View Full Version : How long can you go w/out your cell or email?

03-12-2006, 11:03 AM
This question was posed by William Shatner in a commercial on the History Channel for his bio show airing tonight.

Interesting thought considering how automated things are in this "information age".

Of course I answered this question to myself. I figure, since I clearly remember a time before these modern conveniences, and others, I know I could get by.

How'd you do?

03-12-2006, 11:53 AM
Not long. Not long at all. Although, I am proud of myself for resisting a Blackberry/Palm style device.

03-12-2006, 12:05 PM
Not long. Not long at all. Although, I am proud of myself for resisting a Blackberry/Palm style device.

You mean a "CrackBerry"? Most of the people in our office with them are on them constantly. You are talking to them and all of a sudden they grab their device and are focused on a thing rather than the person in front of them. I find that rather irritating.


ps I can not go a day without email

O's Fan Rich
03-12-2006, 12:47 PM
I could do without them altogether.
My work output would deminish considerably, but it could be done.

Donny Carlson
03-12-2006, 01:27 PM
Sure, we all got along just fine back in the old days before cell phones. But it wouldn't be so easy to do without cell phones these days. Look around and try to find a pay phone. A lot of them are gone. I went through four airports in the last week, and most had no pay phones in plain site. One had a bank of phone stations like in the days of yore... with all the phones removed except for one.

I'd just like them to concentrate less on bells and whistles (cameras, music, games, live TV) and more on a solid connection that is clear and won't cut off suddenly. Give me a plain old cell phone that has the clarity and connection stability of a land line, and I'll keep it forever.

Mike Poore
03-12-2006, 01:29 PM
I could live without the cell phone, in fact, rather dislike them, or more correctly, the *********s who improperly use the nasty little things.

Email's another matter. I love it, and would miss it greatly.:)

03-12-2006, 01:30 PM
HATE cell phones. Have to carry one at work and resent it. On my time, you want to talk to me, leave a message on the machine... I own a tracfone for convenience purposes only, even my wife doesn't have the number. I'm waiting for the mandatory invasion of privacy policy from my employer :mad2:Email, eh, I guess its a necessary part of this day and age. My mother doesn't even know what a computer looks like and it hasn't affected her yet.

03-12-2006, 01:32 PM
I have a cell phone, used it for business. Since retirement it is never on unless I am making a call. Used 10 minutes last month. About average. Email-? handy and I would miss it but then I would write letters again with meaning and content rather than jokes and stuff that email is mostly. I guess the email is an excuse to own the computer that I use mostly here and for research. Dennis:beer:

03-12-2006, 01:41 PM
I dont really use email much anymore. All my messaging is done in forums such as here, myspace messaging friends, or text messaging on the cell.

I work for Cingular so I could not condone anyone going without their cell phone for my job security's sake :P

03-12-2006, 01:46 PM
I dont really use email much anymore. All my messaging is done in forums such as here, myspace messaging friends, or text messaging on the cell.

I work for Cingular so I could not condone anyone going without their cell phone for my job security's sake :P

If your phones worked out here in the woods I'd consider one...

03-12-2006, 01:55 PM
Let's see,...

One cell phone - Work.
One cell phone - Personal.

Home phone.
Work phone.

Personal Email.
Business Email.

Wish I could lose the work related stuff.

It pi$$es me off when someone tells me they can't get ahold of me.


03-12-2006, 02:03 PM
I could live without the cell phone, in fact, rather dislike them, or more correctly, the *********s who improperly use the nasty little things.

Email's another matter. I love it, and would miss it greatly.:)
I agree about the cell phone, Mike. Nasty little devices that have raised rudeness to a whole new level. Yes, I am sure that they have been critical in emergency situations -- but that less than 1% of their use.

As for e-mail ... its an absolute necessity at work anymore. Less so at home.

03-12-2006, 02:07 PM
Not one minute!

My house, my car, my lifestyle... they all depend on PC failures, and every call I get is logged via email, then sent directly to my house.
Quick! I need a few more guys to pick up some Dell's running XP Media Edition. I want a Trilogy for the new 'Stang!

03-12-2006, 02:18 PM
I agree about the cell phone, Mike. Nasty little devices that have raised rudeness to a whole new level. Yes, I am sure that they have been critical in emergency situations -- but that less than 1% of their use..
BINGO! :down:

03-12-2006, 06:05 PM
I dont really use email much anymore. All my messaging is done in forums such as here, myspace messaging friends, or text messaging on the cell.

