View Full Version : Your favorite pranks

02-22-2006, 11:40 PM
Sitting here reminiscing about days gone by & some of the funny stuff I did when I was younger.

Have you ever pulled a prank ?.

Enjoy them ?.

What are some of the more memorable ones you have done, or been witness to in your lifetime ?.

02-23-2006, 01:08 AM
I'm thinking of doing this one but debating on putting grandaddy plastic on the seats 1st!

http://thumbs.streetfire.net/A010A29D-2688-4169-ADE6-F219AB4ACE57.jpg (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/A010A29D-2688-4169-ADE6-F219AB4ACE57.htm)Click here to see Video (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/A010A29D-2688-4169-ADE6-F219AB4ACE57.htm)

02-23-2006, 04:32 AM
Take 2 ketchup packets from McDonalds, fold them in half, place them under the 2 rubber snubbers on the toilet seat, gently push the seat down as far as possible, next person that sits on the seat....KA-POW!! Ketchup everywhere!! :beer:

02-23-2006, 07:13 AM
Send 'em to mop the 30 below freezer.:eek:

Fill the water fountain with 5 gallon jugs.:shake:

Go find the 'shelf stretcher'.:alone: :confused:

Shake the salad dressings. You know they won't sell if they're separated.:nono:

Shake a soda. Tap the tiniest pinhole near the bottom. Set it at the top of a doorway. It creates a sticky mist for about 15 minutes. Feels like you got trapped in a spider web, but you can't see it!:mad2:

Close 'em up in the semi-truck trailer. Wanna see a grown man cry?:cry:

02-23-2006, 07:30 AM
Weeelll...when I was a kid, my dad was boy scout troop leader and my older brother was a BS in the troop. I was too young to join at the time. This was a church based troop, mainly consisted of kids from our church. There was one kid that would allways drink out of the other guys' opened soda bottles while they were playing football or whatever. They finally cured him one afternoon by surreptitiously pouring the 7Up out of the green colored bottle, peeing it partway full and leaving it on the picnic table.

02-23-2006, 08:23 AM
I do one at a time here.

Picture a TV or movie scene where someone is trying to get away from someone & tries to barricade themselves in a room(old cartoons were good for this). Well one day we decided to do the OPPOSITE to someone & barricade them in a room.

The scene ?.

A service bay of a car dealership that was in the back & seperated from the others, which also had the techs lunch table & bathroom.

Our victim declares he's got to "take a big one" - goes into the bathroom & closes the door.

Knowing him, & how we had a good 10 minutes before he came out .....

We grabbed all kinds of stuff & put it in front of the door. A large lunch table with chairs stacked on top, a set of wheels & tires, a couple of box fans, a few more things, & a mechanics cart. The door opened in, so he would be able to open the door, but he would be greeted by all this crap in the way, & be un-able to get out.

How he didn't hear us piling all that stuff up right outside the door(it was only a small 1 urinal - 1 toilet - 1 sink bathroom) is beyond be ..... but he had no clue, as the expletives were aplenty when that door finally opened.

We didn't leave him there to fend for himself, we did go move everything so he could get out ..... but not for a good 3 minutes or so while he was going off on us(our names were the 1st thing out of his mouth).

To have had a video camera or camera phone back then, to have caught it all on vid.

02-23-2006, 09:00 AM
I have to got back to my college days for some of the interesting pranks that we pulled. Here are two that I can remember ... :D

1. We had a guy who would regularly cut a very boring Western Civilization History class to go visit his girlfriend at a nearby girl's college. Most of us didn't care that he went to see her. It just irritated us that he was missing out on "the most terrible class and professor" in the entire school. One day we decided to fix his wagon and screw up his plans. When he went out to his car, he found his VW Beetle up on cinder blocks. After class, some of us went down to see how it worked and this guy was really PO'd. Good thing that he didn't try to get it off the blocks by himself. :rolleyes:

2. Another little prank we did was to get a cardboard packing box and put it in the elevator with someone curled up inside. Sometimes another guy would ride along to observe. It was really interesting to see the look on people's faces when a voice came from the box and asked "Could someone press 2 for me" :rofl: We got really creative with that one. It was even beter when little Ralph would get into a small box and do the same thing. Folks were quite amazed that a person could even fit in the box. This only lasted about a week until we noticed that less and less people were using the elevator and some were avoiding our floor altogether !!! ;)

02-23-2006, 09:41 AM
Click on are you sure this is a good idea (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/out_cold/trailers.php)
A good one for Dorms is to get two cups of water fill them up and lean them against the door. Then knock on the door and wait.

02-23-2006, 03:06 PM
Put talcum powder in a plastic bottle, tape a little funnel (empty toilet paper holder works great) over the end of the bottle, pinch the funnel so it fits under a door, stomp on the plastic bottle. Talk about something that is incredibly difficult to clean up!!! Everything coated in dust!! Sidenote, it can also ruin electronics.

02-23-2006, 03:11 PM
I put those popper snappers in the assistant principal's bathroom during a detention at school. A couple on the floor, and two under each toliet seat snubber thing. Man did I get the look of death when she came out.

02-23-2006, 03:27 PM
Here's a few froom my youth...

Sticking the fuse of an M-80 firecracker through a hole in the side of a cigarette and placing it on top of the window unit air conditioner of the police dispatcher's room at the police station.

Sit back and watch the fun when LEO's come out of the building like bees out of a hive after if goes off.

Calm down Leo's...this was 30-years-ago!

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Shooting bottle rockets out of an electrical conduit 'cannon' through the roll down rear window of my 1963 Mercury Breezeway sedan. It was my first car and had the 406 3 2V motor.

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Rewiring the elevators in my college dorm to skip floors 2 thru 5 so we had ourselves an 'express' elevator to the sixth floor. Naturally I superglued all the panels back in place, including each screw, after performing the requisite modifications.

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Mixture of Superglue and Iron filings squirted into doorknob and deadbolt cylinder locks at school. Especially on the day of a test. I always did well anyway but the reduced time skewed the curve all to hell. I still got my A, but there wenen't very many B's!!!

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Doing a mail blitz by having all of your friends save a bunch mail offers and filling them out for a person you want to drive nuts. These were the days before SPAM and people couldn't fathom why they were being sent piles of stuff they didn't order! Includes pledgeing to PBS in other's names too!

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The dog poop in a burning sack on the front porch thing!

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Get a list ready and sent pizzas to someone from 20 or 30 different pizza places. If you do it right there will even be multiple pizza trucks in front of their house at the same time!

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Tormenting anyone with a mail slot by putting any creatures that would fit though there into their house!

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Creative and repetitive crank phone calls of every kind!

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Going to a pay phone and cussing out the operator. They will try to ring back again and again and some unsuspecting goob inevitably walks up and answers the ringing phone.

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There's a lot more, but I don't want anybody to think I'm too bad!



02-23-2006, 03:35 PM
A friend of mine had a habit of putting nuts and bolts in a trough of kerosene when rebuilding or working on a motor. I stopped by just as he was finishing up installing a 350 he rebuilt. I dropped a few important looking nuts, bolts and washers in the trough then left.:D
Wouldn't have done it, but he was a real pest when I was doing the same to an old 352.

Dr Caleb
02-23-2006, 04:11 PM
I dropped a few important looking nuts, bolts and washers in the trough then left.:D

What, no rings? :lol:

Evil, evil man!

02-23-2006, 05:56 PM
We used to have a guy at work that was the driver. He drove an 81 toyota p/u with a cab on it. so he would back up on the sidewalk to the door clinb in back and hand the things to me theni would take them out and put them on the dock.Well one day when he had the last thing he slide to me and the way he was in the back of the truck he could see my legs so i pretended to reach out for the package and started walking backwards and said to him where you going? He looked at me and without hesitation he braced himself with his arms and legs from side to side inside and screamed at me to get the truck..well i was in tears laughing so hard and so was another guy on the dock as well. after the cursing we we're all laughing..:up:

02-23-2006, 06:50 PM
At one point our fleet had the same key so you can get in a drive off in the wrong car. now it's not like that anymore but when it was we would shuffle the cars in the lot and dispatch people to see how long it would take to find the right car. one day we hid one a block away!

