View Full Version : More of Life Little Irritants -- Revisited

02-21-2006, 06:14 PM
OK ... we had some fun with some other "little" irritants about a month ago. Here's another one ... :D

Ever notice how indecisive people cannot think and move at the same time ? You have probably seen your share of folks who come to a fork in the road and hesitate. Unable to decide whether to go right or left, they will split the difference and run right into the painted white hashed area to check their bearings. Apparently, these folks missed the huge signs indicating which direction they should go. I see it happen all the time at major Interstate Junctions and even at regular exits. I can't count the number of times that I have seen someone miss their exit and they pull to the side ---- and back-up !! :stupid:

This phenomenon is not limited to the highways. It happens in doorways, at the bottom of an escalator, outside elevators, and on subway platforms when the doors open. These folks step out and then "freeze" while everyone behind them stack up. Unbelievable. :mad:

Many of these folks are completely clueless and oblivious to the problems they cause and the danger that they pose to themselves and others.

Anybody got a name for these .... uh .... Hesicrats !! :rofl:

02-21-2006, 06:17 PM
Anybody got a name for these .... uh .... Hesicrats !! :rofl:

Callz 'em az I seez 'em. Boneheads.
Why is there air? To keep our little heads from caving in.

02-21-2006, 06:22 PM
Yep sure do see em ,done it , been there.Thats what insurance is for.Thanks:up: sometimes ***** happens:rolleyes:

02-21-2006, 06:31 PM
One of my pet peeves are people who stand directly in front of an elevator door and try to get on before you get off...Rude boneheads...

02-21-2006, 06:40 PM
I hate when someone gets on at the first floor to go up one floor, and they could clearly stand the exercise. What's worse is when the elevator stops on TWO to go down to ONE!!! I want to jab my keys into thier eyes!! I plan on drinking blood from those peoples skulls. In Hell.:mad2: :mad: :mad2:

Joe Walsh
02-21-2006, 06:41 PM
These are the same people who stop to 'discuss life' at the smallest choke point in stores & malls and are oblivious to the inconvenience they impose on EVERYONE else.:mad2:

02-21-2006, 07:47 PM
These are the same people who stop to 'discuss life' at the smallest choke point in stores & malls and are oblivious to the inconvenience they impose on EVERYONE else.:mad2:
Related to those people are the ones that suddenly stop in their tracks about three feet into the door of the walmart, cvs pharmacy, wallgreens, 7-11, etc. It's like they have never seen the inside of a store before. Move over a bit to the side, willya?

02-21-2006, 08:11 PM
It all comes down to a lack of consideration and concern for other people.

02-21-2006, 09:30 PM
There is also my favorites, the people who can't accept that they missed the corner and have to cut accross 3 lanes in 50 feet to make that left turn. When I do that I go to the next corner and loop around.

02-21-2006, 10:26 PM
One of my pet peeves are people who stand directly in front of an elevator door and try to get on before you get off...Rude boneheads...

I was going to post the EXACT same thing. And this happens quite often at work (which is pretty much the only place I get to use an elevator... or pretty much the only place I happen to be in most of the time :help: ). You'd think a campus employing 1600-1800 "educated" professionals would be safe from this kind of barbaric stupidity, but...

It's gotten to the point where I come barrelling out of the elevator the split microsecond the doors open... and fast. Whoever's in my way, they'll be lucky to get a body check, and maybe learn their lesson. If I'm in a p!ssy mood, I'll fake being on a cell phone call and hold the phone up to my ear with my elbow pointed straight ahead, making for a neat battering ram. Caught some dork in the cheek once, I didn't even miss a step heading to my office...

(*sigh* that place has changed since we were circa-450 tightly-knit employees at this location, some 13 years ago, when we practically knew everyone in the building)

02-22-2006, 06:41 AM
What has been bugging me is the Home Dpot phenomonon. You get the folks in there thinking it is walmart or the grocery store and doing the same things, except they get in the way of a 500 lb cart of cement, bricks or whatever.