I work for Cingular so I could not condone anyone going without their cell phone for my job security's sake :P

I'll feel much better about sending my check from now on since I know I am keeping a fellow mm.net member employed. Three phones on my plan right now. I also carry a work Nextel and work pager. Email accounts? Heck one for work and about eightish personal email accounts for various purposes. Those are the ones I check daily. ONLY ONE web board that I keep tabs on constantly, mercurymarauder.net of course!!!!

03-12-2006, 06:28 PM
I have Cingular too and may be getting my Mom's old At&t camera phone w/bluetooth capability to hook back up in my #. I wonder what it would cost to send pics to my email and be able to receive text messages?

As for how long to be without email- When I go on vacation, I tune myself out till I get back.

03-12-2006, 07:30 PM
I have Cingular too and may be getting my Mom's old At&t camera phone w/bluetooth capability to hook back up in my #. I wonder what it would cost to send pics to my email and be able to receive text messages?

As for how long to be without email- When I go on vacation, I tune myself out till I get back.
Buy a bluetooth adapter (sticks in the USB port) for your computer, you can transfer the pics to to your computer and email them thataway for nothing. Regular adapter range is about 30 unobstructed feet, I found one with a little antenna advertising 100 feet and the phone can see it from way down the hall or across the hall from the computer room. So far no conflicts noted with all the other wireless gizmos in the house.

03-12-2006, 08:54 PM
I lost my DSL connection for a couple days and I got hives.

03-12-2006, 11:51 PM
This question was posed by William Shatner in a commercial on the History Channel for his bio show airing tonight.

Interesting thought considering how automated things are in this "information age".

Of course I answered this question to myself. I figure, since I clearly remember a time before these modern conveniences, and others, I know I could get by.

How'd you do?

If I wasn't paying for cell phone service and internet email, I could probably fund my supercharger tomorrow...

03-13-2006, 04:23 AM
Cell phone don't have one and don't need one as for e-mail and the internet, I believe the world would be a better place without them and all the other modern conveniences.

03-13-2006, 05:27 AM
:crab: .

03-13-2006, 01:39 PM
Buy a bluetooth adapter (sticks in the USB port) for your computer, you can transfer the pics to to your computer and email them thataway for nothing. Regular adapter range is about 30 unobstructed feet, I found one with a little antenna advertising 100 feet and the phone can see it from way down the hall or across the hall from the computer room. So far no conflicts noted with all the other wireless gizmos in the house.

How much does something like this go for???

03-13-2006, 01:51 PM
I could do w/o the cell but the email I can't. People refuse to talk to you here at work. It's always "i'm busy shoot me an email"!

03-13-2006, 02:19 PM
I could toss the cell phone in the trash right now............it's just a leash anyway

It just makes and receives calls........no pics no TM no IM

stupid thing is so small it's always slipping outta my hands.........

I think I'll re-activate my 'Miami Vice' style Motorola(I still got it)

as far as e-mail, if I got nothin' goin on Ebay then I can go a few days without it

03-13-2006, 03:38 PM
No cell, don't want one. On a side note a Jogger stepped out in front of my truck Saturday while talking on one. Slammed on the breaks, groceries flying all over the place.:mad2: Got out to say a few choice words, but he ran away,(right now I look like Charles Manson before his haircut) dropping his phone. I put it under my tire before I left. Guess he can do without one too.:rolleyes:
Use e-mail only at work.

Mike M
03-13-2006, 04:17 PM
Since the first Palm was released (about 72 years ago) I have had one, my latest is the Treo 650 and I am waiting for the release of the palm version of the 700P (not the recently released Windows version 700W).
Things I do with my Palm Treo...
My wireless camera in front of my house with motion detection sends a picture if even a bug moves, to my Palm Treo...
I listen to streaming radio (about a zillion stations) with my Palm Treo.....
I have a 1 gig card and use it for MP3's.............
I of course email..................
I surf the web.................
I can even use it with the proper software to change TV channels....
I just got new software to access my PC from anywhere....
Its my calender..........
My contact manager......
Oh yea...I use it as a phone as well
I can't imagine doing without it!

Donny Carlson
03-13-2006, 05:10 PM
:crab: .

You know, i think your doctor can cure that.

03-13-2006, 05:43 PM
Don't know how we got along without computers and cell phones.:D

03-13-2006, 06:19 PM
With my line of work I cant go without my cell or email. Good thing too cause if I
had to i would probally go nuts lol.


03-13-2006, 06:27 PM
Don't know how we got along without computers and cell phones.:D

Life was so much simpler then.

03-13-2006, 08:19 PM
Life was so much simpler then.

Think about all the old movies you see where the character is looking for a phone, getting wires cut, and other hard wire problems. Cell phones have totally changed horror movies.