02-23-2006, 08:44 PM
What have some of you guys done for your senior pranks in highschool? Im graduating in June and I am trying to get some Ideas that would be really funny with a low risk of getting caught.... Last year a few of my friends brought in stuff called "Invisable Fence" Its a spray that supposedly keeps animals away from your property we sprayed it all over the school... it smelled so bad, it was like having someone constantly farting in your face and in a contained area like the school there was no escape.... it was tough to deal with but it was worth it seeing people vomiting and gaging all over the halls!:lol:

02-23-2006, 08:47 PM
Whenever someone at work leaves their computer unattended, Outlook is hijacked, and and email is sent to the whole team (about 50 of us). Today, a male co-worker 'sent' the following note out:

"I will be getting a manicure, later this afternoon. I'm also debating what color to have my finger nails painted... Maybe hot pink. Any suggestions?"

You can imagine the responses he got :lol:

02-23-2006, 08:48 PM
My favorit prank was that time I drove my Marauder around with an air horn. I'd drive up and honk at people and watch the reaction. Good times...

I even video taped it. What a scream..

02-24-2006, 06:06 AM
Four of us students had an off campus apartment. One roomate would always leave the door unlocked to the apartment and we had some shady neighbors. We got back from classes, he was in the shower and of course the door was unlocked. So we decided to teach him a lesson. We ransacked the apartment, turned over furniture, lamps, dumped things and took the TV and other electronics to our car trunks. We waited for him to get out of the shower and showed up like we just got back from classes. We stared in dis-belief that we were robbed and played up missing items in our rooms and the electronics. Needless to say the roomate was feeling guilty as hell.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com[IMG] /><o:p></o:p>
<font color=" /><o:p></o:p>
<FONT color=black><FONT face="Times New Roman">When the roomate was outside crying the blues in his beer...this guy from the building across the parking lot that knew us was asking him why we were moving stuff to our cars. Our roomate now knew we pulled his chain bad. We were locked out of the apartment till late night. Gotta laugh though....we all learned lessons, but the prank outranked the lockout. <o:p></o:p>

02-24-2006, 06:27 AM
What have some of you guys done for your senior pranks in highschool? Im graduating in June and I am trying to get some Ideas that would be really funny with a low risk of getting caught.... Last year a few of my friends brought in stuff called "Invisable Fence" Its a spray that supposedly keeps animals away from your property we sprayed it all over the school... it smelled so bad, it was like having someone constantly farting in your face and in a contained area like the school there was no escape.... it was tough to deal with but it was worth it seeing people vomiting and gaging all over the halls!:lol:

Well our school made us a deal. No senior prank, no finals. So we were good :D

02-24-2006, 06:49 AM
A good one for Dorms is to get two cups of water fill them up and lean them against the door. Then knock on the door and wait.

We used those 50 gallon trash cans and filled them in the shower, 'cause it's not a prank unless it's it makes them want to cry and swear revenge at the same time. (It was called the Door Wars in my dorm and it got very ugly. We even had a few war crimes.)

Another water prank requires a garbage bag filled with water and an open window, it will help if your dorm has a first floor with window wells that are half-underground. Leave the bag open and when it hits it will sound like a cannon went off and then flood in the window. A 5-pound sack of flour immediately after will make a nice paste. Note to pranksters ... do not use your room for this prank as it will likely be traced straight back up to you.

Lots of other stuff in college, some of which I even did:
1. Use a penny/wedge to trap someone in their door.

2. Put shaving cream in a half-full water balloon. When it hits someone it will explode and cover them with a layer of water that will then foam up.

3. Bag of quickcrete cement in the dorm washing machine. (Do not attempt this prank without a backup place to do your laundry.)

4. Stretch clear packing tape across the door of a dorm room at face level ... bang on the door, scream fire, etc. and run. If you did it right ... they will whip open the door and run right into the nearly invisible tape, which is especially funny if they haven't shaved in several days. (Poor Tom lost one eyebrow and most of the stubble on his right side.)

5. The ever popular hide a shaving creme blob/vasaline coating in the phone earpiece, then call their room. To this day, I still look at the receiver before I put it up to my ear.