02-22-2006, 06:53 AM
Idiot drivers get my goat.

I can almost, but not quite, understand people in a rush to get home, but why the rush to get to work?

I'll do the speed limit or slightly above in the right lane, but why does some idiot behind me have to pass me just to get back in the same lane to make a right turn?

Ever notice how people react when we're walking (letting someone go first and being overall polite), but when we get behind the wheel of our car, the beast comes out.

I've seen my little old lady mother-in-law change to a mean, nasty person as soon as she got behind the wheel.

Seems like after 9/11 people were very polite on the roads, but that didn't last very long.

02-22-2006, 07:26 AM
I can almost, but not quite, understand people in a rush to get home, but why the rush to get to work?

Because they mismanaged their time and left home late. They spent 10 minutes too much sitting on the crapper that morning lamenting over what a lousy job they have, and in turn put themselves in the position of losing that job. That, or their home lives are so pathetically shallow that they rely on work to get away from it. I saw the same thing where I used to live, in the West end of Montreal: lots of upper management types that felt their lives and responsibilities were WAY more important than the plebes around them, and as such had full right to drive as if they owned the road. And yet, no doubt when they finally coasted their overpriced SUVs or Audis back to the home base, they'd be put in their places by an empty unsatisfying family life consisting of a Prozac'ed spouse and spoiled kids out shooting up in the neighborhood park.

I'm sounding harsh, but I think society has lost focus lately.
(last week I turned down a HUGE promotion because it would mean having to spend some time in Germany and possibly miss 3-4 months of my family... no thanks. I'm in no position to preach, but I think I did the right thing)

I'll do the speed limit or slightly above in the right lane, but why does some idiot behind me have to pass me just to get back in the same lane to make a right turn?

Your location says "New Jersey" but I'm beginning to get the impression you lived right next to me at that 'other' place! One of my F-body club members was in that same situation while driving his mint 1989 IROC... some moron realized he had to take the upcoming exit and barrelled over 3 lanes in order to take the exit on time, from the fast lane. My friend barely missed him, and had to go offroad for a few seconds... he ran over some debris and put a nice gash on his factory skirts.
(Ironically, if Logan is reading this, he will recognize this exit as being the one right next to where we grabbed a bite to eat back in 2003).

I've seen my little old lady mother-in-law change to a mean, nasty person as soon as she got behind the wheel.

*sigh* same neighborhood, at the intersection right in front of the neighborhood police station, sometime in 1999. I was unaware of the crazy driving habits of the neighborhood, having just bought my house about 10 months prior. I was enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon summer drive with my T-tops off, when I decided to 'air out' the TPI a bit off the light (just to hear the exhaust a bit, nothing too aggressive). Green light, I'm enjoying the mellow sounds of a pulling V8 when I hear this nasty OHC thrashing sound from my right. I look over and there's this totally-silver-haired old bitty keeping up with me. At first I thought she was trying to race me! However, as I soon realized, that was the way she drove. Damn...

Man oh man, I'm so glad I left that neighborhood....

02-22-2006, 07:53 AM
(last week I turned down a HUGE promotion because it would mean having to spend some time in Germany and possibly miss 3-4 months of my family... no thanks. I'm in no position to preach, but I think I did the right thing)....
Fully appreciate and understand the separation from family issue. However, I spent some 6 years in Germany (two 3-year stints) and regard it as one of the highlights of my travels. Of course, I was fortunate enough to bring the family with me !! :D Having 6 years of the German language in schools didn't hurt a bit either.

Man, I would love to have my Marauder out there on the autobahn !!! :burnout:

02-22-2006, 08:47 AM
why? second you hit 140 a series of blurs would pass you! lol!

I hate when people get over into the fast lane to speed up 1 mile faster than the guy they felt was going way too slow! I remember when I was in texas we were running freightliners with trailers at 70 mph and we'd dame near come close to taking out a few people who felt like hopping over and doing 30 mph in the left lane of a 70 mph highway was "smart". The freightliners front end on these were designed to run cars off the road in country.

02-22-2006, 09:01 AM
why? second you hit 140 a series of blurs would pass you! lol!

Been there, done that !!! But not quite as often as you would imagine. :rolleyes: Occasionally a Porsche 911 or Carrera would flash and take off. But you gotta know the rules and abide by them. Left lane rules work very well in Europe. Slower traffic always moves right .... always !!! :D

Of course, there was a time south of Munich when I was rolling at 120 mph and a Lamborghini went by so fast that I had to look at my speedometer to make sure I hadn't run out of gas. According to my wife ... it was either dark blue or black ... and about 120 feet long. Sounded like a jet plane passing overhead ... and the rear was just a dot in a second or two. I estimate he was moving at or near 200 mph. :dunno: But he was ..... GONE in much less than 60 seconds. :rolleyes:

02-22-2006, 09:54 AM
I have a few. I work in a 4 star restaurant on the water in Palm Beach. Ive been in this buisiness for many years now. You would not believe the inconsiderate people I deal with on a daily basis. The sad part is that 80% of our buisiness are people 50 years old and up. Its funny, I always hear them talk about how we young people have no respect, no manners, and no values. Well here are a few restaurant beefs.....

When you leave your seat, push your chair back in. How do you expect anyone else to walk by? Ive tripped over too many chairs.

Why do old people all have to have tissues? Its like they have this obsession with dabbing their nose every 30 seconds, which is fine, but dont leave it on a the table or your seat. Thats fu**ing disgusting.

If Im talking to another table, dont yell "waiter!" and tug at my arm while I am in the middle of a conversation. I know you need something and I will get to you in 2 minutes max...deal with it.

Im sorry you had to wait 2 hours to get in. Even more, Im sorry you had to wait 15 minutes past your quoted waiting time. But that was just an estimate. Your seated now, so dont take it out on me and be jerks. It was not my fault. And furthermore, maybe next time youll make a reservation in advance instead of walking in to a restaurant at 7pm on Valentines day expecting to get in.

Thats great you have a coupon, but dont tip on the reduced amount you cheap azz.

We work solely on tips. We make 3.38 per hour. 5, 10, even 15% is bullcrap. 18-20% is standard unless your SERVICE sucked. Waiting 2 hours to get in, an overcooked steak, or an argument between you and your spouse does not warrant shorting me.

Dont be a jerk to me. Some people come in with a bad attitude from the start. ready to complain at the drop of a hat. Remember...I handle your food. An idiot knows not to piss the person who feeds him off. We could spit, drop, or contaminate your food at any time. Treat us with some respect.

Water with lemon? Are you serious? Then you ask for extra lemons and when you dont think I am looking, I see you dumping sugar in it to make lemonade...for free. You make me sick. Youre going out, have a cocktail or a soda or some juice.

Separate checks. What a PITA. Were busy as hell as it is, and you are so cheap that you need separate checks. Even worse, I get 3 credit cards and am told "put 25$ on the blue one and split it 40% on the red card and 60% on the platinum card with the remaining balance. Great, now I have to get out the calculator, figure out the prices, run 3 seperate payments, in the mean time 1o minutes later, my other 4 tables have been seriously neglected. Bring cash, pay one guy and have him use his card.

If your card is declined, I run it 3 more times before I come and tell you to make sure. Dont yell at me and get hostile. Its not my fault, its either yours or your card company. It said decline, so I cannot accept it. Deal with it.

Dont finish 80% of your meal, get full, then complain about it so you can get it for free.

Dont come in 10 minutes before we close, order 4 courses, then sit and talk over espressos for an hour. That is rude and inconsiderate. We want to go home, go to dennys to sit and talk.

Ill think of more later. Any statements about old people wasnt a biased statement. My point was that they should be the role models for the younger generation. It wasn meant to apply to all of them.

