View Full Version : New Ebay Scam for info?

O's Fan Rich
03-03-2006, 09:09 AM
I just got a meassage that looks like it's from the Ebay message center from a "member".
Question from stefanie4218

About This Member
stefanie4218( 15044)
Positive Feedback: 100%
Member Since: Dec-29-95
Location: NC, US
Registered On: www.ebay.com

Why dont you answer to my emails!!! If you dont Respond Now I will contact ebay safeharbor and report you ! Lett me know, I am not a fool ! Thank you ! !

Respond to this question in My Messages.

Thank you for using eBay!
When I clicked on the "respond now" It takes me to a log on site that is obviously not Ebay's... I reported it.
Watch out.

03-03-2006, 09:20 AM
If anyone's ever confused as to whether the email they've recieved from "eBay" is legit or not - just open your browser and go to eBay.com directly and check out whatever the email is about; don't use the link in the email. This is the safe way of validating a request from a suspicious email.

This scam of using fake or similiar looking URLs is being done across the board - including fake credit card companies. It is now new.

03-03-2006, 09:25 AM
Check in the "your messages" section of E-bay. Any legitimate E-mail sent from e-bay is also sent there.

03-03-2006, 10:44 AM
They've been trying that one for a while now. I get all sorts of "your account will be suspended" and "where is the item I paid for" type messages.

Thankfully, the spam filter gets most of them. I usually forward them to ebay security. Hopefully they do something with them.


Dr Caleb
03-03-2006, 11:23 AM
Yea, I get lots of those messages. From banks that I don't deal with too.

I instantly know it's a scam, because I don't give out my email address, ever. And I don't have an ebay account.

03-03-2006, 11:52 AM
ALWAYS report them to Ebay!

If they don't know about it thay can't do anything about it

forward to spoof@ebay.com

and spoof@paypal.com

03-03-2006, 01:57 PM
I keep getting similar ones form PayPal, mainly one that states that an unauthorized email account has been added. PayPal says that its a scam but they don't seem to be doing anything about it.