View Full Version : Life, Death, and MM.NET

Donny Carlson
01-08-2006, 09:54 PM
I want to say that, in spite of a few dust ups here and there, this is a pretty good group of owners. I even like Mac, though some days less than others. I am particularly shaken by both the illness of Logan's father and the passing of Smokie's father, because of similarities in my own life.

What hit home for me was one of the more popular members on the SSR board was killed driving his beloved truck on icy roads in Oklahoma just before Christmas. There was a very heartfelt and touching outpouring from other owners, but I can't describe the sadness I felt during that week up to and shortly after his funeral, even though I'd never met him. This member had extensively modified and customised his truck... it was beautiful and amazing...

I never want anything like that to happen here, want no troops lost in the Marauder army. So you guys, be careful.

You don't behave and drive right, I'm gonna sit you down and make you read all of Mac's posts for the past week without a pee break.

01-08-2006, 09:57 PM
You don't behave and drive right, I'm gonna sit you down and make you read all of Mac's posts for the past week without a pee break.

Thats against the Geneva Convention.

01-08-2006, 09:59 PM
I hope this is not a premonition or anything.

Sorry to hear about the loss to the SSR community.

01-08-2006, 11:05 PM
Yes Donny, we here are not just an on-line community, but a Society.

01-09-2006, 03:24 AM
I get your point, Donny, and I agree. Something we haven't had to deal with yet, but it goes with the territory.

01-09-2006, 07:45 AM
I can deeply relate to you angst ( ? ) Donny...1998 really sucked for me when I lost my Best Friend and my Father in the span of 3 months...both VERY unexpectedly...I understand your hearfelt edict to us ...


01-09-2006, 09:52 AM
Mac and I butt heads occasionally and its mostly due to misunderstanding or misinterpreting text. I've got nothing against him. There's things in life that I've learned that hopefully the rest of you can benefit from:

1. If someone posts something you think is putting you down, don't assume you read it correctly. Ask. Often I read something that can be interpreted different ways or wasn't stated as the author wished. Save the flame storm and ask them to repeat it.
2. Live life. You can either spend life anxious about whether you or loved ones will die or spend life appreciating the time you spent with them. We all die. So, there's no sense in worrying about it.
3. Don't street race. Keep it at the track. You have a better chance of survival if something goes wrong. And you won't take any innocent bystanders it does.
4. Let go of your grudges. See #2. Life's too short to hold in hostilities. No one could hold a grudge like my grandma. She died hating some people. Forgive and you'll feel better. (Not everything is foregiveable. Most things are though).

01-09-2006, 09:54 AM
My post turned out a little more melodramatic than I expected. But, whatever.

01-09-2006, 10:04 AM
My post turned out a little more melodramatic than I expected. But, whatever.

NEGATIVE ON THAT RAMPART ! Well thought and proficiently posted...Cudo's to you Sir !


01-09-2006, 10:14 AM
My post turned out a little more melodramatic than I expected. But, whatever. You done well.

01-09-2006, 10:16 AM
Mac and I butt heads occasionally and its mostly due to misunderstanding or misinterpreting text. I've got nothing against him. There's things in life that I've learned that hopefully the rest of you can benefit from:

1. If someone posts something you think is putting you down, don't assume you read it correctly. Ask. Often I read something that can be interpreted different ways or wasn't stated as the author wished. Save the flame storm and ask them to repeat it.
2. Live life. You can either spend life anxious about whether you or loved ones will die or spend life appreciating the time you spent with them. We all die. So, there's no sense in worrying about it.
3. Don't street race. Keep it at the track. You have a better chance of survival if something goes wrong. And you won't take any innocent bystanders it does.
4. Let go of your grudges. See #2. Life's too short to hold in hostilities. No one could hold a grudge like my grandma. She died hating some people. Forgive and you'll feel better. (Not everything is foregiveable. Most things are though).
I agree.
I lost my best friend last September to cancer.
Only 49.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about him, something reminds me of him, etc.
Enjoy the people you love while you and them are still around.

Hack Goby
01-09-2006, 11:04 AM
This month on the 26th will be one year since I lost my wife Linda. Last year was the hardest year I ever had to endure.Making matters worse was with Ford going through hard times I am on my third job in my plant after doing the same job for 30yrs.This website and my Motor City brothers were the people that got me through it.Time does heal the pain.So Javier,Logan,Donny,and all the others who have suffered a loss hang in there my brothers,cry and grieve for your losses because that the right thing to do.This website and the people in it are great therapy I know they were for me.Anyone who would like to talk PM me anytime.

01-09-2006, 01:49 PM
1. If someone posts something you think is putting you down, don't assume you read it correctly. Ask. Often I read something that can be interpreted different ways or wasn't stated as the author wished. Save the flame storm and ask them to repeat it.
2. Live life. You can either spend life anxious about whether you or loved ones will die or spend life appreciating the time you spent with them. We all die. So, there's no sense in worrying about it.
3. Don't street race. Keep it at the track. You have a better chance of survival if something goes wrong. And you won't take any innocent bystanders it does.
4. Let go of your grudges. See #2. Life's too short to hold in hostilities. No one could hold a grudge like my grandma. She died hating some people. Forgive and you'll feel better. (Not everything is foregiveable. Most things are though).

5. If you think that I said something to put you down you are wrong. If I said something to put you down, you'd know.

Mike Poore
01-09-2006, 01:54 PM
My post turned out a little more melodramatic than I expected. But, whatever.

Getting back to grandma's death, and I want to go like she did; in her sleep.

Not like the screaming, terrified passengers in her car, as she drove 'em over the cliff. :drive:

01-09-2006, 01:57 PM
Greener Pastures.

01-09-2006, 06:14 PM
My Marauder has given me something else to think about & give me great fun. 4 year prostate cancer survivor.... kennyrauder.