View Full Version : Ferrari Enzo destroyed

02-21-2006, 02:56 PM
This is tragic. (http://www.nbcsandiego.com/traffic/7298991/detail.html?rss=dgo&psp=news)

And here's (http://cbs2.com/topstories/local_story_052110615.html) a video.

02-21-2006, 03:18 PM
On another board I just saw this on someone had mentioned that the back half had not been found. Maybe somone is setting up for a slick swap.

02-21-2006, 03:19 PM


02-21-2006, 03:28 PM
He fled? hahahahah now he's REALLY in deep ****.

02-21-2006, 03:47 PM
Man, drunks and dumb animals. Unbelievable

02-21-2006, 04:11 PM
On EBAY: Slightly used Minor dings.....:D :D :D

RF Overlord
02-21-2006, 04:12 PM
"The driver of a red Ferrari Enzo lost control of the exotic car at high speed on Tuesday morning...
The driver fled. His passenger suffered a cut lip. The car is estimated to have been worth up to $1 million. The driver ran into the hills after the 6:15 a.m. crash"

I don't find things like this tragic at all...incredibly stupid, dangerous, and moronic, yes. I especially don't feel bad for anyone who can afford one of these ridiculous "supercars" and who drives like an ********* and breaks it, then isn't even man enough to stick around and take what he deserves...tough ***** for him.

02-21-2006, 04:25 PM
I don't find things like this tragic at all...incredibly stupid, dangerous, and moronic, yes. I especially don't feel bad for anyone who can afford one of these ridiculous "supercars" and who drives like an ********* and breaks it, then isn't even man enough to stick around and take what he deserves...tough ***** for him.

But Ferarris are like tigers. You may never own one but the world is a better because there are Ferarris in it. I don't want them to be destroyed.

02-21-2006, 04:28 PM
[i]"The driver of a red Ferrari Enzo lost control of the exotic car at high speed on Tuesday morning....
... lost control and went off the road at a speed estimated in excess of 120 mph, went airborne and sheered off a telephone pole. Split the car in half ... and the "passenger" gets a cut finger ??? :rolleyes:

This guy is one lucky Sumsabeotch. :D

Proof that Money does not guarantee brains !! :stupid:

Joe Walsh
02-21-2006, 04:46 PM
... lost control and went off the road at a speed estimated in excess of 120 mph, went airborne and sheered off a telephone pole. Split the car in half ... and the "passenger" gets a cut finger ??? :rolleyes:

This guy is one lucky Sumsabeotch. :D

Proof that Money does not guarantee brains !! :stupid:

They kept talking about the SAFETY of the Ferrari...I'd talk more about the driver's LUCK....
Had he clipped that pole 2 feet farther forward, rather than exactly between the occupant's compartment-engine compartment bulkhead,
he and his 'passenger' would be little bitty pieces smeared all over that hill side!
I don't car what vehicle they were in...except maybe an M1A1 Abrams.
It is a shame to see such a unique car get destroyed by a drunk idiot.

02-21-2006, 04:54 PM
It appears that HE was driving it, then got on the passenger side and played innocent passenger. Nice try, it might even work.

02-21-2006, 05:03 PM
It appears that HE was driving it, then got on the passenger side and played innocent passenger. Nice try, it might even work.
Yeah, except that he said some German guy named Dietrich was driving ..... an Italian car ... I don't think so !!! :rofl:

RF Overlord
02-22-2006, 04:02 AM
the world is a better because there are Ferarris in it.What?! Since when? The world does NOT need any more million-dollar Euro-trash junkers...all they prove is that anyone who buys one has more money than brains...

I really like how the media report states that the car has a top speed of 225 mile per hour...where on God's Green Earth can you drive safely at 225 MPH? Certainly not anywhere in the US or in Italy...

02-22-2006, 09:36 AM
What?! Since when? The world does NOT need any more million-dollar Euro-trash junkers...all they prove is that anyone who buys one has more money than brains...

If your heart doesn't feel a little lighter when you see a Ferarri pass by then you have a deficit in your soul.

02-22-2006, 09:48 AM
What?! Since when? The world does NOT need any more million-dollar Euro-trash junkers...all they prove is that anyone who buys one has more money than brains...

I really like how the media report states that the car has a top speed of 225 mile per hour...where on God's Green Earth can you drive safely at 225 MPH? Certainly not anywhere in the US or in Italy...
I have to agree ..... glad he said it first.


I can honestly say I could be sitting here holding that winning $365 million dollar power ball ticket ......

And cars like Ferraris - Lambourghinis & the like(see I can't even name any others - that's how much I care) ..... would mean NOTHING to me.

Yea I never drove one, but I don't need to - to know I wouldn't want one, whether I had the money or NOT. And no one is going to convince me to TRY one ..... because it will change my mind - cause' it won't.

I feel so strongly .....

I wouldn't take one if someone gave it to me free & clear ..... unless I had a legal document in writing saying there were NO strings, & I could sell it immeadiately after you gave me the keys - so I could go buy something I really wanted.

The only entertainment value a Ferrari ever provided for me ...... was Magnum & Higgins's on-going bickering over the use & maintenance of one.

My heart feels nothing when I look at them ..... & neither does it momentarily pump any extra blood further south on my body.

To each their own I guess.

