totally pulverized along with the entire front as far back as the Trilogy Intercooler Radiator which is junk, too. The gal was pretty shaken but unhurt. According to the LEO who wrote up the report she is working on a green card and is not a licensed driver. The car is at the local Ford dealer ( they are good) for a Spa treatment and Rhinoplasty. I am sending 2 DTR grills to Zack thru Ray Sr. in the morning. Zack will then make Macon Marauder a brand new grill. Zack said turnaround time on the Badgeless DTR is 2 days. Instant miracles. The turnaround time on my Marauder may be longer. However it will be good as new soon and showin off. I may need Legal Kneivel on this one before I am done.:D Dennis

01-03-2006, 09:20 PM
Holy crap! I'm glad no one was hurt, but man that's still got to hurt. I'm real sorry to hear about your Marauder. I hope the car wash owner owns up to his liability and makes things right by you, but something like that would put me right over the edge.

Good luck with the repairs!

01-03-2006, 09:53 PM
That is why I stay away from car washes like that. Glad no one was hurt. I couldn't even imagine that happening to mine. :(

South Hills
01-03-2006, 10:08 PM
What a bummer! I must comment that it seems you are taking this a lot better than I would (did, come to think of it). I had a certified L/M mechanic navigate my MM into a guard rail while "road testing" it, inflicting approx. $8K in damages. Still in recovery from that one.

Best of luck in getting your DTR back into shape. After the C/W has paid for repairs that you are completely satisfied with, I'd suggest you go after them and/or their liability carrier for Diminished Value. I received a bit north of $5K from my event, although it took some focused effort and about 6 months of patience.



01-03-2006, 10:26 PM
Dennis sorry to hear about the car, thats why I never, EVER go to the car wash. EVER.

01-04-2006, 12:00 AM
OH MAN!! I just went to the carwash today, but did the express lane where I stay behind the wheel. Glad that nobody was hurt - and hope you get your MM back in superb condition quickly.

01-04-2006, 07:15 AM
OOooohhh that's gotta hurt! Sorry to hear that, Dennis. Were you watching at the time of the "incident"?

01-04-2006, 07:34 AM
Thanks Guys, I appreciate your the sentiments and suggestions. Marc, you are right. Never, ever, no matter what, go to the car wash! I am pretty sure this is not the first time this has happened.

I was loking at something else when my wife screamed. Her reaction time is equally good at home or away:D . I turned just in time to see the last 10 feet before the explosion. When my heart started again the first thing I heard was Penny saying, "I told you not to go to the car wash!" Man, I felt sorry for the little lady who crashed the car but I wanted to kick my wife in the back bumper! The poor lady who owned the PT cruiser was having a cow so I felt as it I was lucky in my misfortune. It appears that all the damage is superficial. No running gear other than the Trilogy radiator damage is apparent yet. The car is at the dealer where it spent a lonely night. When I visited this morning I talked with the service manager and asked them to install my Ford Blue powder coated GT valve/cam covers. So that is being done today. I FEEL GOOD ABOUT THAT. I have not taken any pictures as yet. I think I will even tho I will not need any reminders to wash it myself from now on. I have called Ray Sr. and 2 new DTR grills are on the way to Zack so Macon Marauder will receive a NEW not repaired grill for the unheard of price of $350.00. I will keep you posted on the repair progess. Again thanks for your concerns. Dennis:cool:

01-04-2006, 07:35 AM
Disaster at the Car Wash. The DTR went peacefully into one end but came roaring out the other and mated with a PT Cruiser. Not a pretty picture. The gal who was driving cars out of the tunnel to the drying area somehow lost control and came roaring out of the tunnel at full throttle. Trilogy 110 in full song which ended abruptly in flying body pieces. Thankfully no one was killed. :D Dennis
Wow, you seem to be taking this unfortunate incident really well !!! I don't think I could control myself given similar circumstances. ;) Glad no one was hurt in this situation and hope that the repairs to your MM get it back in top notch condition soon. :D

Huuummmm, mating a Marauder with the PT Cruiser --- anyone think this is how D-C came up with the concept for the Dodge Magnum??? :rofl:

01-04-2006, 09:57 AM
I am feelin' for ya man.:depress:

The one time I let someone drive my pristine car (not the MM, but a restored Cutlass), it was an 18 year old kid at the Ohio BMV emmisions check point. He left my car on the dyno...in gear...