6. Save empty soda cans to stack in front of someone's door. Use clear packing tape on the top row to keep them all leaning into the room, so they all fall inwards when the door is opened.

7. Clear packing tape stretched over the toilet seat (or use clear cling wrap).

8. Got this one from the dorm's head resident. He did it over Christmas break ... Open the windows, mix and pour Jello (helps if your rooms have a threshold at the door to hold it in) across the floor. It should set up and be really cold, slimy and slippery by January. It is also a real tough clean up job.

9. Sprinkle sand in someone's bedsheets.

10. Collect all of the bike racks from around campus and stack them in the middle of the quad like a giant sculpture ... complete with a threatening note promising more unpleasantness and signed by "The Squirrels."

And speaking of Poor Tom ... don't ever fall asleep in the public areas. Or you might wake up with your face completely covered in blue permanent marker with "Troll" writen across your forehead.

Dr Caleb
02-24-2006, 09:37 AM
This is definitely becoming a 'how to' thread :)

Whenever someone at work leaves their computer ...

Hehehe. We have some fun with that kind of stuff too. We got one of the Tier-3 guys, because he likes to leave his machine unlocked. Install a screensaver called 'Blue Screen of Death'. It reproduces the dreaded BSOD.

So every 15 minutes, this guy would hard power off his machine. He worked on it for 3 days trying to fix these 'random' blue screens. He finally formatted and re-built his machine. A couple days later, the problem started again . . . we are still waiting for retribution.

Another good one is to wait for someone with an office goes on vacation. Lift up the sound tiles, climb over the wall, move a file cabinet against the door and climb back out. Upon their return, hilarity ensues.

02-24-2006, 09:59 AM
This is definitely becoming a 'how to' thread :)

Hehehe. We have some fun with that kind of stuff too. We got one of the Tier-3 guys, because he likes to leave his machine unlocked. Install a screensaver called 'Blue Screen of Death'. It reproduces the dreaded BSOD.

So every 15 minutes, this guy would hard power off his machine. He worked on it for 3 days trying to fix these 'random' blue screens. He finally formatted and re-built his machine. A couple days later, the problem started again . . . we are still waiting for retribution.

Here's another along similar lines. We'd open a couple of windows up on a co-worker's computer then take a screen capture. Move the hard drive icon just off the screen so you couldn't see it and set the capture as the desktop background. Just the cursing and screaming about why they couldn't open or close anything was priceless.

02-24-2006, 10:07 AM
This is definitely becoming a 'how to' thread :)

Hehehe. We have some fun with that kind of stuff too. We got one of the Tier-3 guys, because he likes to leave his machine unlocked. Install a screensaver called 'Blue Screen of Death'. It reproduces the dreaded BSOD.

So every 15 minutes, this guy would hard power off his machine. He worked on it for 3 days trying to fix these 'random' blue screens. He finally formatted and re-built his machine. A couple days later, the problem started again . . . we are still waiting for retribution.

Another good one is to wait for someone with an office goes on vacation. Lift up the sound tiles, climb over the wall, move a file cabinet against the door and climb back out. Upon their return, hilarity ensues.

Got a copy of that handy?

I know just the person who deserves that!




02-24-2006, 10:32 AM
This is definitely becoming a 'how to' thread :)

Hehehe. We have some fun with that kind of stuff too. We got one of the Tier-3 guys, because he likes to leave his machine unlocked. Install a screensaver called 'Blue Screen of Death'. It reproduces the dreaded BSOD.

So every 15 minutes, this guy would hard power off his machine. He worked on it for 3 days trying to fix these 'random' blue screens. He finally formatted and re-built his machine. A couple days later, the problem started again . . . we are still waiting for retribution.

Another good one is to wait for someone with an office goes on vacation. Lift up the sound tiles, climb over the wall, move a file cabinet against the door and climb back out. Upon their return, hilarity ensues.

If that's tier 3, I'd hate to get a tier 1 guy on the phone!! :rofl:

I distributed a small program after Y2K that turned everyone's screens upside down and backwards!

