View Full Version : My Marauder in Wendover, UT. Pics at Bonniville SW

03-05-2006, 05:39 PM
Took a little overnighter down to Wendover to blow off some steam. It was a very intresting trip. Some friends of mine left about 25 minutes before I did. I told him to call me if he saw any HP's and I was going to try and run them down before Wendover about 115 miles from SLC. They were 29 miles ahead according to the mile markers when I started "The cannon ball" just outside of SLC. He set his cruise at 75 and I did my best to catch up. Results....I didn't catch him but I got DAMN close. I didn't drive crazy, I'd slowly accellerate in OD trying to gain road. He called when he got to the casio parkinglot and I was just 5 miles out. SO Close. I think if I would of ran a little harder I could of caught him but I didn't want to drive crazy.

Anyway. I always take a visit out to the salt when I'm there. I've got several pics of my stang but none of the Merc. So here they are. One thing that really disapointed me was there used to be a large monument that had the salts speed history but it was missing, all thats left is mounting block of concrete. Also for the first time I saw water out there. I couldn't take my car out onto the salt itself and get a pic!!:alone:

Here are the pics.

03-05-2006, 05:43 PM
One more.

Note, these pics were done on a Dynojet on the way home *Wink* :burnout: Damn stock mph limiter...

03-05-2006, 06:21 PM
I couldn't take my car out onto the salt itself and get a pic!!:alone:

Here are the pics.
Very nice pics !! :up: It has got to be a blast to take the MM out on the salt flats and let 'er rip !!! Too bad about the puddles while you were there.

I remember on the SpeedTV DVD that the MM test driver was rolling at over 100 MPH and talking into the camera. As he was telling about all the Marauder features, he didn't even look up for like 5 minutes to even check where he was. :D