I watched my car roll off the dyno, through the front cooling fan, out the building, across the street, and into a ravine, ultimately teetering on a tree stump.


I know what you must be feeling. You need a hug.;)


01-04-2006, 10:37 AM
Wow, my hat is off to you for taking it in stride. I get WAY to attached to my cars. I would of either cried, or made sure the person was OK, then give them a verbal beating like no other.

But this is why we have insurance. :)

CRUZTAKER : Holy crap you had your car go off a dyno?!

01-04-2006, 10:54 AM
wow that sux man! hope they don't try and pull some we are not responcible for damage bs. Who wot out of a wet area? w/o a s/c the tires spinn at 3/4 a throttle and that sends a message to brain let off gas I have no traction. As for cruztaker...thats why I hope they shut that aims crap down by the time the texas tags run out! As said in my other post, they love revving the car till the block is completely damaged.

01-04-2006, 10:57 AM
I am feelin' for ya man.:depress:

The one time I let someone drive my pristine car (not the MM, but a restored Cutlass), it was an 18 year old kid at the Ohio BMV emmisions check point. He left my car on the dyno...in gear...

I watched my car roll off the dyno, through the front cooling fan, out the building, across the street, and into a ravine, ultimately teetering on a tree stump.


I know what you must be feeling. You need a hug.;)


Cruz, I would have needed a heart lung transplant after that! You are right. Here goes. :hug2: Thanks Dennis

01-04-2006, 11:11 AM
wow that sux man! hope they don't try and pull some we are not responcible for damage bs. Who wot out of a wet area? w/o a s/c the tires spinn at 3/4 a throttle and that sends a message to brain let off gas I have no traction. As for cruztaker...thats why I hope they shut that aims crap down by the time the texas tags run out! As said in my other post, they love revving the car till the block is completely damaged.

Merc6, She wasn't going for the thrill. She may be an illegal and does not have a license and doesn't know how to drive. This was one of the famous AUDI unintended acceleration issues. I heard the car rev, I think in hindsight that she was not familiar with the shift on the console and was in neutral. With the engine still reving but not moving she panicked that the next car on the line was going to hit the rear of my car and pulled into D. The result was a straight ahead hole shot into the PT cruiser. There were no brake lights! This is why driver training cars have dual controls. If any of the numerous car wipers had been wiping the rear of the Cruiser they would have been jam. So, what could have been a tragic is just mostly PIA and aggravating as hell. The Red CAR will be better than new again soon and strutting the latest Zackster magic! Dennis:beer:

01-04-2006, 11:15 AM
I hope so! I haven't even purchased my 1st grille and you are already on #2!

01-04-2006, 12:50 PM
Man Dennis, that just BEYOND sucks.

Hope it gets all healed up quick.

Damn you too Barry ?

What year was the Cutlass ?

Eric < --- sticks to drive-thru(self) touchless/brushless car washes

01-04-2006, 01:38 PM
I do not want to steal Dennis' show here, but I will explain a little.

My escapade happened some 10 years back. I had just returned from Florida with my grandmothers 80 cutlass. It had 17,200 miles on it. It was showroom fresh other than the 'old people' smell.The state had finallt taken her license away at age 91. She hit a state trooper in a parking lot, and proceded to jump his shat for not getting out of her way.

The state of Ohio used to dyno cars for emission checks*. The dynos are built into the floors of these check buildings. Therefore the car sits relatively flat on the ground.

Grandma's shifter was out of line, and the little marker never sat right over the appropriate gear, be it D or N. The kid 'thought' he had it in N when he stepped away from the car to check the computer. He was wrong from the start, as they were required to have ALL cars on the dyno unattended in PARK. The wheel chocks were missing as well.

The state inevitably paid me $3800 in damages. They settled within days.

We still have the e-check buildings, but we only go every other year, and they now park/idle rev the car while connected to the cars OBD-I or II port and have a wand in the exhaust pipe. The dynos aren't used any longer.

I still think Dennis' story is MUCH more painfull, and likely incurred far more damage than I did.

To watch the two...mine was funnier I believe...and only if you can visulize ME running after the car and diving into the drivers window to throw the shifter in park just as the car, me, legs flailing out the window, dropped over the horizon into the depths of despair. :baaa:

01-04-2006, 04:18 PM
As Amazing as this story is and How Bad I feel for your Car ending up like that, I Just Can't Believe how Calm you are!!!! I would Have lost control, I would have torn that :censor: a new one until she cried, and then I would have continued! I usually go to the car wash and the low lifes that work there seem to enjoy reving the engine of every car with exhaust. That ended when I confronted the guy with some choice words and a lot of anger behind them, The manager came out and I explained what he did, The Manager told the guy off and gave me a free car wash.
This is the Car Washes fault 100% for letting a unlicensed driver pull vehicles out. Thats like handing the keys off to a 12yr old to Valet your car.
Did they take the girl away in cuffs for being a unlicensed driver?? Did the Car wash manager step up and accept responsibility for the accident?? I hope you are planning to sue for all the costs and damages for this one!

Thank God no one was hurt, but you Sir are quite the patient man!!

01-04-2006, 04:42 PM
As Amazing as this story is and How Bad I feel for your Car ending up like that, I Just Can't Believe how Calm you are!!!! I would Have lost control, I would have torn that :censor: a new one until she cried, and then I would have continued! I usually go to the car wash and the low lifes that work there seem to enjoy reving the engine of every car with exhaust. That ended when I confronted the guy with some choice words and a lot of anger behind them, The manager came out and I explained what he did, The Manager told the guy off and gave me a free car wash.
This is the Car Washes fault 100% for letting a unlicensed driver pull vehicles out. Thats like handing the keys off to a 12yr old to Valet your car.
Did they take the girl away in cuffs for being a unlicensed driver?? Did the Car wash manager step up and accept responsibility for the accident?? I hope you are planning to sue for all the costs and damages for this one!

Thank God no one was hurt, but you Sir are quite the patient man!!

Blackened, when you get to be my age there has been a lot of shinizzle come down the pike. I have to save myself for the really good stuff to get excited about. I felt pretty sick immediately but when it was appearent that no one was hurt all I felt was relief that it wasn't worse. The distruction of Zacks (macon marauders) grill was the worst of it. As the rest is completely replaceable. The grill will be also but that takes more labor from Zack. I owe him big time for that as well as all the other great things he has done for me. Dennis...hey have a beer:beer:

The repair estimate including the grill and Trilogy heat exchanger/radiator is $4951.75. A nice round number. Dennis:)

01-04-2006, 04:47 PM
Dennis I'm not going to even attempt to comment on how you must feel, but I admire how well you are taking it, to me the most important thing is that Penny and you are ok, because that is what really matters most. If there is anything that you need that I can help you with, you have my number.

I'll bet by the time I see you, your car will look better than new. Javier.

01-04-2006, 05:07 PM
Dennis - Sorry to hear about the damage to your Marauder.:(

01-04-2006, 08:27 PM
Dennis I'm not going to even attempt to comment on how you must feel, but I admire how well you are taking it, to me the most important thing is that Penny and you are ok, because that is what really matters most. If there is anything that you need that I can help you with, you have my number.

I'll bet by the time I see you, your car will look better than new. Javier.

thanks, everyone. Javier, my friend; you can make book on that. Eric, this is really pretty minor compared to the disasters that have befallen some of our bretheren. We are started back already.Dennis:D

01-04-2006, 08:45 PM
Dennis, sorry to hear about your car atleast no one was injured. I always look very carefully when they pull my car in and out of a carwash, you can never trust those people.

01-04-2006, 08:46 PM
Dennis, sorry to hear about your car atleast no one was injured. I always look very carefully when they pull my car in and out of a carwash, you can never trust those people.

01-05-2006, 03:41 AM
That makes me sick to hear (read). I absolutely fell in love with your car when seeing it in person at the TnT. DTR is growing on me everytime I see one. It was a blessing noone was hurt or worse. I admire your stoich stance. You are a man among men (And GIRLS!)! On a brighter note (Staunch optomist warning ! ! !), the only way out of the valley is up. I forsee your luck getting better for the rest of 2006! May you and Penny be blessed this coming year.


01-05-2006, 09:52 AM
Accidents on private property can rarely be overseen by PD. I was dining at a restaurant and woman leaving the restaurant (quite drunk) backed into the BMW, dented the door and attempted to drive off.

A fellow BMW owner stopped her. The police were called but no tickets were written, why? PRIVATE PROPERTY.

She was found to be drunk but was only held at the restaurant for a ride without being arrested for DWI. Why? PRIVATE PROPERTY.

Of course, she refused to give me her insurance information and I had to take her to court. (Hmm, why would a drunk driver refuse to give insurance info?) There was no accident report. Why? PRIVATE PROPERTY.

At that point, I cannot imagine it would have mattered if she were a licensed American or an unlicensed terrorist.



01-05-2006, 10:04 AM
I was reading this post and then I realized whose car post was. Of all the people. Well, Dennis, I hope the car wash at least comes through. I'm having troubles collecting from an attorney who backed into me. She's been reluctant to give me any info for a month except for her business card.

01-05-2006, 10:55 AM
This reminds me why I do not bring the MM to these kinds of car washes.

No not because of scratches or illeagls driving my car (political views should be noted *here*). Back in the golden days of the 1990's I ran my very modded '86 Bronco through a car wash. It took me 2 weeks to get the stink of smelly car wash attendant out!

Aside from the heat exchanger, you fared rather well considering what could have gone wrong. Hang in the bud!

01-05-2006, 05:32 PM
In NYC if the parking facility has public access an accident report can be prepared if required.

01-05-2006, 06:06 PM
Thanks guys. We are bouncing back already. We are fortunate here that the local Plant City, Police will respond and did. Officer Radar(no realtion to the Otumwa(sp?) Iowa O'Reilly's) did a good job. Detailed the entire incident, cited the gal driver for Careless driving and operating without a license. My insurance company says they will pay the repair and sue to recover their costs if I have a problem with the scumbags at the Car Wash. Those same scumbags called today(I dropped off the repair estimate from the Ford Dealer here in town ($4951.75) plus rental car costs of $50.00 a day till it is the repairs are done)last night. They tried to tell me that the law requires 3 estimates. I laughed and told them to send anyone they wanted over to the Dealer's Body Shop but the Dealer was going to do the repair. I also told them that I was trying to be as amiable as possible with this but their disregard for the safety of their employees, their customers and my one of a kind Limited edition Mercury Marauder would have me thinking about their legal exposure by the first of the week. HOLY CRAP, an unlicensed non driver driving customer cars? If it were me I would be on the doorstep with a check in my hand, now! The body shop Mgr. says car washes are the best friends of Body Shops."They crash a lot of cars." You guys are right!. My bad.

01-05-2006, 07:05 PM
They want to give YOU attitude !?!?!?!?!.

Time to play hard ball IMHO.

See if you can find out who carries their business liability insurance(assuming the losers even have any). Personally notify their company as to what happened ... in case they are trying to keep them from catching wind of this whole ordeal for fear of one or more of the following reasons, since they willingly permitted a NON-licensed driver to operate vehicles there :

Denial in paying the damages.
Raising their rates.
Flat out being DROPPED by the insurance company.

If in fact they ARE trying to avoid contacting their insurance company ... your friendly notification will only add to their problems :D.

Sit down with an attorney and see what your options are in regard to re-cooping your cars LOST value. Repaired to better than assembly line quality(or lack of at times) or NOT ... doesn't mean squat if you ever wanted to trade it in or sell it to a dealer. Go run it by your local Carmax after she's all mended up, just for gits & shiggles. Let them give you their best number on paper along with what it SHOULD have been if the car was still a "virgin".

You should'nt have to "eat" that difference.

In the meantime ...

Maybe there's a reporter from the Tampa Tribune looking for a nice lil' story for this sundays paper ...

About a car wash that thinks nothing of puting peoples property at risk, as well as endangering the lives of their employees - customers & any other poor soul with the misfortune of being any where near that place ..... when there are UN-licensed drivers operating motor vehicles there.

And when you're all alone ...

