View Full Version : Doorstop is worth $110,000

02-10-2006, 12:16 PM
Just found this article ....

"Soldiers find block of gold worth $110K
Army News Service

“I noticed it during the relief-in-place with the unit before us, sitting under the table in the office,” said Sgt. Teresa Burroughs, a terrain analyst in the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. She said the outgoing unit “used it as a doorstop in the summer.”

During a recent cross-training session in the Terrain Team office, Master Sgt. Jay Phelps noticed a brown shape on the floor. He tried to move the shape with his foot, but it didn’t budge.

Phelps picked up the dense block and wiped away some of the dirt. After scraping his knife across the block, Phelps was relatively sure he’d found something.
“I couldn’t be certain, but I thought this is probably a block of gold,” Phelps said.

Phelps and Burroughs immediately notified the commander and secured the block in the company safe. Burroughs, due to depart for two weeks of leave, took a small piece of the ingot with her for testing in the States.

Back home, Burroughs called on a jeweler to determine the block’s composition. The jeweler confirmed that it was around a ten karat amalgam of gold.
The estimated value of the block is nearly $110,000 U.S. dollars.

Phelps and Burroughs never wavered in making the right decision; they agreed the gold was not theirs and should be given to the proper Iraqi authorities.

“You of course think to yourself, ‘Wow, there’s a kids’ college tuition, a house, and tons of people you could help with that money,” said Phelps. “And then you immediately know it’s not worth it.” The block was returned to the Iraqi government."

02-10-2006, 12:50 PM
I sure would have been tempted...:nono:

02-10-2006, 12:50 PM
How does the saying go...

"Render unto Halliburton what is Halliburton's"

Interesting story.

Stories are still surfacing about loot from WWII surfacing in various parts of the world. Gold is a little heavy to ship home and would be very hard to get through today's metal detectors.


02-10-2006, 01:02 PM
A couple dozen of those would probably be all the traction assist I need..in more ways than one. Dennis:beer:

02-10-2006, 01:26 PM
How does the saying go...

"Render unto Halliburton what is Halliburton's"
Ya your right, they should have stole it from the iraqi people.

02-10-2006, 01:33 PM
Ya your right, they should have stole it from the iraqi people.

I was just being funny.

Everyone knows where the big H. fits into this war in Iraq.

Your politics won't change that.

Next time quote me completely or don't quote me at all.

I have never seem anyone more in need of weed in my life!

Go burn a phatty, relax, and be happy old dude!

Your retirement is being paid with my tax dollars!