02-22-2006, 10:17 AM
IThe sad part is that 80% of our buisiness are people 50 years old and up. Its funny, I always hear them talk about how we young people have no respect, no manners, and no values. Well here are a few restaurant beefs.....
I hear what your saying, you always see old people pulling ***** like that. I try to hold the door open for most people and most of the time they don't even say 'Thank You.' I reply with a loud 'YOUR WELCOME' hoping they heard me. The elevator one mentioned earlier really gets me, that is why I stand real close to the door and wait until it is fully open before I get off. Let some idiot try and push past me. :bop:

02-22-2006, 10:25 AM
I have a few. I work in a 4 star restaurant on the water in Palm Beach. I've been in this buisiness for many years now. ...

Wow .. what a hijacking. :rolleyes: Based on your comments, I would suggest that you get into another business field. Like something that doesn't have to do with dealing with people.

The sad part is that 80% of our buisiness are people 50 years old and up. ...

Despite your disclaimer at the end about old people ... your comments here are not appreciated. Older folks generally have the disposable income to eat out at those 4-star restaurants. You ought to appreciate their business -- they are paying your salary. Don't worry ... we will be gone soon enough. ;)

We work solely on tips. We make 3.38 per hour. 5, 10, even 15% is bullcrap. 18-20% is standard unless your SERVICE sucked. ...

:bs: Good service standard is 10-15%. Great service earns 20%. Poor service with an attitude of overwork rates 0-5% and no more repeat business or even referrals. :mad:

An idiot knows not to piss the person who feeds him off. We could spit, drop, or contaminate your food at any time. Treat us with some respect. ...

What a juvenile comment .... time to grow up !!! Don't let anyone catch you "contaminating food" or you may be drinking soup for quite a while. :mad2:

.. split it 40% on the red card and 60% on the platinum card with the remaining balance. Great, now I have to get out the calculator, figure out the prices ...

Having trouble with Percents are we .... it ain't that difficult ... just ask any old person !!! :rofl:

Sorry for venting on this response .... but I thought some of the comments were quite over the top. It does however get an "A" for Attitude.

Could be time to close this one down ... :banned:

02-22-2006, 10:42 AM
Wow .. what a hijacking. :rolleyes: Based on your comments, I would suggest that you get into another business field. Like something that doesn't have to do with dealing with people.

Despite your disclaimer at the end about old people ... your comments here are not appreciated. Older folks generally have the disposable income to eat out at those 4-star restaurants. You ought to appreciate their business -- they are paying your salary. Don't worry ... we will be gone soon enough. ;)

:bs: Good service standard is 10-15%. Great service earns 20%. Poor service with an attitude of overwork rates 0-5% and no more repeat business or even referrals. :mad:

What a juvenile comment .... time to grow up !!! Don't let anyone catch you "contaminating food" or you may be drinking soup for quite a while. :mad2:

Having trouble with Percents are we .... it ain't that difficult ... just ask any old person !!! :rofl:

Sorry for venting on this response .... but I thought some of the comments were quite over the top. It does however get an "A" for Attitude.

Could be time to close this one down ... :banned:

Im not saying anything bad about the fact that old people come to the restaurant, but the fact of their behavoir. I would expect that maybe working at a low end establishment, but not from the elders whom I am reminded of all the time to respect. And it does not apply to all of them, but the ones who pull that crap. I appreiate the buisiness and the salary, but that does not allow you to walk all over me and treat me like a second rate citizen.

I have never contaminated food. The point was that you dont bite the hand that feeds you. Not every server is a good person and I have seen and heard of that happening. I reported the incident I witnessed.

I enjoy my field of work. I especially enjoy dealing with nice, cordial people. These were just some "lifes little irritants" in my world. Sorry I responded to your question. I dont show my frustrations at work, or even after, but after reading this thread I thought of the similar things that happen in a restaurant.

Sounds to me that you are probably one of these people and you are defending your "peeps"

I didnt hijak your thread, I just answered it.

