View Full Version : Well, that plan's out the window!

O's Fan Rich
01-16-2006, 05:06 PM
Tomorrow ( 1/17) is our 25th wedding anneversary.
The heart attack destroyed our other plans, soi we were trying to decide a local thing to spend the day at.
We decided on "Body Worlds" at the Franklin Institute in Philly. Cool! Look at plastisized dead people , then get some dinner!

Went on the website to get tickets and.....
"The Franklin Institute is closed to the public January 17, 2006." Is on the site.
Oh well, we'll discuss options tonight.

01-16-2006, 05:55 PM
Tomorrow ( 1/17) is our 25th wedding anneversary.
Congrats on your 25th Anniversary !!! :congrats: Don't know how you are gonna top the "plastic bodies" idea. :rofl: Good Luck with your alternative plans.

Mike Poore
01-16-2006, 06:02 PM
Tomorrow ( 1/17) is our 25th wedding anneversary.

Hey buddy, congratulations!!

There's always the downtown museum that has the locomotive in the basement, and, of course, our friend Jet's joint, Bookbinder's. Prolly the best seafood restaurant in Philly. :)

01-16-2006, 07:09 PM
Oh, those plastic bodies.....I thought we were gonna have to call upon Donny for his expertise and experience with plastic bodies.

Congrats on the 25th!!