View Full Version : Could This Be Considered Cheating

01-23-2006, 05:29 PM
For the first time in over 2 years, my Blue MM sat idle in the driveway all weekend. :o Since picking up the new Ford Freestyle a week ago, I am kinda fascinated with it. Maybe it is just a new car thing and it will wear off. :rolleyes:

I like driving it and it handles really well. The "command seating" makes speed a little deceptive and I was always running about 10 mph faster than I thought I was after glancing at the speedometer. On a trip up to the Annapolis area, I even played around with the Navigation system. I am finding myself setting it to go to places that I have driven hundreds of times just to see if the "woman in the glovebox" will recommend the same route that I normally take. ;) She never gets mad or irritated when you don't make her recommended turns .... she just recomputes the route. :D

Even though I have resisted modding the MM for awhile ... I went out and got the chrome exhaust tips for the Freestyle. Those chrome tips on the Blue Freestyle make it look like the Marauder's little brother. :coolman:

Getting back into the MM to go to work this morning was a treat .... but somehow I think that I was cheating on her. :P

01-23-2006, 05:39 PM
Philanderer, whoredog, I am calling Marty to start divorce proceedings against you, I want custody!!

01-23-2006, 05:40 PM
Not at all, in fact I notice the more I let my MM sit the more I love to get back into it. Although I hardly let it sit for long :o

The way to justify this is that in turn you are really bringing you and the Marauder closer together :lovies2:

01-23-2006, 05:47 PM
I've found that I really appreciate my MM more now that I don't have to drive it everyday. It has become a pleasant day car. I no longer have to take it to the mall, work or pick up the kids from school. Now I drive it when I want to treat myself. It sits in the garage under a cover until I want to treat myself.

01-23-2006, 05:50 PM
I've found that I really appreciate my MM more now that I don't have to drive it everyday. It has become a pleasant day car. I no longer have to take it to the mall, work or pick up the kids from school. Now I drive it when I want to treat myself. It sits in the garage under a cover until I want to treat myself. Your a lucky Guy!

01-23-2006, 05:50 PM
For the first time in over 2 years, my Blue MM sat idle in the driveway all weekend. :o Since picking up the new Ford Freestyle a week ago, I am kinda fascinated with it. Maybe it is just a new car thing and it will wear off. :rolleyes:

Congrats on the new Freestyle !!!

We are getting a brand new SEL AWD next week !!!
I guess our Marauder will be getting a little lonely too.

01-24-2006, 06:19 AM
.... but somehow I think that I was cheating on her. :P
You two-timing son of a biatch. How dare you, after those two years of loyalty to you and you go and drive another vehicle. Bad enough it has to share a room with the little punk. What does Bernie say, you driving her new car. Shame on you Charlie. :nono: You need to go out and apologize to the Marauder and kiss its bumper for forgiveness and treat it to a nice wash and wax job.

01-24-2006, 06:31 AM
Have you considered converting to Mormon and getting a Utah drivers license?

Mike Poore
01-24-2006, 06:50 AM
You two-timing son of a biatch. How dare you, after those two years of loyalty to you and you go and drive another vehicle. Bad enough it has to share a room with the little punk.

Oh my god, Charlie! :eek:

Can you believe who's saying that? Him with his GNX sitting in the garage where the Black Bomber used to live. :rolleyes:

Ask how many miles are on his garage queen. :banned:

It's an outrage, I tell you.:nono:

(Um, please don't mention anything to Gordon about Sunshine), OK?


01-24-2006, 07:05 AM
Oh my god, Charlie! :eek:

Can you believe who's saying that? Him with his GNX sitting in the garage where the Black Bomber used to live. :rolleyes:

Ask how many miles are on his garage queen. :banned:

It's an outrage, I tell you.:nono:

(Um, please don't mention anything to Gordon about Sunshine), OK?

First of all I do not have a GNX (wish I did), I have an '86 GN. 2) The GN is in storage, the Marauder is sharing a 2 car garage with the Firehawk. 3) If you want to talk about 'Garage Queens' and Sunshine, lets bring you know who into the conversation. ;)

My Marauder knows where my loyalties lie, that's why I don't drive it down 270 or the beltway.

01-24-2006, 07:08 AM
My wife claims that buying "gifts" for another "woman" is cheating, so sir you are a cheater.:)

01-24-2006, 07:18 AM
Amen! :beatnik:

Not at all, in fact I notice the more I let my MM sit the more I love to get back into it. Although I hardly let it sit for long :o

The way to justify this is that in turn you are really bringing you and the Marauder closer together :lovies2:

01-24-2006, 08:27 AM
Shame on you Charlie. :nono: You need to go out and apologize to the Marauder and kiss its bumper for forgiveness and treat it to a nice wash and wax job.
Just keep laying on the guilt ... the MM hasn't had a good wash for a couple weeks and I feel terrible. ;) I was gonna do a nice wash and wax on Saturday; but I gotta nuther engagement ... at the Auto Show. :rofl: Maybe Sunday .. if the weather's nice and the creek don't rise. :D

Please don't turn me into the Dept of Social Services for neglect .... the Mercman is already seeking custody.

Mike Poore
01-24-2006, 08:31 AM
3) If you want to talk about 'Garage Queens' and Sunshine, lets bring you know who into the conversation. ;)

My Marauder knows where my loyalties lie, that's why I don't drive it down 270 or the beltway.

See, Charlie, how he always attacks me? And now, he's threatening to bring my poor wife into the fray. :neener:

BTW Gordon, there's no worse scenario I could imagine that would be worse than subjecting the Black Bomber to that traffic nightmare.:drive:

So, when do you start the new job?:)

01-24-2006, 08:39 AM
Just keep laying on the guilt ... the MM hasn't had a good wash for a couple weeks and I feel terrible. ;) I was gonna do a nice wash and wax on Saturday; but I gotta nuther engagement ... at the Auto Show. :rofl: Maybe Sunday .. if the weather's nice and the creek don't rise. :D

Please don't turn me into the Dept of Social Services for neglect .... the Mercman is already seeking custody.
A couple of weeks...:eek: That's neglect, I bet the Freestyle is clean.

See, Charlie, how he always attacks me? And now, he's threatening to bring my poor wife into the fray.

BTW Gordon, there's no worse scenario I could imagine that would be worse than subjecting the Black Bomber to that traffic nightmare.

So, when do you start the new job?
Attack you!!! I was defending myself from your accusations. Who mentioned barb and why is she poor? Don't you let her out of the house and give her money to go shopping? That sounds like spousel abuse, you keeping her all lock up in the house. :nono:

01-24-2006, 08:43 AM
A couple of weeks...:eek: That's neglect, I bet the Freestyle is clean.
And you'd be wrong .... I suspect that the wife has been cutting work and doing some off-road maneuvers based on the mud spray down the side of the new car. :rofl: They both look like H3LL .... that's equal treatment !!! :rolleyes:

01-24-2006, 09:27 AM
Ahh...You guys are screwed up. I bought another Marauder, and I'm enjoying the threesome.

01-24-2006, 09:51 AM
I've found that I really appreciate my MM more now that I don't have to drive it everyday. It has become a pleasant day car. I no longer have to take it to the mall, work or pick up the kids from school. Now I drive it when I want to treat myself. It sits in the garage under a cover until I want to treat myself.

What he said. ^^^^