BTW, it isnt percentages I was complaining about, I can do math, it was the fact that I have to spend 10 minutes doing them through the credit card terminal. Thats what takes so long. It has to dial, connect, send, recieve, approve, give an auth#, and print 2 copies each.

02-22-2006, 10:50 AM
Sounds to me that you are probably one of these people and you are defending your "peeps"

I didnt hijak your thread, I just answered it.
Marc, Charlie first of all simmer down. Marc, Charlie is a nice person and always polite and tips well at all the CAM Meets.

Charlie, Marc was giving a generalization on how people act at restraunts and I have seen some of his examples from other customers when Chris and I go out to eat. But, I have also seem waiters and waitresses with bad attitudes or all they want to do is complain about other customers.

Now go back to your corners and wait for the bell for round 2. :ding: :ding:

02-22-2006, 10:55 AM
Charlie is a nice person and always polite and tips well at all the CAM Meets.
And don't think that Mike and I don't appreciate the excellent service that you provide ... but we have noticed a little tardiness in keeping up with the beer orders. :rofl:

OK, if you need me, I'll be in the corner with the old folks !! ... :corner:

P.S. Thanks for lightening that up. :up:

02-22-2006, 11:13 AM
Okay. Now that I have simmered down a bit. My post was in no way meant to be a genaralization to ALL old people. The main fact was that it irritates me when The older generation acts hypocritacal and says we have no respect. Yes 80% of our clientel are 50+, buts only 2-5% of them that act this way. Sometimes more on different nights. I love interacting with people and have made many friends and have many compliments under my belt. I never give an attitude or show anything but concern and genuinity at my tables. If I were to lash out at a guest, Id be fired. Period. They pay over 50-75$ a head and dont need that. I just feel that some view us as a lower class of society that have no lives or education and treat us that way. Last year, the lowest paid server made $60k in tips alone. thats cash in hand. Where I work we are professionals and work hard to support our families.

Im sorry if I offended you. That was not my intent to offend anyone. We all have our own irritants. I dont work where there is an elevator os else I would probably beef about that issue. I was just beefing about what I get irritated about in my line of work and in my life. Its not a daily thing (in most cases), but just what has built up over the past 10 years.


02-22-2006, 11:43 AM
I've worked in "customer service" for too many years to count....starting as a life guard, waiter and front desk clerk at an oceanfront resort, photographer/videographer for hire and government and community relations. If you bring an attitude or prejudgement to the table, you'll get it right back. I actually enjoy the challenge of turning people around and in each of those jobs, faced that challenge regularly. I made a difference in the customer's experience. That's pretty cool!! :cool: (breakfast tip card on the dining table with the ocean view 30 years ago said fifty cents per person!!)

02-22-2006, 11:50 AM
I've worked in "customer service" for too many years to count....starting as a life guard, waiter and front desk clerk at an oceanfront resort, photographer/videographer for hire and government and community relations. If you bring an attitude or prejudgement to the table, you'll get it right back. I actually enjoy the challenge of turning people around and in each of those jobs, faced that challenge regularly. I made a difference in the customer's experience. That's pretty cool!! :cool: (breakfast tip card on the dining table with the ocean view 30 years ago said fifty cents per person!!)

I agree. If you pre-judge a table, it always bites you in the azz. Sometimes the least suspecting tables turn out to be the best.

50cents a person? Id have to sell my MM and buy a bus pass. Its amazing how times change in a relatively short time.

02-22-2006, 12:11 PM
50cents a person? Id have to sell my MM and buy a bus pass. Its amazing how times change in a relatively short time.I actually walked to work, but it wasn't far.....uphill, both ways, in a sand storm! Working the breakfast shift was cool because we got to spend the rest of the day at the beach! Ah, those were the days!

Dr Caleb
02-22-2006, 12:49 PM
I'm sounding harsh, but I think society has lost focus lately.
(last week I turned down a HUGE promotion because it would mean having to spend some time in Germany and possibly miss 3-4 months of my family... no thanks. I'm in no position to preach, but I think I did the right thing)

'Work to Live', not 'Live to Work'. :up: I've experienced a few times now where I get a 'promotion' to 'another city' "temporarally". They pay all the relocation costs, bonuses and expenses, and quite handsomly! Then they work me to death, after all, I've no family to go home to. 18 hours a day is no problem, right? "Well give you time in lieu" should be a sentence like "the cheque is in the mail". Then the company decides one day to ethier; sell out to a forgien interest and have sudden layoffs, or; suddenly decide my services are no longer required. "Yea, our contract says 30 days written notice . . . so sorry. Security will escort you out . . ." Ethier way, the subsidized accomodations dry up, and I'm stuck in another city short on cash. Not a good change.

Anyone who thinks they work for 'someone else' is sadly delusional. At least, as a 'hired gun' in the tech world, I know where I stand.

I actually walked to work, but it wasn't far.....uphill, both ways, in a sand storm!

Sand storm! We'd have given a weeks pay for a good sandstorm! The problem though, is if you don't walk without rhythm, the worms get you.

02-22-2006, 01:27 PM
The basic issue is this...
People behave as if they are the only ones on the planet.

They are the only ones who have feelings,
the only ones with opinions,
the only ones in a hurry,
the only ones with a family waiting at home,
the only ones who aren't rude...

I could go on forever. The world just needs to wake up and realize that there are 20 billion people on this planet JUST LIKE YOU.

Think about how you might feel in the other guy's shoes.

As Mac says, 'Carry on.'

02-22-2006, 01:28 PM
Last year, the lowest paid server made $60k in tips alone. thats cash in hand.

$60K? Me thinks I'm in the wrong business...Marc, have you seen the movie "Waiting" yet?

I worked in the customer service industry for 6 years and I've had my share of "snarky" customers so I feel your pain, Marc.

02-22-2006, 01:30 PM
...and have many compliments under my belt.

So I see you're quite popular with the ladies, then?

02-22-2006, 04:25 PM
This happens to me on an almost weekly basis. The phone rings. It's "so and so" with "blah, blah, blah" telemarketers.

I ask them to put me on the do not call list, and they HANG UP!:mad:

Instantly I dial *69 so I can lay down some curses that would horrify Satan himself, and of course, the "the number cannot be reached by this method" recording starts playing.:mad2:

02-22-2006, 04:52 PM
You are so right!!!! Try being a motorcyclist in a world where cars don't come with turn signals anymore. It seems like every little thing will set someone off. I was in my Marauder today and it happened to me this morning with a guy in a white Monte Carlo SS. He got irate because I made a right turn in an area where there isn't a turn lane. Middle fingers and honking horns seemed to dominate the entire turn. It will get worse before it gets better.

02-22-2006, 09:54 PM
$60K? Me thinks I'm in the wrong business...Marc, have you seen the movie "Waiting" yet?

I worked in the customer service industry for 6 years and I've had my share of "snarky" customers so I feel your pain, Marc.

I just returned the movie today...Its funny, but in alot of ways, unrealistic. Its more of a Chilis/Applebees/Dennys setup. Where I work, the average server has been there 12 years. We are very professional and dont have the turnover that you would find in other joints.

The money is good, I work 4-1030pm and get to sleep til noon if I want. Working weekends suck, but to walk out on a Saturday with 300$+ in your pocket is nice. The hardest part is biting your toungue.

02-22-2006, 10:42 PM
One of my pet peeves are people who stand directly in front of an elevator door and try to get on before you get off...Rude boneheads...

Well if it's me & mercman then guess what?

You is staying on!:laugh::laugh: :lol:

02-22-2006, 10:58 PM
You know gang I read all the posts so far and I never laughed so hard!

Trying driving a very large tour coach on a 28 day trip across the USA with grandma & grand pa sitting behind you?

I did this for 20 years and had a ball! There are ways to deal with each and every person you meet. Trick is find out what works for you.

If life sucks then you'll hate the alternative!