View Full Version : Olympic Thoughts

02-19-2006, 08:43 AM
Anyone else watching good portions of the olympics?

Some thoughts we have had in our house while watching:

1) The success of the American athletes seems to be inversely related to the amount of hype they get prior to their event(s). What is Bode now, 0-3? I predict 1-5 when he's done (that he might medal 1 out of 5)

2) Leave Shani Davis alone. He went to skate his event, and doesn't need to do anything else. He wants nothing to do with the media, which in my book makes him the smartest athlete we have on our team.

3) Jacobellis deserves all the crap she is now getting. Had she admitted she was showing off and screwed up, I'd have some sympathy for her. Her attitude says quite a lot about us as a nation, IMO.

4) For some reason, I have some conspiracy theory in my head that Ohno isn't trying at all. It sure as hell doesn't look like it, and since when does he celebrate getting thru the first race? Maybe all those death threats have gone to his head. Either that or the Koreans are not just better than he is, but they are in an entirely different class judging by the way they flew by him in every race he has had with them so far.

5) And for the love of all that is good WHY can the Americans not ever have a good bobsled team? We have these sleds that are supposed to be the best out there, made of "super secret" NASCAR materials :rolleyes: and we can't find someone who can both drive it AND run fast? This sucks for two reasons. Firstly because we as the USA should never suck in this event, yet we hardly ever do well. Secondly, I think it's the coolest event and since we never do well, bobsled gets about 15 min. worth of coverage each olympics. :mad:

6) Curling needs to be replced with something more "sporty" - like drunken outdoor nighttime full contact winter golf.

7) Male figure skating. Nope, not going with the obvious, although the Russian guy was someone we can actually like and respect. Meanwhile our American drama queen (Weir) needs a few roundhouse kicks from Mr. Norris. To say that there is any artistry left in the skating scoring system isn't fooling anyone. It's who lands their jumps and that's it. Just stop the pretense and tell everyone "whoever jumps the most, highest, for the longest time without falling down wins."

Anyone else got some to share?

02-19-2006, 08:55 AM
Oh yeah, and the commentators suck. All of them. Though the luge/bobsled track guy seems enthusiastic enough.

Some young lady was doing luge while pregnant? Yeesh.

Joe Walsh
02-19-2006, 09:02 AM
Anyone else watching good portions of the olympics?

Some thoughts we have had in our house while watching:

3) Jacobellis deserves all the crap she is now getting. Had she admitted she was showing off and screwed up, I'd have some sympathy for her. Her attitude says quite a lot about us as a nation, IMO.

I don't feel sorry for her at all...Showboating has NO place in the Olympics.
She will have to live the rest of her life replaying that STUPID maneuver over and over again in her head.
This is what all the other nations expect from, and hate about, Americans.

7) Male figure skating. Nope, not going with the obvious, although the Russian guy was someone we can actually like and respect. Meanwhile our American drama queen (Weir) needs a few roundhouse kicks from Mr. Norris.
Anyone else got some to share?

Chuck Norris could kick that Weir so hard that he'd become a heterosexual!

I liked the 'BoardCross' events, and the short track speed skating...lots of bumping and pushing at high speeds. Gets me psyched for NASCAR!

02-19-2006, 09:13 AM
While sitting a Pool League last Tuesday, we had the honor of watching those "fabulous" male figure skaters. (puke). We were all laughing at the table and decided that male figure skating should be held on the same ice as male hockey!

If they can get through their "routine" without being body checked, they should win. Hell, if the get out ALIVE, then they get gold!

Two days later I hear the same thing on Bob & Tom and I had tears in my eyes. Way funny.

As to the commentary, I think you nailed it. They should be applauding the winners instead of whining about how we are not doing well. And NASCAR sponsored bobsled teams would ROCK!

I think you've really summed it up my friend!


02-19-2006, 09:19 AM
3) Jacobellis deserves all the crap she is now getting. Had she admitted she was showing off and screwed up, I'd have some sympathy for her.

I read a book once, it had a passage that went something like "the meek shall inherit the Earth" or something along those lines.

Translated to modern references, the noisiest targets are the easiest to take down. I see it clear as day at work: the cockiest high performers do well in the short term, but when it comes time to trim the team, the quiet and low-maintenance high performers are always the ones that get chosen.

I wonder what her teammates must think about her these days?

jim geary
02-19-2006, 09:54 AM
I'ed watch #6 if they had it.

02-19-2006, 02:55 PM
Anyone else watching good portions of the olympics?

Some thoughts we have had in our house while watching:

1) The success of the American athletes seems to be inversely related to the amount of hype they get prior to their event(s). What is Bode now, 0-3? I predict 1-5 when he's done (that he might medal 1 out of 5)

2) Leave Shani Davis alone. He went to skate his event, and doesn't need to do anything else. He wants nothing to do with the media, which in my book makes him the smartest athlete we have on our team.

3) Jacobellis deserves all the crap she is now getting. Had she admitted she was showing off and screwed up, I'd have some sympathy for her. Her attitude says quite a lot about us as a nation, IMO.

4) For some reason, I have some conspiracy theory in my head that Ohno isn't trying at all. It sure as hell doesn't look like it, and since when does he celebrate getting thru the first race? Maybe all those death threats have gone to his head. Either that or the Koreans are not just better than he is, but they are in an entirely different class judging by the way they flew by him in every race he has had with them so far.