(getting his flame suit ready - not that he's out for an argument - just sharing his opinion)


RF Overlord
02-22-2006, 11:27 AM
If your heart doesn't feel a little lighter when you see a Ferarri pass by then you have a deficit in your soul.You may be right...I'm naturally bitter and cynical, so don't take any of my comments personally. :P

I don't mind that people buy Ferraris and Lambos, it's just that they always seem so arrogant about it. They think that just because they are rich and can afford toys like this, the rules of the road and of common courtesy don't apply to them...that's what gets my dander up.

02-22-2006, 12:01 PM
I have had the pleasure and displeasure of periodically moving in and out of the social circles this idiot finds himself. I have witnessed on occasion times when these privileged jerks have found themselves in a situation where they are actually accountable for something and cannot blame it on the help or some underling. It is amazing how weak their character really is. If the measure of one's character is directly related to the professed balance in their checkbook, just sit back and watch the train wreck or in this case the car wreck. I am not throwing all ultra-wealthy people under the bus, just those who think the world exists for their pleasure. I guess I have to throw most of the politicians under as well...

02-22-2006, 12:10 PM
I am not throwing all ultra-wealthy people under the bus ...l...
I just checked the balance in my checkbook .... nevermind !!! :rofl:

02-22-2006, 12:20 PM
Charlie, I know you are close to joining the club. Heck, when you do make it in, we'll still let you in our little 'ol CAM club.:D
I just checked the balance in my checkbook .... nevermind !!! :rofl:

White Knuckles
02-22-2006, 06:34 PM
Swedish games mogul smashes million dollar Ferrari
Published: 22nd February 2006 10:28 CET
A rare one-million-dollar Ferrari sports car belonging to a Swedish game industry mogul slammed into a pole during a high-speed street race on Tuesday, reducing it to scrap metal, US police said.

Police in the plush Los Angeles district of Malibu said the 2003 Ferrari Enzo, only 399 of which were ever made, was owned by Stefan Eriksson, 44, a controversial former executive of the failed handheld gaming company Gizmondo.

The driver lost control of the Ferrari at around dawn when it careened up an embankment, probably became airborne and then slammed into a pole, slicing the vehicle in half, police said.

Eriksson, who was slightly injured in the crash, told police he was a passenger in the vehicle and that the driver was a German man called Dietrich who had fled the scene, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Sergeant Philip Brooks told AFP.

"Whoever was driving the Ferrari and a Mercedes came out to Malibu for a little race," Sheriff's Department Sergeant Philip Brooks said. "The other car racing was a (500,000-dollar) SLR Mercedes," he said.

Eriksson had a blood-alcohol level of 0.09, which is above the legal limit, Brooks said, adding that nobody had been arrested in connection with the crash but that officers were still seeking to identify the driver of the car.

"He's still considered as the passenger," Brooks said of Eriksson. "We're continuing our investigation. He's not in custody."

The red Ferrari Enzo, other examples of which are owned by such high-flyers as Oscar-winning movie star Nicolas Cage and US fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, was speeding are more than 192 kilometers an hour (120 mph) when the crash occurred, Brooks said.

The impact sheared the red Italian sports car in two, separating the entire front section from the rest of the vehicle. The 650 horsepower car had a top speed of more than 360 kilometers (225 miles) per hour.

"For a million dollars, you get a very good passenger-safety system, and apparently, in this case, it did work," Brooks said.

Police determined that Eriksson was once an executive of the video game industry firm Gizmondo.

"He told us he is or was the head of Gizmondo," Brooks said, adding also that Eriksson had previously professionally raced Ferraris in Europe.

Internet records show that Eriksson was the executive officer of Gizmondo Europe -- a unit of a US company Tiger Telematics -- which developed games and a high-tech gaming console.

British press reports said Eriksson resigned in October last year after a Swedish newspaper claimed he was convicted in Sweden in the early 1990s for alleged involvement with a Swedish mafia outfit.

The company filed for bankruptcy in Britain last month after reporting a net loss of 140 million pounds (225 million dollars) for the third quarter of 2005 on sales of 1.4 million pounds.

02-22-2006, 07:25 PM
What?! Since when? The world does NOT need any more million-dollar Euro-trash junkers...all they prove is that anyone who buys one has more money than brains...

I really like how the media report states that the car has a top speed of 225 mile per hour...where on God's Green Earth can you drive safely at 225 MPH? Certainly not anywhere in the US or in Italy...

Reminds me is the idiot who strapped a RATO unit to the rear of his Chevy and proceeded to run it into a bank. Estimated at 300 mph and the rear bumper ended up in his a$$.

Dumbass indeed!


02-22-2006, 08:01 PM
Pics:Before 1 (http://up****zle.com/files/enzo29mw4kn.jpg) Before 2 (http://up****zle.com/files/img24554wb.jpg) After 1 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari3.jpg) After 2 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari2.jpg) After 3 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari.jpg) After 4 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari4.jpg) After 5 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari10.jpg) After 6 (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e333/350zteve/ferrari8.jpg) After 7 (http://up****zle.com/files/ShowLetter-1.jpg) After 8 (http://up****zle.com/files/ShowLetter-2.jpg) After 9 (http://up****zle.com/files/ShowLetter-3.jpg) After 10 (http://up****zle.com/files/ShowLetter-4.jpg) After 11 (http://up****zle.com/files/enzocrashscene2.jpg)

02-23-2006, 08:52 AM

For him to hit that pole, that far from the crest of the hill,
he had to be doing a lot more than 120 !!!