View Full Version : STAP 2006 is set - June 16th

01-30-2006, 06:23 PM
Some of you may remember STAP 2004 - there were a lot of Marauders present from the Motor City Marauders, and elsewhere.

We skipped last year, but CVN's STAP 2006 is scheduled for Friday, June 16th, 2006. That date has been confirmed by Ford since "the speech," so it should be considered cast in concrete. We will need a rough headcount before too long, and we can firm it up later. That will help Ford decide how many people to bring in to guide our plant tours. Last time, there were a lot of other events scheduled in the general area, including a great tour of the Dearborn Proving Grounds. Now that the date is set for the plant tours, we can work on the rest.

We are already working on convoys from different parts of the US. :banana2:

If you don't remember, STAP stands for St. Thomas Assembly Plant in Ontario, Canada, birthplace of the Crown Victoria, Grand Marquis, and Marauder. I think we had about 70 cars there last time, but my memory is slipping. I was the tall guy with the cast on his arm, driving an Econoline. :D

This is a good way to remind Ford that the Panther platform still has a following.

So.... submit your vacation days now! :banana2:

01-30-2006, 07:06 PM
I was at the last one. It was a good time being there. That was the day that the last MM rolled off the line. I will see if the guys will want to make the trip again.

01-30-2006, 08:14 PM
There's a drag strip, only a few minutes away from STAP. Perhaps wrap up the evening having some fun there???

Steve has CVN made any plans to visit the racetrack at Sparta?:burnout:

01-30-2006, 08:32 PM
We normally go to the St. Thomas Dragway on Friday night and Saturday, and we will most likely make arrangements for that. Most people will stay at the Best Western Stoneridge Inn (London, Ontario), which is very close to the plant, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Invade is probably a better word.