View Full Version : Super Bowl Drinking Game

02-01-2006, 07:30 PM
From: Noobsports.com (http://www.noobsports.com/2006/02/official-noobsportscom-super-bowl_01.html)

The Official Noobsports.com Super Bowl Drinking Game

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: welcome to the 2006 Super Bowl! That's right, invite your friends over, break out the gambling squares, it's time to watch the biggest football game of the year.

If you are like us, you're not going to watch the big game alone; you're going to attend a Super Bowl party. And to be fair, most Super Bowl parties are the same: A handful of people show up at somebodies house, they have some chili, some nachos, some pizza maybe... and they drink a couple of beers. All good and well, but if you want to take your party to another level, we present you with:

The Official Noobsports.com Super Bowl Drinking game!


1- Invite your friends over. Tell them to bring something to eat, and a couple bucks to throw down for some drinks.

2 - Go to your local liquor store (in Colorado, go Saturday, since you can't buy booze on Sunday) and pick up your favorite 1/2 barrel of beer. Suggestions - Natural Light, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Busch Light, Coors Light, or Keystone Light. Don't drink anything too heavy... last year we played with a barrel of Fat Tire and had a 3 day hangover. Bad times.

3 - Pick up a couple fifths of a liquor you'd like to take a shot of. For example: Goldschlager, Rumpelminze, Jagermeister, Southern Comfort, or Canada House all work well. Try to avoid cheap ****, like Kamchatka Vodka, Heaven Hill Whiskey, or 5 O'clock Gin. Trust me.

4 - Grab a seat, and follow the rules.

(We suggest you print up these rules so you can have them handy for the game)


- First of all, make sure you have enough alcohol. Running out midway through the third quarter would be devastating.

- Secondly, before the game starts, everybody has to pick a team. You are either going to be on "Team Seahawks" or "Team Steelers." The teams don't have to have even numbers. Everybody gets to choose which team they would like to root for (and drink with).

- Teams need to sit next to one another, or at least on the same side of the room. This will become apparent as the game goes on, as a heated rivalry will innevitably develop between the two teams and you will need your teammates for moral support.

- For the record: 1 drink is defined as a good gulp of beer. No sissy sips, and definitely no nursing your drink. A 12 Oz cup of beer holds about 6-8 "drinks" in it. If you catch any of your friends nursing their drink, feel free to swat them upside the head. A shot is defined as a normal shot of liquor served in a normal sized shot glass.

- As soon as the football game starts, you must follow the rules of the team you're playing for:

Team Seahawks

Drink 1 drink:

- If the Steelers get a 1st down.
- Every time the Seahawks punt the ball.
- Whenever an announcer mentions that Hasselbeck is bald.
- The Seahawks commit a 5 yard penalty.
- Every time they say that Jerome Bettis is from Detroit, or mention something about him coming home.

Drink 2 drinks:

- If the Seahawks commit a 10 yard penalty.
- The announcer refers to Willie Parker as "Fast Willie Parker."
- Antwaan Randle El catches a pass, or completes a pass, or runs the ball.
- The Steelers use a "trick play."
- Hasselbeck is sacked.

Drink 3 drinks when:

- The Seahawks commit a turnover.
- The Steelers kick a field goal.
- The Seahawks commit a 15 yard penalty.
- The announcers refer to Bill Cowher as "Sergeant Slaughter."
- The Steelers recover an onside kick.
- The Steelers challenge a play and it gets overturned, or the Seahawks challenge a play and the play stands.

Take a shot:

- When the Steelers score a touchdown
- The announcers mistakenly refer to your QB as "Matt Hasselhof."
- Any safety.

Drink X amount of drinks:

X = the number of yards the Seahawks give up on a play over 10 yards (for instance, a play that goes for 11 yards is 1 drink, a play for 23 yards is 2 drinks, a play for 80 yards is 8 drinks... this includes punt returns, kick returns, and interception returns/fumble recoveries).

Team Steelers

Drink 1 drink:

- When the Seahawks get a 1st down.
- Every time the Steelers punt the ball.
- Whenever the announcers refer to Big Ben's career record (regular season and playoffs).
- The Steelers commit a 5 yard penalty.
- Every time they say that Shawn Alexander is the MVP.

Drink 2 drinks:

- If the Steelers commit a 10 yard penalty.
- The announcer say that Seattle doesn't get any "hype" because they're in the Pacific Northwest.
- Maurice Morris touches the ball (or they refer to him as a lifelong Seahawk).
- The Seahawks use a "trick play."
- Roethlisberger is sacked.

Drink 3 drinks when:

- The Steelers commit a turnover.
- The Seahawks kick a field goal.
- The Steelers commit a 15 yard penalty.
- The announcers say that Mike Holmgren looks like "a walrus."
- The Steelers recover an onside kick.
- The Seahawks challenge a play and it gets overturned, or the Steelers challenge a play and the play stands.

Take a shot:

- If the Seahawks score a touchdown
- The announcers say they'd like to eat a "Rothlis Burger."
- Any safety.

Drink X amount of drinks when:
X = the number of yards the Steelers give up on a play over 10 yards (for instance, a play that goes for 11 yards is 1 drink, a play for 23 yards is 2 drinks, a play for 80 yards is 8 drinks... this includes punt returns, kick returns, and interception returns/fumble recoveries).

(everybody drinks)

- Any mention of either coaches moustache
- There is a commercial on TV that makes you laugh out loud, or you think is quality.
- Any time you hear the words "Fire" and "Millen" in the same sentence.

***Attention*** Some of these rules can be combined. For instance, if there is a first down on a 15 yard pass play, you have to drink 2 drinks; 1 for the 1st down, and 1 for a 15 yard play. Or, if Hasselhof throws an interception in the endzone that gets returned for a touchdown and he jump-kicks Troy Polamalu after the play... you have to drink 3 drinks for the turnover, 1 shot for the touchdown, 10 drinks for the yards given up on the play, and 3 drinks for the personal foul. Psych up.

02-01-2006, 08:18 PM
:2thumbs: Many thanks! I've printed this off, in prep for Sunday :beer:

02-01-2006, 08:25 PM
Keystone Light...:beer:

02-01-2006, 09:20 PM
Like the rules will be legible to anyone playing this game by mid-2nd quarter. :)