View Full Version : Burning Smell!!!

01-17-2006, 10:29 AM
Noticed a "hot iron" smell from the engine bay this morning. Checked all coolant, oil, power steering levels. Coolant temp guage was normal as well.
Anyone have any idea what this might be??
If the thermastat was bad wouldn't it fail in open mode??

01-17-2006, 10:31 AM
BTW I also checked to see if there was anything on the exhaust manifold like rocky the squirrel or a stash of nuts dead sparrow etc.:eek:

Found nothing. Couldn't climb under the car due to the work cloths.

01-17-2006, 11:55 AM

Has your Marauder been hibernating ?

Frequently when any vehicle hibernates, the metal parts of the exhaust tend to collect water condensation.
When you start your vehicle after its been hibernating, these parts of condensation will heat up
and steam off giving you that hot metal smell, like a steam radiator the first time you turn on the heat in your house for the winter.

This is normal and you shouldn't smell it if you were to restart your vehicle the following day.

RF Overlord
01-17-2006, 12:27 PM
If the thermastat was bad wouldn't it fail in open mode??In my experience, they usually fail in the "stuck shut" mode...but you said the temp gauge was normal, so it's probably not the 'stat anyway.

*EDIT* Dude, didn't you just have a Trilogy installed?

*More editing* I just realised you only ordered your kit a few days ago...nevermind... :rasta:

01-17-2006, 12:33 PM
RF Overload: Not yet. :D
It has been procured yet awaits an eager installation team! :D
Sometime next month I'll be wearing a bigger grin.!

I'm thinking it might be a heat shield on one of the cats that has fallen down and is touching.

01-17-2006, 06:10 PM
RF Overload: Not yet. :D
It has been procured yet awaits an eager installation team! :D
Sometime next month I'll be wearing a bigger grin.!

I'm thinking it might be a heat shield on one of the cats that has fallen down and is touching.

I think if that happened, you'd hear it. It happened to me once, and the rattling was pretty obnoxious.
Good luck with whatever it is!

01-18-2006, 08:48 AM
Maybe you got a little fried rice stuck to the underside where you can't see it easily. ;)

01-18-2006, 10:27 AM
Maybe you got a little fried rice stuck to the underside where you can't see it easily. ;)

"That's flied lice you plick!" :grad:


01-18-2006, 10:41 AM
Dunno what this is worth, but you said "hot iron" odor, and my first thought was "overheated engine", because that's what mine smelled like.

Could be you caught it just before the temp gauge reacted, because if there's no water at the gauge sensor, it won't show hot.

Something's up, and if no other symptoms show, you caught an air bubble in the system before it caught you. Just my .02C, carry on...

03-23-2006, 09:29 AM
Dunno what this is worth, but you said "hot iron" odor, and my first thought was "overheated engine", because that's what mine smelled like.

Could be you caught it just before the temp gauge reacted, because if there's no water at the gauge sensor, it won't show hot.

Something's up, and if no other symptoms show, you caught an air bubble in the system before it caught you. Just my .02C, carry on...
Seems that I have also developed the "hot iron" odor on my MM. However, it doesn't seem to be coming from the engine compartment. Smells more like under the car and most noticeable right near the driver's door. Have not noticed this smell before and I have only noticed it in the past couple days after my 15-20 mile commute. Water temp appears normal. Wazzupwiddis ?? :dunno:

03-23-2006, 09:34 AM
Check your exhaust system. You probably have a piece of road trash stuck up there.

EDIT: I got a plastic bag caught under the CVPI once. I had to bring it in and have the tech clean off the cats.

03-23-2006, 09:35 AM
Seems that I have also developed the "hot iron" odor on my MM. However, it doesn't seem to be coming from the engine compartment. Smells more like under the car and most noticeable right near the driver's door. Have not noticed this smell before and I have only noticed it in the past couple days after my 15-20 mile commute. Water temp appears normal. Wazzupwiddis ?? :dunno:

Overheating/plugged up Catalytic Converter?

03-23-2006, 10:51 AM
I've noticed that the MM has much more noticable temperature change in the exhaust system then the CV does. If I drive it hard you will feel the heat underneath and smell the hot engine.
With the CV it just didn't react the same. Driven hard or easy it really didn't pong or make other noises. Could it be the aluminum block that I'm smelling vs the old cast iron?

03-23-2006, 11:07 AM
"That's flied lice you plick!" :grad:


And I thought that I was the only one who remembered that line.

Interesting trivia: the star who said it actually came up with it. It was not in the script.

03-23-2006, 12:40 PM
And I thought that I was the only one who remembered that line.

Interesting trivia: the star who said it actually came up with it. It was not in the script.
Lethal Weapon 4 ... Uncle Benny (Kim Chan)

Riggs: “Flied lice?”
Uncle Benny: “Flied lice! It is fried rice, you plick!”

03-23-2006, 12:55 PM
Mine had that smell after the install but it went away. I think it was the egr tube that goes to the manifold.:dunno: