View Full Version : Anyone in here have the first Xcalibrator?

01-22-2006, 03:56 PM
I have had the Xcalibratur for a while. My question is what kind of cable is required to hook it up to a computer to modify tunes? I know the cable required to plug into the Xcalibratur is a femal VGA cable but what kind of cable plugs into the computer? I know www.sctflash.com (http://www.sctflash.com) has the cable but I was curious if anyone who has it could take pictures of the cable, inparticularly what the ends look like, so that maybe I could find a similar cable at compusa, etc. that may be suitable.

01-22-2006, 04:32 PM
Not VGA. Wrong pins. Its a serial cable. I have an SCT tuner that requires a special serial cable that I had to get through an SCT dealer.

01-22-2006, 10:11 PM
... maybe I could find a similar cable at compusa, etc. that may be suitable....

CompUSA is the LAST place you'll find special cables...

01-23-2006, 12:14 PM
Reinhart sent me the cable, One side has the plug for the Xcal with a AC adaptor to power the Xcal
The other end is a COM end. Staples sells a COM to USB adaptor for $30. You install the driver and download the SCT program so you are good to go.
Just make sure your tuner mails you the tune for your car and keep it in a special folder so you dont lose it.
Ill try to get a pic of it with the adaptor.

01-23-2006, 01:58 PM
Thanks I appreciate it. I'm not exepecting a tune any time soon. I just wanted to be able to adjust my tune on my own. Maybe bump up the spark curve and air/fuel ratio a bit plus engine idle and what not. Thought it would be fun. I could always back up the base tune incase the car doesn't run right or something.

01-23-2006, 09:36 PM
There ya go, blow your car up.....do you know how to tune a car?????

01-25-2006, 05:57 AM
There ya go, blow your car up.....do you know how to tune a car?????

I only adjusted the idle, Top Speed limiter and tweaked the Shift schedule.
A/F mixture adjustments may be fatal to your engine if you play with it too much.

You have been warned!

01-25-2006, 08:49 AM
I wasn't going to change it too much. Just maybe within a hundred points or so. I am aware that if you do set up something radical, it could screw up the engine. That's why I'm going to back up the baseline tune before I do anything else.