View Full Version : Another of Life's Little Irritants

01-27-2006, 05:00 PM
What ever became of the fine art of making change? And, returning it to the customer. :dunno:

OK, I'll admit that I am old fashioned ... maybe just old ... and still use cash for most of my small dollar transactions. This means that I don't use a debit card to buy gum in the gas station or put a Snickers and a Mountain Dew on my Visa card. :rolleyes:

Have you noticed over the past several years that cashiers and clerks tend to pile the change on top of your bills before handing it to you in a clump? I find this quite awkward. It leaves the customer struggling to separate the change from the bills before taking the merchandise. It's both irritating and inefficient. Of course, they don't know that because they have never been told.

I blame this new "technique" on the so-called Smart Cash Registers. It tells the clerk how much to give back. Don't try to confuse them with exact change once they have punched in your payment. If the machine doesn't tell 'em how much to give back, they'd have to call the manager for a 2nd opinion. ;)

Back in the day ... not all that long ago, clerks would actually count back the change 48, 49, 50, 75, 1.00, 2, 3, 4 and $5. There you go, sir. Thank you for shopping at XXXXX.

I liked the old way ... more sense, more polite, and demonstrated a level of competence. Today is just irritating as heck.

So what's your thoughts on this?? :D

01-27-2006, 05:21 PM
Have you noticed over the past several years that cashiers and clerks tend to pile the change on top of your bills before handing it to you in a clump? That bothers me to no end! I make sure they know I'm struggling at that point. I like change first, please, so I can either quickly drop it in my change holder, or I palm it while I put the bills away.

Another little peeve regarding money? Waitstaff asking if you need any change when you pay for your meal. Of course I would. Instead, how about, "I'll bring your change right back." And let ME say, "No, please keep the change," or "All set."

THERE! I feel better now!

01-27-2006, 05:39 PM

Did not know that servers up your way do that. If you go to South Florida, when you pay your check, the server says, "Do you need change"? This has not spread here to Central Florida yet.

01-27-2006, 05:41 PM

Did not know that servers up your way do that. If you go to South Florida, when you pay your check, the server says, "Do you need change"? This has not spread here to Central Florida yet.
It's coming your way soon, Bob. Virginia is already infected with this "Do You Need Change bug". :rolleyes: I am surprised that they don't say ... "I normally get 20%". :rofl:

01-27-2006, 05:42 PM
There was a study where the cash registers displayed outrageously wrong change due. For example, a $3.50 purchase, $5. tendered and the register showed $28 83 change. Most of the clerks just accepted it and handed out the amount displayed.

If you ever want to look into the eyes of a chicken, try this. For a $3.89 purchace give the cashier $5.14. You;ll get the same look that I get when I explain how TV works to the dog.

01-27-2006, 05:44 PM
The other one is the kids at the drivethrough window who never look at you when they hand you your change or food. I like to move my hand so they drop stuff on the drive. Then I make them give me a new order.

01-27-2006, 05:49 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

There was a study where the cash registers displayed outrageously wrong change due. For example, a $3.50 purchase, $5. tendered and the register showed $28 83 change. Most of the clerks just accepted it and handed out the amount displayed.

If you ever want to look into the eyes of a chicken, try this. For a $3.89 purchace give the cashier $5.14. You;ll get the same look that I get when I explain how TV works to the dog.
Now I gotta clean my keyboard off ..... BRB. :rofl:

Donny Carlson
01-27-2006, 05:54 PM
Ever sit behind somebody doing the "drive through audit" where they take every sandwich out, open it up to inspect it, etc.? One time the car in front of my handed the bag back.... turned out they had given them MY order. Then these aholes had the nerve to hand me the bag when I got to the window! I said, look, I just saw that car in front of my pawing through my order, so it's either make the order new, or forget it.

Worst part now is they take your money at the first window. They have your money in advance, so it's not as easy to refuse the order.

01-27-2006, 06:02 PM
Ever sit behind somebody doing the "drive through audit" where they take every sandwich out, open it up to inspect it, etc.?

You're forced to check by the constant incompetance. There was a chain of Burger Kings in Detroit that were the worst. I don't think I ever got a correct order.

01-27-2006, 06:20 PM
I made a purchase the other day, total was 19.05 so I handed the teller a 20 and a nickle because I didn't want 95 pennies handed to me. She looked at the 20, looked at the nickle, handed me the nickle, gave me 95 cents change, then looked in the drawer again AND HANDED ME ANOTHER NICKLE!! I made 5 cents!! I should have handed her two 20's, I'd have made some beer money or something.:beer:

Paul T. Casey
01-27-2006, 06:27 PM
I was at the car wash the other day, had a ton of quarters left over. I went to the near-by convience store to get a pack of cigarettes to "lighten the load" in my pocket. It took the attendent nearly 3 minutes to count $4.50 worth of the offending change, had to stop 3 times to start over. Bet she could play a mean game of xbox though.

01-27-2006, 06:27 PM
Ever sit behind somebody doing the "drive through audit" where they take every sandwich out, open it up to inspect it, etc.? One time the car in front of my handed the bag back.... turned out they had given them MY order. Then these aholes had the nerve to hand me the bag when I got to the window! I said, look, I just saw that car in front of my pawing through my order, so it's either make the order new, or forget it.

Worst part now is they take your money at the first window. They have your money in advance, so it's not as easy to refuse the order.
Oh yes it is .tell them either give me my money now or this car doesn't move.see how fast it comes to your hand.i never leave the window until my wife says so(she looks in the bag) and if the order is not right the teller will hear it from my while i'm laughing at them..

01-27-2006, 06:33 PM
It's coming your way soon, Bob. Virginia is already infected with this "Do You Need Change bug". :rolleyes: I am surprised that they don't say ... "I normally get 20%". :rofl:

I'm afraid it's too late. I travel around the country and it's everywhere. I hear it about 25% of the time and I eat out more than I eat at home.

I also dine with friends often and hate to see the 15% added to my bill as if I'd stiff the wait staff. I normally tip 20%+ unless I get told I'm required to give a "gratuity". It takes very good service to make up for my distain for the resturaunt's policy.

de minimus
01-27-2006, 07:30 PM
The other one is the kids at the drivethrough window who never look at you when they hand you your change or food. I like to move my hand so they drop stuff on the drive. Then I make them give me a new order.


When ordering at the intercom thingy at the end of the order I always like to add.."and that will be to go". Causes great confusion.

01-27-2006, 07:39 PM
This is the reason I am considering the train horn system. No joke. Give them a shot of 135 decibles and they will be happy with whatever they get...:D
Ever sit behind somebody doing the "drive through audit" where they take every sandwich out, open it up to inspect it, etc.? .

01-27-2006, 07:47 PM
This is just the thread I needed today. Thank you everyone!

So far, I think I've experienced everything said here. And yes, I've made money back with the "give them the odd change to get something else" technic. I used to be honest and correct them but now it's a crapshoot if they get the order right. Now I keep the extra and make sure I get what I deserve. So far it's always been in my favor (rocket scientists they ain't!)

Definitely a pet peeve. I learned it when I worked at Eagles Grocery as a night stocker and weekend clerk. My register was NEVER off.

Keep 'em coming guys!


Joe Walsh
01-27-2006, 08:00 PM
Another little peeve regarding money? Waitstaff asking if you need any change when you pay for your meal. Of course I would. Instead, how about, "I'll bring your change right back." And let ME say, "No, please keep the change," or "All set."

THERE! I feel better now!

OH BOY! Have you hit the nail on the head!

It happens ALL the time!:mad2:
When they ask me: "If I want change back?", I automatically reduce the tip amount.

And I've given up on tendering exact change....The dopes just 'vapor lock' and call over a manager to figure out what is happening.

Want my Pet Peeve??

Why does everyone answer a 'Thank You' with: "NO PROBLEM"???

What ever happened to: "You're Welcome"??

Was there a potential problem?? Did my 'Thank You' just avert a fight? I don't get it...:dunno:

01-27-2006, 08:08 PM
I even get the waitresses that are too stupid to help themselves. The bill at the diner comes to $4.95 and I give her a $20. She brings back 3 $5, too stupid to make it easy for me to give her a tip.

King Fubar
01-27-2006, 08:37 PM
I have to say the best one I've seen was at a Hess gas station. I buy a pack of smokes and a Pepsi the total was like $5.67. I hand her $6 when I looked at the screen on the computer register it not only told her how much change but what denomination of coinage to give back.

I also like going through the drive thru and handing them Susan B's.....After they start to argue and find out how moronic they are the look on thier face is priceless.

01-27-2006, 08:44 PM
You know how sometimes the speaker on the drive through and the speech impairment of the person on it is such a bad combination you can't make out what the freek they are saying? If I can't understand the disembodied voice clearly, I stick my head out the window and make that "wargablarfahargablarfur" sound like on the old Charlie Brown cartoons. Like I got one of those trumpet baffle thingies over my head. It's fun to see how they react. Of course, I am easily amused.

01-28-2006, 02:31 AM
I hate it when I get the bills first then the change. Happens to me all the time as well. When I worked in retail, I always gave the change first, gave the customer a chance to do something with it, then gave them the bills.

In some of our grocery stores, they have change machines that spit out the correct amount automatically, and all the cashier does is handle the bills, if necessary. It priceless to watch some cashiers struggle with the simple math while I've already calcluated it in my head, trying to keep from laughing out loud.

Mike Poore
01-28-2006, 05:17 AM
[quote=Bluerauder ........OK, I'll admit that I am old fashioned ... maybe just old ...So what's your thoughts on this?? :D[/quote]

OH, that Charlie; first it was a rant about the dealer's stickers, now change at McDonalds.

He's gonna be in rare form today, at the Washington Auto Show, CAM DOO. :argh:

Hey Gordon, let's make Chris sit next to him. :laugh:

01-28-2006, 08:36 AM
I also like going through the drive thru and handing them Susan B's.....After they start to argue and find out how moronic they are the look on thier face is priceless.

Have you tried useing $2 dollar bills? At least you didn't get hand-cuffed while they brought in the Secret Service, eh?

We had parking place around here (Central Parking is HQ in Nashville) that gave out those gold-colored Sacagawea ($1) coins. It took forever to find a place that I could spend 'em, because hardly anyone had ever seen them before and kept assuming I was trying to pass off Canadian coins or something.

Having lived near Canada, I know that all Canadian coins are good for is slugging older vending machines and tossing in fountains ... cause most banks won't perform currency exchanges with coins.

Ya'll should try this site. ... Educate others or yourselves about U.S. currency.


01-28-2006, 09:35 AM
I can't stand when people can't make change right or wait staff that assumes a pre-determined tip amount either(whatever your change would be).

For gits & shiggles sometimes, every now & then I'll pull into a drive-thru, & when asked to place my order .....

I'll say in a totally serious voice ..... "nah I'm good - I'm just driving thru".

The "huh WTF ?!?!?!!?!?l" look you get as you drive-thru & simply leave is pricele$$. A totally innocent casual nod & wave to them on your way out, as if nothing unusal just happened is a nice bonus touch.

Asking for a Big Mac at the Burger King drive-thru - or a Whopper at the McD's drive-thru can be amusing too.

01-28-2006, 09:59 AM
I like pulling directly up the the window, driving past the order speaker; and asking them immediately, "how much do I owe ya?" About 80% look like Dwasson's dog getting the TV tech talk. How about Dunkin Donuts. 9 donuts and half a large coffee. Simple amusments for simple minds. Jack Nicholson and his sandwich gag was the best. Dwasson's dog resulted in the Dunkin Donuts coffee all over the key board. A close #2. Dennis:beer:

01-28-2006, 10:04 AM
For gits & shiggles sometimes, every now & then I'll pull into a drive-thru, & when asked to place my order .....

I'll say in a totally serious voice ..... "nah I'm good - I'm just driving thru".

How 'bout this one.... Dennis, Sheila, Zack and I went to Wendy's for a late bite to eat last year during our annual Cleveland Romp at Bear and Jess's. We're at the counter ordering when all of a sudden.....burning rubber, smoke, squealing tires.....!!!!! It's Big Joe P at the drive-up, doing a mean burnout after getting his meal!!! :woohoo: :eek: :bows: :laugh:

01-28-2006, 10:07 AM
How 'bout this one.... Dennis, Sheila, Zack and I went to Wendy's for a late bite to eat last year during our annual Cleveland Romp at Bear and Jess's. We're at the counter ordering when all of a sudden.....burning rubber, smoke, squealing tires.....!!!!! It's Big Joe P at the drive-up, doing a mean burnout after getting his meal!!! :woohoo: :eek: :bows: :laugh:

I've done such things when I was less than impressed with the service.


01-28-2006, 05:27 PM
I have to say the best one I've seen was at a Hess gas station. I buy a pack of smokes and a Pepsi the total was like $5.67. I hand her $6 when I looked at the screen on the computer register it not only told her how much change but what denomination of coinage to give back.

There was a McDonalds around here that must have had the stupidest employees ever. To get two BigMacs, the cashier would push a picture of a BigMac twice. It was the high tech version of the old SNL skit. "Cheesebuger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, chipl, chip, chip."

01-28-2006, 06:35 PM
A couple of months ago, I conducted my own experiment. Every time I went to a store, I would stand there and wait for the cashier to say “HI” to me first. If the cashier did not greet me I would say nothing and let the transaction take its course. I would say that 1 out of 10 store, which I went to, the cashier greeted me. I guess good old fashion customer service went out the window. Try this and see how you make out with it.

01-29-2006, 12:20 AM
I like the $2 bill trick too. We used to be able to have the bank put several of them glued together like a notepad. At the table I would tear off a dozen or so and hand them to the server. He would usually go get the manager or maitre'd (sp?). I was once even told to "take that fake sh|t somewhere else" or they would call the police.

I was gonna comment on the fact that they do not have amounts on the cash registers anymore - just pictures, but someone already did that.

Wanna try something fun? Go to ANY restaurant, much less fast food, with a vegetarian. Like ordering chalupas with rice instead of beef - they stare at you as if to say "but . . there's no button for that," and you KNOW that's why they have to get the manager, who is equally baffled.

Then they often charge more than the regular menu price for not having meat. :rolleyes:

Mike Poore
01-29-2006, 05:06 AM
A couple of months ago, I conducted my own experiment. Every time I went to a store, I would stand there and wait for the cashier to say “HI”

My favorite answer to "HI" is ............"Yes I am".

Here's a Marty style contest, where did that line come from? It's a tough one .....think mid 60's.