Fantasize about smacking them all upside the head with a MMDS.


01-05-2006, 07:12 PM
They want to give YOU attitude !?!?!?!?!.

Time to play hard ball IMHO.

See if you can find out who carries their business liability insurance(assuming the losers even have any). Personally notify their company as to what happened ... in case they are trying to keep them from catching wind of this whole ordeal for fear of one or more of the following reasons, since they willingly permitted a NON-licensed driver to operate vehicles there :

Denial in paying the damages.
Raising their rates.
Flat out being DROPPED by the insurance company.

If in fact they ARE trying to avoid contacting their insurance company ... your friendly notification will only add to their problems :D.

Sit down with an attorney and see what your options are in regard to re-cooping your cars LOST value. Repaired to better than assembly line quality(or lack of at times) or NOT ... doesn't mean squat if you ever wanted to trade it in or sell it to a dealer. Go run it by your local Carmax after she's all mended up, just for gits & shiggles. Let them give you their best number on paper along with what it SHOULD have been if the car was still a "virgin".

You should'nt have to "eat" that difference.

In the meantime ...

Maybe there's a reporter from the Tampa Tribune looking for a nice lil' story for this sundays paper ...

About a car wash that thinks nothing of puting peoples property at risk, as well as endangering the lives of their employees - customers & any other poor soul with the misfortune of being any where near that place ..... when there are UN-licensed drivers operating motor vehicles there.

And when you're all alone ...

Fantasize about smacking them all upside the head with a MMDS.


Wowsa, Eric I am taking you with me when I go in. You are HOT.. Thanks for the great ideas. I will work on that as soon as get finished with the new shelves in the closet that the Fair Penelope has been trying to get for a year. Dennis..Possibly the worst part of no Marauder, no excuses not to do work around the house. Bummer:down:

01-05-2006, 07:32 PM
Damn, I don't know how I missed this thread.

Dennis, you have to be the most patient and kind person I know! I'm real sorry to hear of any car get banged up, especially a MM, especially a DTR, especially a S/C... You certainly have a great outlook on things.

When Paula banged up mine, I was devastated, even though it was very minor. I got over it and eventually, my car came out better than before the mishap (all the rock chips in the front were fixed).

Sounds like you have her in good hands. Get some pics, if you can and keep us updated.

At least I can look at the "before" for the rest of the month on my calendar! :)

01-05-2006, 10:33 PM
The turnaround time on my Marauder may be longer. However it will be good as new soon and showin off. I may need Legal Kneivel on this one before I am done.:D Dennis

You are handling this a lot better than I would !

I applaud your maturity !

01-06-2006, 07:27 AM
Damn, I don't know how I missed this thread.

Dennis, you have to be the most patient and kind person I know! I'm real sorry to hear of any car get banged up, especially a MM, especially a DTR, especially a S/C... You certainly have a great outlook on things.

When Paula banged up mine, I was devastated, even though it was very minor. I got over it and eventually, my car came out better than before the mishap (all the rock chips in the front were fixed).

Sounds like you have her in good hands. Get some pics, if you can and keep us updated.

At least I can look at the "before" for the rest of the month on my calander! :)

Claude, Thanks buddy. It is healing already. By the time I see you it will be all better than new. Wait till you see the grill on my mantle piece! This thing is so pimp it is totally outragious. When January ends I am going straight to July on the SSM calander and wait. I think you are just as hansome as my car but I am not to sure about CHUCK!:D Please give "MOM" a hug for me. Dennis

01-06-2006, 09:09 AM
grill? are you getting the godshead badge from Car? You'll defnitely need to post up pics

01-06-2006, 05:25 PM
grill? are you getting the godshead badge from Car? You'll defnitely need to post up pics

Jawz101, Check thread "TAKE THAT TIFFANY" in the Community Forum.


01-07-2006, 05:10 PM
As Amazing as this story is and How Bad I feel for your Car ending up like that, I Just Can't Believe how Calm you are!!!!... you Sir are quite the patient man!!

Don't you notice how many times Dennis does this:beer: in his posts? I think he has his ways of keeping his patience.:baaa:

Thanks for the buys this week, Dennis. Having a blast... :beer: :beer: :beer: