View Full Version : Supercharging.....Your Internet....WOW!!!!

02-10-2006, 05:42 AM
I have used Mozilla Firefox for over a year now and just recently had to do a complete "Destructive" Restore to my computer....WHAT A PITA!!!

While re-installing Firefox I upgraded and did all of the add-ons including the "Faster Firefox" option and WOW!!!!!

This site used to take 10-15 seconds to load using IE....5 seconds or so with Firefox....AND NOW ABOUT 2 SECONDS WITH THE NEW "SUPERCHARGED" Firefox!!

I recommend it to anyone who is sick and tired of Pop-ups.....Ads.....and all of the trash you have to wade through to get to the stuff you want!!!

Give it a try....You'll be amazed!!!


02-10-2006, 06:18 AM
MM.net just loaded in 1.734 seconds......UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! :beer: :beer:


02-10-2006, 07:43 AM
Give it a try....You'll be amazed!!!

Unless your pc is running on Windows 98 and is an old POS. Then don't try Firefox. My pc slowed to a stop and got very angry with me. I had to delete all Firefox files to get her back up to speed (not so slow).

Firefox is great on my work pc, but don't try it if you're cheap and/or stupid like me and your puter is still stuck in the 90's:lol:

02-10-2006, 09:17 AM
Don't do it. If you want something better than IE use Maxthon. FireFox is a resource hog, all the gimics and ad-ons only kill your computer, dispite making pages load fast in doing this it actually sucks alot of memory. Also the new version will start to give trouble in two or three weeks. with more than one tab open it gets fussy and crashes alot. Aslo Fire Fox is very bad at opening many many web pages. Trust me, if you HAVE to get something other than IE, don't get fire fox, Maxthon is a much better choice, it's got everything fire fox has and more, and it's built from IE so it will load every type of web page... Just a little insight from someone who's been there ;)

02-10-2006, 10:57 AM
I recommend using IE and being done with it...

02-10-2006, 02:54 PM
I have a GB of RAM and monitor how much is free constantly......no real change between IE and FF......averages about 675 MB free at all times!!??:beer: I run Windows XP with a pretty fast Intel processor (2.4 Ghz I think) and have been used to fast operation for the 3 years I have had it.....until last week when it crashed!!:argue: Did a "Destructive" restore Wednesday and back up and really fast now....must have had some cooties in it!!??:bigcry:

I thought I was helping you folks....most folks I know still use IE and the ads and pop-ups are ridiculous.....FF is virtually clean and faster now than ever??:bows:

Sorry to bother you with my "Discovery"!!:shake:

I'l go back to work on my car!!!:D


02-10-2006, 03:27 PM
It is greatly appreciated Marauderjack....thank you very much...


Dr Caleb
02-10-2006, 03:52 PM
I thought I was helping you folks....most folks I know still use IE and the ads and pop-ups are ridiculous.....FF is virtually clean and faster now than ever??:bows:

You are helping. Just some don't want to be shown the light, they need to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Levy and Gribble, along with graduate students Alexander Moshchuk and Tanya Bragin, set up IE in two configurations -- one where it behaved as if the user had given permission for all downloads, the other as if the user refused all download permission -- to track the number of successful spyware installations.

During Levy's and Gribble's most recent crawl of October 2005, 1.6 percent of the domains infected the first IE configuration, the one mimicking a natve user blithely clicking 'Yes;' about a third as many domains (0.6 percent) did drive-by downloads by planting spyware even when the user rejected the installations.

"These numbers may not sound like much," said Gribble, "but consider the number of domains on the Web."

"You definitely want to have all the patches [installed] for Internet Explorer," added Levy.

In the same kind of configurations, Firefox survived relatively unscathed. Only .09 percent of domains infected the Mozilla Corp. browser when it was set, like IE, to act as if the user clicked through security dialogs; no domain managed to infect the Firefox-equipped PC in a drive-by download attack.


02-10-2006, 04:14 PM
You are helping. Just some don't want to be shown the light, they need to be dragged kicking and screaming.


I have to agree with you again. Even if your beret is a funny colour.

If people, especially idiot magazine editors, didn't blindly follow MS, we'd all be using a far superior OS right now, probably in the form of an advanced version of OS/2.
Windows is still catching up to the last release of Warp4, which is now quite long in the tooth itself.

If AOL hadn't bought out Netscape, and ruined that browser.............

02-10-2006, 06:16 PM
hmmm apparently people don't like to update... I haven't seen a pop up in over a year... there is this nifty thing called sp2 you click install, it updates IE and magically no more pop ups.... will the wonders ever stop?

02-11-2006, 03:15 AM
hmmm apparently people don't like to update... I haven't seen a pop up in over a year... there is this nifty thing called sp2 you click install, it updates IE and magically no more pop ups.... will the wonders ever stop?

I updated to sp2 before using Firefox. Pop ups still managed to make it through, as well as other unwanted things with the 'updated' IE.
That's the point Doc Caleb was making.

02-11-2006, 04:39 AM
Thanks Caleb.....

I have tried SP-2 on both my Desktop and Laptop and had awful results!!!:argue: :argue: :mad2: I uninstalled SP-2 in short time as both machines became very slow and very hard to use!!!:down:

I consulted with Compaq and they promptly told me not to download ANY Windows updates....If I wanted I could get ALL approved updates from their site (Compaq) or they would mail them on a CD!!:beer:

I just did a destructive restore that put my desktop back to it's original October 2002 configuration and turned OFF the Windows updates without downloading a single thing....It runs PERFECTLY...FAST...CLEAN and I'll just wait and see what happens??:confused:

I'm convinced that Microsoft is playing "Catch-up" in the spyware/virus game and also it is quite possible they plant "Boogers" in the update's downloads to ensure repeat"bidness"....If ya know what I mean??!!:mad:

Right now this computer that I was going to throw in the river last week is running BETTER than ever before and I think Firefox is partially responsible!!:bows: The "Fasterfox" feature over doubled my download speeds with no apparent RAM loss....Presently have 775MB of free RAM (77% of available)!!! :burnout:


02-11-2006, 05:44 AM
I recommend using IE and being done with it...

why ? .

02-11-2006, 05:47 AM
Jack, you should've provided the Firefox website link with this great thread :rolleyes:

what is it again .... www.mozilla.com or www.mozilla.net

i forget, but I've been on Firefox almost a year and like twolow, i was afraid to make the change, but after a few months I gave it a try and noticed a great difference ever since. Cant say I have the fasterfox version but i'mma check it out right now. :D

02-11-2006, 05:51 AM
I just downloaded the Fasterfox addition and, um..

WOW :eek:

Thanks for the heads up Jack, now this is how cable modems OUGHT to work.

02-11-2006, 07:43 AM
Glad I could help somebody here!!:beer:

It's getting to where ya have to wear a Nomex suit around here all the time!!??:flamer:

Marauderjack:flamer: :burnout: :D

02-11-2006, 08:54 AM
I just downloaded the Fasterfox addition and, um..

WOW :eek:

Thanks for the heads up Jack, now this is how cable modems OUGHT to work.

OMG, Lisa has more stuff, faster!!! Yikes. Time to get some hat! Dennis:D

Dr Caleb
02-12-2006, 05:34 PM
Thanks Caleb.....

I consulted with Compaq and they promptly told me not to download ANY Windows updates....If I wanted I could get ALL approved updates from their site (Compaq) or they would mail them on a CD!!:beer:

No Problem m-jack. Just a little bit more advice - for everyone. First, get them to mail you the CD, it's needed for the next step... If you rebuild a PC from the restore disks - disconnect it from high speed internet.

The average time to infection for an unpatched system has fallen to less than 4 minutes over the years. So, if you are connected to the internet while you are applying patches, you will become infected. I recently proved this to myself with a new installation of Server 2003. I was getting all these little popups from something in my tray, while I was still installing it!!!

I have to agree with you again. Even if your beret is a funny colour.

Haaaaayyyyyy!! I'll have you know Blue sets off my eyes quite nicely! ;)

But OS/2 does rock! Still!!

02-12-2006, 05:49 PM
I recommended [on mm.net] switching to Firefox while it was still Beta version 0.8. I stick with that recommendation. It's faster, safer, easier to use, easier to tweak, highly customizable, and is better than IE in every way. Now, with Firefox at nearly 15% of the browser market, Microsoft just released the beta IE7 [do not try to install it]. Everything it touts as 'new' Firefox had over a year ago.

This is a no-brainer.


Mike M
02-12-2006, 05:53 PM
I likey FireFox!

02-12-2006, 05:57 PM
I recommend using IE and being done with it...

In the business we call it Internet Exploder for a reason.