5) And for the love of all that is good WHY can the Americans not ever have a good bobsled team? We have these sleds that are supposed to be the best out there, made of "super secret" NASCAR materials :rolleyes: and we can't find someone who can both drive it AND run fast? This sucks for two reasons. Firstly because we as the USA should never suck in this event, yet we hardly ever do well. Secondly, I think it's the coolest event and since we never do well, bobsled gets about 15 min. worth of coverage each olympics. :mad:

6) Curling needs to be replced with something more "sporty" - like drunken outdoor nighttime full contact winter golf.

7) Male figure skating. Nope, not going with the obvious, although the Russian guy was someone we can actually like and respect. Meanwhile our American drama queen (Weir) needs a few roundhouse kicks from Mr. Norris. To say that there is any artistry left in the skating scoring system isn't fooling anyone. It's who lands their jumps and that's it. Just stop the pretense and tell everyone "whoever jumps the most, highest, for the longest time without falling down wins."

Anyone else got some to share?

I agree with you on all points.

Anyone else notice some of the reporters in the short track speed skating contradicting themselves from one sentence to another? When Ohno was racing his semi-final.
He wants to be in the middle..... Yes first place is where he wants to be..... He really wants to win this race...... (Coming in second)..he really doesn't care about winning this race, he just wants to qualify....

Some of the others reporters are dopes as well. Seems like they just made the finacial advisors who are normally on CNBC and MSNBC Olympic sports reporters. Oh well, at least they are showing some of the events in its entirety on those channels. I'd like to see how the first 10-15 standings are, not only 1-2-3 and 13, 17, 25 of the Americans. (OK, I admit, I'm biased, since I'm from Germany). which, btw is leading the nations standings in medals:D



02-19-2006, 03:24 PM
Our USA team is getting their asses kicked. I watched hockey today and couldn't yell loud enough at the TV

Dr Caleb
02-19-2006, 06:26 PM
6) Curling needs to be replced with something more "sporty" - like drunken outdoor nighttime full contact winter golf.

Anyone else got some to share?

I disagree. Most people don't get curling because it isn't a fast paced kind of sport. It's a lot like Golf or Baseball in that respect. Repetition and consistency are the keys to it, and to see a pro perform is indeed a treat.

The classiest thing so far was the actions of a Norwegian coach. One of our ladies in the cross country relay broke her pole, and a Norwegian official gave her his pole. She ended up winning Silver, ahead of the Norwegians in 4th.

As for Olympic skeleton, luge, bobsled, snowcross and hockey - we rock! :rock: :canada:

As for mens hockey - lay the f@ off Gretzky. He says he didn't place bets. I believe him. And if he did - it isn't illegal!! To the media: Just back the F- off and let him do his job and coach hockey!!

02-19-2006, 08:07 PM
A couple other observations:

You get the feeling that the media thinks that any athlete without a "compelling story" is just coasting. "Jane Doe has fought against bad hair days and triumphed..."

Johnny Weir couldn't look any more gay if he wore a pink tutu. He embarrasses Brian Boitano.

Ice dancer Tanith Belbin is drop dead gorgeous. I'd watch a TV show with her reading from the phone book.

Curling makes me wish for the rowdiness and excitement of TV golf.

More speed sports need to run simultaniously like Snowboard Cross. Let's run all the lugers down the run at once. Let's run all the downhill skiers at once. Who can tell what the clock is doing? I want to see contact!

02-19-2006, 08:35 PM
Some of our "athletes" appear to have been selected for their politcal correctness or media hype ("Where do I sign up for the "Slap Bode fanclub")rather than ability. The rest of the world, operating without this handicap, is kicking our a**es.


02-19-2006, 09:05 PM
Oh Damn, don't even tell me I missed curling! All we had here during the week was Speed Weeks at Daytona. You know. . . . cars making left hand turns around the high banks at over 180 mph, with the help of not one broom.

If I missed curling. . .I'll be really miffed.

Anyhow, brooms are not for steering. They are made to sweep up debris from the crash. . . . . when someone didn't steer. :beer:

02-19-2006, 09:16 PM
Some of our "athletes" appear to have been selected for their politcal correctness or media hype ("Where do I sign up for the "Slap Bode fanclub")rather than ability. The rest of the world, operating without this handicap, is kicking our a**es.

The athlete has to be hungry for success. Lots of training money and good equipment can only go so far, most of it comes from inside the athlete. If they are in it for the sponsorship or glory, they are in it for the wrong reasons and ultimately will fail when face-to-face with someone who yearns for the Gold.

02-20-2006, 07:08 AM
Oh Damn, don't even tell me I missed curling! All we had here during the week was Speed Weeks at Daytona. You know. . . . cars making left hand turns around the high banks at over 180 mph, with the help of not one broom.

If I missed curling. . .I'll be really miffed.

I got your SIX... I TiVo'd all the curling!


02-20-2006, 07:39 AM
I got your SIX... I TiVo'd all the curling!

JohnCool, I was afraid I would go into some sort of curling withdrawal. . . :sleepy:

02-20-2006, 07:56 AM
I think I get curling. I rank it right up there with shuffleboard and bocce.

Or rolle bolle. Any old Belgians out there? I figure rolle bolle takes at least as much skill (read: beer) to play as curling does.

02-20-2006, 01:17 PM
The lovely Tanith:


Joe Walsh
02-20-2006, 06:33 PM
The lovely Tanith:


WOW! Suddenly I have the incredible urge to become a 'pairs' figure skater....

That photo is giving me lots of "Olympic Thoughts"