View Full Version : Words of wisdom from another!

04-10-2003, 02:15 PM
This is a quote that I found on another forum for Mustang owners. I thought it was funny as hell when I read it!

"You should have done what I plan to do the first time I get in an accident. As soon as the accident occurs just close your eyes, curse under your breath, and lay on the gas. Just make sure you hit something at a high enough speed to claim the car as a total loss. Example, you hit something causing your bumper to shear off. It's going to be a pain in the ass getting it fixed, and Carfax will have a record of the accident making it nearly impossible to sell your car. So just run the son of a ***** into a tree at 40, case closed, you simply get reimbursed for the car, you get a brand new one off the lot, no dealing with body shops or any of that, simple."

Simple plan that might work for me one day!...MMPridenjoy

04-10-2003, 02:36 PM
Let's hope that individual isn't at fault when he makes that silly decision. Vehicular Homicide doesn't bode well on one's record.
For some reason the brake pedal comes to mind first....I guess I have that shortcoming of "concern for others"