View Full Version : *FREE* Personal Info

01-26-2006, 08:13 AM
Dont know if this is old news or not but I was just told of a free website www.zabasearch.com that gives out your address,month & year of birth and in most cases your phone #- they also give links to mapquest so you can get a map to the persons house!All you need is a name and state.And for a few bucks you can get a lot more info.I typed in my wifes maiden name{strange last name} and it came up with every relative nationwide.I know some people could care less but for public officials,law enforcement,teachers etc... this is not good.The good news is that you can send a request to have your info removed from the site,a few of the guys I work with already did so and it took about 24 hours or so to work.Now I just have to find the e-mail address and I'll post it up if anybodys interested.

01-26-2006, 08:18 AM
And some peole think I am nuts for being armed 99% of the time.

Where is the link to be removed from the list?

01-26-2006, 08:30 AM
Ummm...Doncha like have to give them your 411 so they can delete it?

01-26-2006, 08:40 AM
Where is the link to be removed from the list?That's how they verify that your info is valid.....just like SPAM..... If it's public information, they didn't create it, they just found it.

01-26-2006, 08:58 AM
This is a bogus website that just leads you into joining or signing up to other personal data websites, like "infosearch" and "intellius". I saw this about a year ago in an e-mail from one of my friends. It was kind of like "half a chain letter". If I remember correctly, he was going to get a discount, or a free subscription if he got others to sign up. Totally bogus.

01-26-2006, 09:11 AM

All about the site and why it's legal and where the information comes from.

01-26-2006, 09:45 AM
Bleh...They have our old addresses and our new one, yet the new one points them in the wrong area. Guess "RFD" is a little too difficult for online mapping at this point.

01-26-2006, 09:49 AM
Dont know if this is old news or not but I was just told of a free website www.zabasearch.com (http://www.zabasearch.com) that gives out your address,month & year of birth and in most cases your phone #- they also give links to mapquest so you can get a map to the persons house!
Must be the same website that the p'o'd girl used ..... from the "Keepin' It Realer" episode of the Chappelle show.



01-26-2006, 10:47 AM
I've been following this a little for a while now.
It basically is a culmination of where any public information is stored... but a bit more thorough than others like it.

Recently they added a blog section where you can leave comments on people. Controversy lies in that you could intentionally defame a person.

link (http://websearch.about.com/b/a/197183.htm)

I'm not a big fan, especially of this feature.

01-26-2006, 11:12 AM
And some peole think I am nuts for being armed 99% of the time.

Where is the link to be removed from the list?

Me to, I've got my CCW. Thats one thing I like about my job none of the "no weapons at work" rules. :D

Websites like that are another reason my dream home is on a 2 acre's surrounded by an electrified 10ft fence with barb wire at the top. If the world can't be secure at least my house could be. :flamer:

Definatly post a link if you find one to be removed. Only crappy thing is that there are about 300 other websites like this one to get information.

Mike Poore
01-26-2006, 01:11 PM
And some peole think I am nuts for being armed 99% of the time.

Where is the link to be removed from the list?

Too late, Charlie. I copied down all your stuff, just before I deleated mine. Um, I'll turn the only copy of the printout over to you on Saturday, after you've bought my first beer. :D

Hey, BTW you're gonna ride the subway in, right?

01-26-2006, 02:13 PM
And somehow this amazes you now ? Shoot-fire you've been able to do this (and more) several years ago.

Try Googleing your telephone #. BTW ... the Google map has a satelite option.

Got one (satelite shot) of my place in NC, and you can see me in the backyard on the John Deere moving the grass. Peachy keeno. *NOT*

I used this feature once to pay a visit to the home of a person that consistently made wrong # telephone calls to my house and refused to stop (isn't callerID wonderful and the new telco' switches give-up a lot of info' too). SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE ... all the tact and diplomacy of a rhino' at your front door.

*Caveat - Does not work for all telephone #s.

In fact try using Switchboard (http://www.switchboard.com/).

Tie-in your credit card and valued customer card information and boy howdy.

Just because I know where you live and your every move, doesn't necessarily mean that I'm stalking ya (even though I could). :D

01-26-2006, 03:38 PM
We received a officer safety notification email at work ref zabasearch. I couldn't believe how many different ways I was listed. I opted out and a couple days later I was removed from their data base.

01-26-2006, 03:42 PM
Ummm...Doncha like have to give them your 411 so they can delete it?

All I had to do was say remove all info regarding me in NYS.

01-26-2006, 04:09 PM
I searched on my last name and it didn't find my father in Fla, me, wife or both kids in NC, my sisters in Ca, & NJ.......

01-26-2006, 04:24 PM
Oh hell I'm the first hit searching for my name. Gave address, phone number, and it looks like they use the county recorders office for records because it has my wife, and dad listed under my name too.

01-26-2006, 04:27 PM
Oh hell I'm the first hit searching for my name. Gave address, phone number, and it looks like they use the county recorders office for records because it has my wife, and dad listed under my name too.

If they didn't have the info, they do now huh? You just gave them your name and phone number lol. Try the social security number with name search as I'm sure they would love the intel.

01-26-2006, 05:13 PM
check out merlindata.com and go to "industry links"

01-26-2006, 06:35 PM
I'm sure glad my Dad named me Leadfoot. That name never comes up on those sites.

01-26-2006, 06:59 PM
Leadfoot281 - I'm sure glad my Dad named me Leadfoot. That name never comes up on those sites.
Reminds me of a joke - How native Americans name their children ..... But why do you ask Two Dogs F__king ?

01-26-2006, 07:33 PM
I just put my first and last name in.

01-27-2006, 07:11 AM
You can request to have your info removed by sending an e-mail to jevin@zabasearch.com, it worked for some of my co-workers.

01-27-2006, 01:32 PM
You can request to have your info removed by sending an e-mail to jevin@zabasearch.com, it worked for some of my co-workers.

Thats it, I couldn't find it in my deleted items at the station. When I used that address I was removed.

01-27-2006, 01:44 PM
Emailed them , let's see what happens.

IMO the get your name from public records such as drivers license,phone book and probably several others.

01-27-2006, 01:46 PM
Emailed them , let's see what happens.

IMO the get your name from public records such as drivers license,phone book and probably several others.

My name still appeared at ads on the top, but atleast someone would have to pay to get the info. May keep the lazy/cheap creep from bothering.

01-29-2006, 09:41 AM
Trying my last name brings up 4 people, all from the US (none of whom I know)...

It appears this (along with most sites like it) do not have access to (or don't bother with) Canadian data sources. I'll continue hiding out in the great white north, a little while longer ;)