View Full Version : Speed camera clocks an '85mph tractor'

01-20-2006, 01:27 PM
From: http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=95152006

Speed camera operators have apologised to a Wiltshire farmer after they tried to fine him for doing 85mph in a tractor, it emerged yesterday.

Steve Crossman was puzzled when he received a ticket saying he had been snapped by a camera in Wales. But he was even more surprised when he realised that he was being fined for speeding.

With a top speed of 26mph it would take Mr Crossman's tractor more than four hours to cover the distance from his farm in Horningsham to Abergarwed, south Wales where the offence took place. The Mid and South Wales Safety Camera Partnership admitted that they had misread a letter on the registration plate on the film and had got the wrong vehicle. They apologised and retracted the ticket.

Mr Crossman said: "It's a good tractor, but not that good."