View Full Version : **This Is AN Abosolute Disgrace****

02-11-2006, 10:55 AM
This is a quote from www.dragracingonline.com (http://www.dragracingonline.com) Agent 1320

There were some representatives of the Armed Forces Radio and Televisions Services at Pomona on Thursday, Feb. 9. That branch of the services furnishes our troops with free programming overseas. Evidently NHRA was under orders from ESPN, who owns all of the rights to shoot any action shots at NHRA events, to not allow the AFRTS folks to shoot any part of the day's racing from the side of the track. They ended up in the stands, according to DRO staffers at the race. Shame on NHRA and ESPN for this petty action. [2-10-2006]

02-11-2006, 11:06 AM
Iwould have to agree whole heartedly!!

02-11-2006, 12:56 PM
I agree.

There are, unfortuately, many false-patriots out there.

Keep a cool head and vote with your feet.

Just don't buy from them or vote for them once you discover their true nature.

Best Regards,


02-11-2006, 01:29 PM
Ray, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We know how to handle it from here. Finally, I agree with David. Dennis:mad2:

02-11-2006, 02:59 PM
That is just plain WRONG.

Two Hawks
02-11-2006, 03:11 PM
Yes Ray, that is absolutely disgraceful. It seems that big business often lets greed dictate their judgment. :shake:

I wonder how much money they figured they'd be loosing by letting AFRTS have some prime video to share with our troops? :confused:
Since the AFRTS does not broadcast to the general public, I think they were way off base on this call.
Don't imagine this will be reported on any major news stations, which is a dang shame. :mad2:

BTW, nice to see hitchhiker and Hotrauder finally agree on something. :lol:

02-11-2006, 03:17 PM

There were some representatives of the Armed Forces Radio and Televisions Services at Pomona on Thursday, Feb. 9. That branch of the services furnishes our troops with free programming overseas. Evidently NHRA was under orders from ESPN, who owns all of the rights to shoot any action shots at NHRA events, to not allow the AFRTS folks to shoot any part of the day's racing from the side of the track. They ended up in the stands, according to DRO staffers at the race. Shame on NHRA and ESPN for this petty action. [2-10-2006]
Sometimes I wonder whether the programming and marketing departments of big companies don't have their collective heads up their :censor:

As a retired service member, there have been many times that my access to news, sports, and entertainment was strictly through the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS). I have watched many playoff football games, Superbowls, AL/NL Championship games, World Series, and other sporting events on AFRTS. And I listened to news and sports on AFN radio. Limiting access only hurts their fan base and denies access to those folks who generally don't have any other options in isolated areas around the world.

Once this word gets out in the field ... both the NHRA and ESPN will suffer the consequences of some lost viewers. Its a shame that those in a position to make the decisions have no idea of how to support their market.

This is :bs:

02-11-2006, 04:17 PM
Email fired off to NHRA and ESPN!

02-12-2006, 06:04 PM
Gee, maybe even I can agree with David on this one.

02-13-2006, 09:37 PM
Quote from Nitromater by Mark Walter USAF Ret. Jama Ministry.


This is a follow up article from DRO about the out come of what I would call a grassroots movement to fix this. Yea, we win!


A team from the Army Broadcasting Service led by Lieutenant Colonel
Derek W. Crotts, a Commander in the American Forces Network, were in the Schumacher compound over the weekend, where NHRA initially denied them the ability to shoot any on-track video footage at the Winternationals. The team was at Pomona to provide Army drag racing oriented stories to entertain our troops and to help build the TV audience for the ESPN show being broadcast on February 15 to troops stationed abroad and on military bases in the U.S. over the American Forces Network.

Over the weekend both NHRA and ESPN agreed to provide on-track and pit footage at no charge to the AFN for the Winternationals. According to Col. Crotts, they will have a working agreement since they intend to return to future NHRA POWERade events because, "Our troops love drag racing."

American Forces Network also provides NASCAR, golf, tennis, NFL and college football, NBA and college basketball and other sporting events to military personnel and their families.

02-13-2006, 11:14 PM
I still fired off a nuclear boom ladened e mail to both of them...HOW DARE THEY ?? I am so angry right now...:mad: :mad2: :mad: :mad2: HOW DARE THEY DO THAT ??? Grrrrrrrrr ...


^^^^^^ ....kinda ironic right now...