New exec had left machine unlocked and email open. On screen was request for standard items: attache, pens, day planner, etc. I added a Mercedes to the list and sent it!

Hinged acoustic tiles and piled packing peanuts above. Fishing line to the chair.... snow in Florida.

Clear packing tape at forehead level across a doorway.....

Cow bell zip tied under boss's chair. She couldn't figure it out for nearly a week!

Teacher's grade book stolen (high school) duct taped under bleachers. Took 3 years to locate!

Drive shafts disappearing.

Trailer hitch pins pulled.

Door knobs heated.

Door handles 'slimed'.

Hot sauce in the KY.

Hid out under the hedge and cut the bottoms out of passer's by halloween bags.

Thousands of 'hide and scare'.

Troubled childhood? :alone:

02-24-2006, 10:37 AM
Here's another along similar lines. We'd open a couple of windows up on a co-worker's computer then take a screen capture. Move the hard drive icon just off the screen so you couldn't see it and set the capture as the desktop background. Just the cursing and screaming about why they couldn't open or close anything was priceless.

Sheeeeet! That's hilarious. Had to push my taped glasses back on from laughing so much. Now I just need to wait and pull that one on someone. :)

02-24-2006, 10:53 AM
Trailer hitch pins pulled.
I hope you never did this.

02-24-2006, 11:26 AM
On a rather chilly night in Southern Connecticut, back in the mid-80s, my brother and I were heading home, and rolled past a good friends house. This was up in the sticks, in Monroe, quite secluded and quiet. Our friend's truck was sitting quietly in a dirt driveway next to the main house.

We parked my brother's Nova down the street, grabbed some tools and walked back to Mike's house, this was about 1AM. We proceeded to quietly and carefully remove every light bulb on the truck. Headlights, taillights, dash lights, etc. We even took the cab lights.

Feeling rather proud of ourselves, we headed home, only to find Dad watching the late-late show. We acted innocently enough, but he queried "What were you doing?" We looked at him in silence. He said "Monroe PD ran Eric's plate an hour and a half ago". We confessed our sins, dad smirked and went to bed.

Frickin' police scanners...

02-24-2006, 11:32 AM
Frickin' police scanners...

My ICOM IC-R3 don't miss nothing.

<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#cccccc border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>Frequency coverage: 0.495-2450 MHz</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>AM, FM, WFM modes for audio reception. AM and FM TV and wireless video.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>




02-24-2006, 12:27 PM
WOW, you guys are devious!!

Let's see..

1. Take the ball out of the mouse and put scotch tape on the contacts and reinstall.
1a. Swicth a key or two on the keyboard.
1b. Adjust someones print settings so a very embarassing watermark shows up on every document.

2. We taped an open can of tuna fish under a large round table a certain group of ladies sat at when lunching. (it took them a week to decide to move)

3. If you have a walk in freezer available- wet and freeze someone's mattress. ( BTW It is about the worse thing you can do to someone at the beginning of a patrol on a submarine, it NEVER dries out)

4. The old 20 dollar bill and the fishing line in a public place is entertaining over and over. Or supergluing a quarter somewhere.

5. A thin coat of prussian blue on anything that will be picked up by hand or placed on the face.

6. A pinhole near the top of an open soda/Beer/drinking cup.

7. A little hard to describe but the typical curved bottom pen holder in a center desk drawer makes a great place to stretch a rubber band across, make a paperclip paddle, wind it up, fill the spot with a zillion hole punch-outs and close the drawer.
...Or better yet, a seagull (yes, a seagull. :) )

8. A tail made out of a paper clip and a piece of frayed rope attached to someones rear belt loop is entertaining. OR if you are on a constuction/hard hat sight a latex glove blown up and surreptitiously taped to someones hard hat let's them "wave" at the world. Even better if you stick some liquid freon in it. :)

02-24-2006, 12:32 PM
WOW, you guys are devious!!

Let's see..

1. Take the ball out of the mouse and put scotch tape on the contacts and reinstall.
1a. Swicth a key or two on the keyboard.
1b. Adjust someones print settings so a very embarassing watermark shows up on every document.

