View Full Version : Big favor - can you help me locate somebody?

03-01-2006, 07:31 PM
So, I wanted to see if I could get some assistance for a bit of an odd request - but one I deem pretty important. So hopefully there may be someone (or even a local CAM'er) who could assist me.

A very good friend of mine found out the other night she has a half-sister she never knew about. It would seem one of her parents had a child before re-marrying and having her. They never told her about this, and she just found out last night. She's 25, and her new half-sister is apperetly 27 but she [my friend] never knew she [her sister] existed.

It's probably a longer story than needs to be gone into here. But, my friend is a very good person who I have tons of respect for. She's wanting to find out more about her sister, including where she lives and possibly making contact with her.

I'd rather not put her life story here, but suffice to say I did tell her I'd lend a hand in helping her locate her. She has a lot of key information but thusfar has not been able to locate her, though she does know the state. Her parents did not have this info.

I wanted to ping some of my fellow MM.net'ers to see if there is someone here who could lend a hand. Even if you'd rather not go through me I could put you in contact with my friend - she's a very nice person.

Hopefully this request isn't too out of line, but in the case of helping a friend I figured it was worth a try.
Anyway, please PM if you can lend a hand. :beer:

03-03-2006, 07:53 PM
Thanks for the PM's guys - I'll get back to you when I can. Those should be a good start and I'll pass the info on to her. If anyone else has some tips let me know. ;)