View Full Version : Cop watching ..new wrinkle

Mike Poore
01-29-2006, 02:20 PM

So, there I was tooling down I-270, Saturday, on my way to meet the CAM guys for the Washington Car Show, in Montgomery County, MD speed limit 55 on the 6 lane. I'm doing my usual 5+ over in the middle lane, when a ricer blows by me in the HOV lane, in a white Toyota Tercel

About 5 minutes later I pop over the hill and there's two of Maryland's finest, with the kid pulled over in the left lane, lights flashing.

Now, here's what's weird about it. Both of the cops had those red vests on and one of 'em, standing in front of the kid's car with a camera, taking a picture, of, I assume, the license plate, with the kid behind the wheel.

I guess they'll mail his ticket because the whole stop couldn't have taken more than a few minutes, since they were letting him go, just as I passed.

I have an escort radar detector, and it never registered a Lidar signal, which I'm guessing they were using, unless it was Vascar, which doesn't emit any signal at all.

Anyway, it appears I've witnessed a new traffic control technique, which, when you think about it, is gonna save the cops a lot of time, and shorten the time of a stop, which will certainly keep traffic moving. Anyone else seen this yet?

01-29-2006, 02:34 PM
Wow, what a coincidence ... I heard the same story yesterday. :rolleyes: Oh, you told it to me. :rofl:

01-29-2006, 02:34 PM
Maybe they are big Tercel fans.:) Ask Charlie whatsup? Dennis

01-29-2006, 03:29 PM
Maybe they are big Tercel fans.:) Ask Charlie whatsup? Dennis

I have not heard of this. But it makes sense.

It sounds abit like the red light camera method. You ID the driver, vehicle and keep a log of the violation, then release the driver all in under 5 minutes.

I'll have to remember this neat little idea for when I go back to patrol. Thanks Mike :D

(Engage Flame Suit *NOW*)

01-29-2006, 03:49 PM
Maybe they are big Tercel fans.:)

Yeah, but who isn't?

Frank Meyer
01-29-2006, 03:57 PM
Can someone help, I have a 04 with 21000 miles, flowmasters and KN air kit my question is my mileage it is about 19mph combined is there something I can do to increase my mileage????

Mike Poore
01-29-2006, 04:23 PM
Can someone help, I have a 04 with 21000 miles, flowmasters and KN air kit my question is my mileage it is about 19mph combined is there something I can do to increase my mileage????

Hi, Frank. Let me start a new thread for you in the Community Discussion, which might get you a little more action on your question.

01-29-2006, 05:56 PM
Can someone help, I have a 04 with 21000 miles, flowmasters and KN air kit my question is my mileage it is about 19mph combined is there something I can do to increase my mileage????
Driving a Tercel may help. But where's the fun in that.

01-30-2006, 02:20 AM
I used to see the RCMP wearing red/orange vests, and reflective gauntlet cuffs, standing on the side of the freeway, then stepping into the travel lane to wave someone over.
Maybe Maryland's finest has picked up on that trick :)

Mike Poore
01-30-2006, 05:56 AM
I used to see the RCMP wearing red/orange vests, and reflective gauntlet cuffs, standing on the side of the freeway, then stepping into the travel lane to wave someone over.
Maybe Maryland's finest has picked up on that trick :)

Oh, they've been doing that for years; it's the snap a picture & let 'em go, that's the new wrinkle.

01-30-2006, 06:08 AM
Can someone help, I have a 04 with 21000 miles, flowmasters and KN air kit my question is my mileage it is about 19mph combined is there something I can do to increase my mileage????

Hi, Frank. Let me start a new thread for you in the Community Discussion, which might get you a little more action on your question. Thanks, Mike!

01-30-2006, 08:28 AM
which dept had the photo lasers? It was the new handheld unit that takes picture of car w/ reticle and displays speed it was going so you can't be like it wasn't me. Remember the kustom signals guy saying D.C had like 120 of em but not shure of who else.