2. We taped an open can of tuna fish under a large round table a certain group of ladies sat at when lunching. (it took them a week to decide to move)

3. If you have a walk in freezer available- wet and freeze someone's mattress. ( BTW It is about the worse thing you can do to someone at the beginning of a patrol on a submarine, it NEVER dries out)

4. The old 20 dollar bill and the fishing line in a public place is entertaining over and over. Or supergluing a quarter somewhere.

5. A thin coat of prussian blue on anything that will be picked up by hand or placed on the face.

6. A pinhole near the top of an open soda/Beer/drinking cup.

7. A little hard to describe but the typical curved bottom pen holder in a center desk drawer makes a great place to stretch a rubber band across, make a paperclip paddle, wind it up, fill the spot with a zillion hole punch-outs and close the drawer.
...Or better yet, a seagull (yes, a seagull. :) )

8. A tail made out of a paper clip and a piece of frayed rope attached to someones rear belt loop is entertaining. OR if you are on a constuction/hard hat sight a latex glove blown up and surreptitiously taped to someones hard hat let's them "wave" at the world. Even better if you stick some liquid freon in it. :)

You are a bad, bad man. I knew there was something I liked about you!

02-24-2006, 12:44 PM
WOW, you guys are devious!!

Let's see..

1. Take the ball out of the mouse and put scotch tape on the contacts and reinstall.
1a. Swicth a key or two on the keyboard.
1b. Adjust someones print settings so a very embarassing watermark shows up on every document.

2. We taped an open can of tuna fish under a large round table a certain group of ladies sat at when lunching. (it took them a week to decide to move)

3. If you have a walk in freezer available- wet and freeze someone's mattress. ( BTW It is about the worse thing you can do to someone at the beginning of a patrol on a submarine, it NEVER dries out)

4. The old 20 dollar bill and the fishing line in a public place is entertaining over and over. Or supergluing a quarter somewhere.

5. A thin coat of prussian blue on anything that will be picked up by hand or placed on the face.

6. A pinhole near the top of an open soda/Beer/drinking cup.

7. A little hard to describe but the typical curved bottom pen holder in a center desk drawer makes a great place to stretch a rubber band across, make a paperclip paddle, wind it up, fill the spot with a zillion hole punch-outs and close the drawer.
...Or better yet, a seagull (yes, a seagull. :) )

8. A tail made out of a paper clip and a piece of frayed rope attached to someones rear belt loop is entertaining. OR if you are on a constuction/hard hat sight a latex glove blown up and surreptitiously taped to someones hard hat let's them "wave" at the world. Even better if you stick some liquid freon in it. :)

You have to be with all the Republicans around!


Just Kidding Dammit!


02-24-2006, 04:42 PM
Take a roll of duct tape. Wad up about half of it. Tape the wad to someones tire. Do it at night, and they'll be in the alignment shop the next morning trying to get their tires balanced.

I used to deliver furniture. We had a customer that was a real b1tch. Every time we hauled in her leather sofa, she found something wrong with it, and we had to bring it back to the store. The third sofa was fine. On the way out the door, I asked my co-worker "That sofa was heavy! I wonder how much it weighed when it was full of guts?" The customer looked like she was going to puke! She never ordered any more furniture from us!

At an after bar party, go to the bathroom. Pee in the shampoo bottle.

Local newspaper always calling and asking you to subscribe? Pretend to cry and tell them you can't read. If they ask for your Mommy or Daddy, tell them you are the Dad. Then really start bawling.

Try to sell telemarketers something. Be persistant! Don't give up! Lower the asking price. Then raise it. Yell at the dog, even if you don't have one. Ask them to repeat every thing they said. Twice.

02-24-2006, 05:49 PM
Except some 800 Mhz stuff is missing Dave and there is no ssb coverage:D .
My ICOM IC-R3 don't miss nothing.

<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#cccccc border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>Frequency coverage: 0.495-2450 MHz</TD></TR><TR><TD width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>AM, FM, WFM modes for audio reception. AM and FM TV and wireless video.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>




02-24-2006, 06:19 PM
Except some 800 Mhz stuff is missing Dave and there is no ssb coverage:D .


I bought the Canadian model.

NTSC TV and continous coverage.


