View Full Version : Need Help with Firefox

01-23-2006, 07:05 PM
Turned the computer on, and brought up my default web browser Firefox this evening.

Did a clicky on MM.net:
Selected Today's posts:
And the Today's post screen popped up with a bunch of extra crap in it
- Such as "Go to first Post" statement in the thread title block for ALL listings
- Plus in the Last Post Block: after the last post name there is "Go to last post"
When I select a thread and it opens I get:
- No members' avatars are displayed
- And a Statement that says whether or not the particular member is online or not.
As I write this thread the tool icons are not being displayed, but blocked text such as:
- Bold Italic
- Underline
- Align Left
- Decrease Indent
- Increase Indent
Also all of the icon faces, flags, stars, etc. are only showing words or symbols
When I bring up MM.net in MS EXPLORER, everything works OK.

MM03MOK attempted to help early with no solution. Firefox worked perfect last night, but this evening it's HOSED.

Any suggestions/comments

Frustrated in the Heartland

01-23-2006, 07:47 PM
Oh, you mean the BROWSER.

I was all ready to help you with the secret telepathy-powered, stealth Mach 6 Soviet fighter jet that Clint Eastwood stole to prove America rules!

Sorry, can't help you. Lemme know if you need some help with intel stuff.


Dave Compson
01-24-2006, 04:22 AM
I would suggest downloading the newest version of firefox and reinstalling it. worked for me, but hey, what do i know..

Mike Poore
01-24-2006, 04:59 AM
We had/have the same issues with it, and assume it's still in the Beta phase. We also learned, to our chagrin, that none of our firewall/spam/pop up blocking/spyware blocking software will work. In our case, not being computer weenies, and looking for the lowest frustration level, gave up on it, and went back to Internet Explorer. (read I don't want to play with it, but use the damned thing)

I'll observe one thing though, the competition, I think, got Microsoft off their asses and made 'em pay attention to some glaring problems with IE.

01-24-2006, 06:15 AM
you probably need to reinstall it but try dwnloading the updates first. FireFox is a far superior browser and I've been using it trouble free for the past 2 years.
Also do you happen to use a program like GhostSurf or anything else that trys to hide your ip addy? Firefox for some reason doesn't seem to like those types of programs.

01-24-2006, 06:23 AM
If anyone is concerned about PopUps and stuff running Windows and Internet Explorer, I have a few Applications that may help you.


01-24-2006, 06:34 AM
The thing I have noticed is that Firefox will not open a pdf file. Ever - on either of my computers. It just locks up for a while and then opens a blank page.

01-24-2006, 09:35 AM
I downloaded the Firefox 1.5 a few wks ago and everything seems fine except for some fonts on webpages aren't displaying like they should. I've reinstalled as well w/ no luck. I figure I'll have to wait until any updates are available.

as far as IE vs Firefox- when the new IE7 rolls out (supposedly this quarter) it is rated by some Information Security publications to provide significant increased security over Firefox.

as far as pdfs try a lightweight app called Foxit pdf (http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php)

01-24-2006, 09:01 PM
To All, Thanks for the comments. To Duhtroll, the other FIREFOX is in a hanger at Area 51... :-)

I checked out my other machines (a 1999 vintage tower and a wireless laptop) with FIREFOX, and they both worked fine against this web site. So I was able to narrow the problem down to this new tower. I started rooting around in the FIREFOX menus and found in the options clicky in the pull down tools menu a little no discript item called Load Image in the Content catagory. This option was activated (with a check in the box), but I noticed an Exceptions icon. I clicked on this icon to find out that MM.net was "blocked". I deleted this exception and now.......I'M WORKING FINE

All my photos, avatars, icon, and flags ARE WORKING AGAIN....YEH!


Mike Poore
01-25-2006, 03:36 AM
The thing I have noticed is that Firefox will not open a pdf file. Ever - on either of my computers. It just locks up for a while and then opens a blank page.

Take a look at the packaging on just about any of the software designed to provide internet function or security, and they all say there's an Internet Explorer requirement. However, much of the freeware you can download off the web will work, and knowing beforehand which ones those are. Here's the kicker; you must know this before installing Firefox, and you will be using IE to download it. I can't recommend a publication to read up on this, but suggest finding one worth the effort. Meanwhile, you can bet, Microsoft is madly looking for ways to screw anyone who wants to download anything but IE. (why am I so distrustful of Billy's little monopoly:rolleyes: )

Thanks to Jay for explaining the fix, ...and the PM.:)

01-25-2006, 05:37 AM
The thing I have noticed is that Firefox will not open a pdf file. Ever - on either of my computers. It just locks up for a while and then opens a blank page.

I just checked and was able to open a .pdf file in FIREFOX. Don't know what to say.