View Full Version : 2003 Int'l Car Show

04-17-2003, 04:39 PM
Well, I live about 4 minutes away from NYC and im going to hit up the car show in the Javitz center tomorrow afternoon......

Hopefully our car will be represented there....

Ill get plenty of pics and if u want Ill put up the posts...

Wanna hear something crazy? My friends dad owns a Mercedes Benz dealership and supposedly i could get passes to sit inside the Maybach 62.....How crazy?!

For those who dont know what the Maybach is....Old luxo company that did a joint project with Mercedes to create the ultimate luxury car....If you think its prissy...think about the twin turbocharged 5.5 liter V12 that pushes out 550 horsepower and 663 lb ft of torque. the 7200 pounder is launched from 0-60 in 5.1 seconds........now isnt that yummy

The car comes in two models. the 57 (for your own driving pleasure) and the 62 ( meant for you to be driven) arite.......whats the big deal about sitting in the 62? Well you can get to see the sunroof glass which can turn opaque or clear at your touch....as well as layin back sticking your feet out in the 62, the seats in the back are like those big reclining couches . Sorry Im off on a tangent.... i have a article in the school newspaper and if i talk about a car ill mouth off....

04-17-2003, 05:58 PM
I saw the Maybach here at the Chicago Auto Show,I wouldn't call it very attractive,but it certainly looked comfortable. Personally if I had that kind of dough I'd get a Bentley with the V8,I drove one once at Maloney Limosine here that they'd armored(I worked for the company that heat-treated their armor plates) and even with over 2000 lbs more weight tacked on it still accellerated quite well and the brakes were amazing. Jay Leno has TWO of them. What the heck though,if you can get to sit in the Maybach that's pretty cool, go for it,get somebody to take your pic in it and post it for us. Enjoy the show,lotsa neat stuff to see,maybe they'll have the Magenta Mercury leadsled on display by the Marauders.:)

04-26-2003, 05:52 PM
just hit the NY auto show today, and had a blast. They had a Black and a Blue MM both 300B. they also had what i guess was a Mercury Rep, and i spoke to him about the cars. he instantly recognized the MM jacket and congradulated me on the purchase. we also spoke of the RUMORS about discontinuing, and he said not to be fooled by magazines and rumors. he told me the car is selling quiet well so far and the thought never crossed thier minds. he went on to say the car brought in a lot of younger crowds and alot of dealer traffic, which is what they wanted. Like i said, im not sure if hes for real, or just saying it to make me feel better, but he also said that the 300A will be a collectors item :)!

LAst day for the NY auto show tommorrow and it was cool. the caddy XV16 KICKS A$$! they also had a balistic Town Car, VERY COOL.

I was a little disapointed to see primer showing throught the paint in the doorjams of the Blue MM. and was pissed when i saw the radio knob missing (no respect for a beautiful car):mad2: they also cut up the leather seats on a brand new mercedes. BUT Everyone was interested in the MM! most didnt even know it existed, some thought it was still a concept (thanks to NO advertising):alone:


04-27-2003, 07:24 AM
Mercury's Rep's at auto shows are trained apes. They'll never tell you anything useful or true for that matter.

All product development on Marauder stopped in December 2002. I've also since been told that the Grand Marquis is being retired after 2005, replaced by Montego, which is slightly smaller than Marquis, but larger than a Sable.

Any way you dice it, Marauder is going to be a fairly rare car once all is said and done.

04-27-2003, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by Logan
Mercury's Rep's at auto shows are trained apes. They'll never tell you anything useful or true for that matter.

I kind of figured that, oh well they got me there for a sec, but thanks for bringing me back to reality.

All product development on Marauder stopped in December 2002. I've also since been told that the Grand Marquis is being retired after 2005, replaced by Montego, which is slightly smaller than Marquis, but larger than a Sable.

Any way you dice it, Marauder is going to be a fairly rare car once all is said and done. [/B]

Very informative! now that sounds more down to earth. oh well, we have ours and FMC will always be there to make parts for us:coolman:

Thanks for the info logan:cool:

RF Overlord
04-27-2003, 07:56 AM
The giveaway was when the rep said: "the car is selling quite well so far and the thought never crossed their minds" (to discontinue production), and out of the other side of his mouth said: "the 300A will be a collectors item!"

I think car-show reps get fired if they ever tell the TRUTH about a car...they are there for one reason only: to hype the car...

I can hear it now: "This a great car, blah, blah blah, it's wonderful, just what your family needs, blah, etc...but buy one now because we're discontinuing it next year."

Yeah, RIGHT...

(BTW, not a flame to you, DLorean...just my cynical $0.02...)

04-27-2003, 02:41 PM
too bad the montego is FWD

Just as Chrysler, and to some extent General Motors, decide it's time to go back to RWD, Ford drops it's RWD sedans :lol:

04-27-2003, 03:43 PM
The factory reps will tell you anything you want to here. It's all BS. IMHO. John:(

04-27-2003, 04:31 PM
I know, but im still a nieve kid, but im learnding:D

Also deep down, its what I wanted to hear!:alone: