View Full Version : Camaro

Mike M
02-06-2006, 12:07 AM
I just did some work on my 548 c.i. SS/RS Camaro and pulled it outside to wash off the dust, I will probably do a good wax job next week.
I drove it around the block (car alarms going off, kids crying, cats sleeping with dogs etc). I love it. I just bought a new open trailer to take to car shows and the track.

How does she look?

02-06-2006, 12:27 AM
OMG, that's a sweet Camaro. That's it, when BillyGman's done his Chevelle I wanna see a race between you and him. And make sure it gets caught on tape.

02-06-2006, 02:30 AM
Nice, Really Nice!

02-06-2006, 04:05 AM
whoa... dude,.. that is seriously bad ass. 548CID? :eek: You are a brave man.

side note: what's with all the gravel instead of grass? You must really hate mowing the grass! :P

Mike Poore
02-06-2006, 04:31 AM
I just bought a new open trailer to take to car shows and the track.
How does she look?

The RS/SS is a rare and beautiful Camaro. Hound's tooth cloth seats I presume?

I'm also interested in your decision process in selecting an open trailer vs closed, as we're not far from going the trailer route with Sunshine.

02-06-2006, 04:37 AM
I have said it before and I will say it agin..... "DROOL!"

02-06-2006, 10:43 AM
Dayum those rear tires look EXPENSIVE!!!! Nice beastie!!!

02-06-2006, 11:28 AM
side note: what's with all the gravel instead of grass? You must really hate mowing the grass! :P

:lol: Must be from south west, where grass takes on the 'horse food'

look :)

02-06-2006, 11:58 AM
Very nice 1st GEN. No pics of the motor in the car tho....

02-06-2006, 12:06 PM
That's lookin' real mean Mike. Are those slicks or M/T bias Ply tires you have on the back?? Those aren't the tires that you couldn't hook-up with on the dragstrip, are they?? BTW, when you used to live in Jersey, did you ever take that bad boy on the scale at E-town? I'm wondering what it tipped the scale at.

Mike M
02-06-2006, 03:02 PM
Thanks, yep those MT's on the back are not bad tires but the car needs slicks to make a decent pass. It was a scarey run in E-Town that night with the M.T.'s.
Grass??? What is grass? Grass is for golf courses...rocks are for yards! I cut enough grass to last me a lifetime in NJ. Here in sunny AZ it's all rocks from here on!
I'll post a picture of the engine in the car later today.
Thanks again!