View Full Version : Thank you

03-12-2006, 11:42 AM
Just when members were starting to talk civilized on the "The History of Mankind" thread a few certain members had to have it lock. I did not appreciate the boobie pics especially after it had lasted as long as it did with all the negitive posts that transpired. The boobie pics were uncalled for,if you want to see boobies have your wife pick up her shirt for you or go to a porn site.

That's all. :censor:

03-12-2006, 11:49 AM
[I]f you want to see boobies have your wife pick up her shirt for you....

That made me laugh.

03-12-2006, 12:06 PM

As a "boobie" poster I gather you are refering to me. The thread you posted was rife with politics, a topic known to end up closed anyway.

What mystifies me is, you have my cell, email and PMs to air your grievance. I can even see your point. But you post a thread like this??? :shake:

It was a joke man, sorry the thread was closed. I'll know better in the future - message received bud.

03-12-2006, 12:17 PM
well this post is POOP!

03-12-2006, 12:55 PM
Speaking of poop --

Whatever it was, I missed it. I was makin' chili for our game group tonite.

Since I'm making it, I made sure we had lots of TP in the house. :)

03-12-2006, 02:01 PM
What's wrong with Boobies?

03-12-2006, 02:03 PM
What's wrong with Boobies?

Only that there isn't enough to go around?
Sorry... uncalled for comment from the peanut gallery

03-12-2006, 02:24 PM
Yeah, I was a little disappointed in the boobie posting also. Not because of the pics but because it diverted the discussion in a whole new direction. ;) In fact, those Cougar Emblems were "Real and Magnificent" .... :rofl:

The conservative-liberal banter was kinda insightful for me .... it's interesting to listen to other viewpoints ... I think it gives me better understanding of the issues and of the parties involved. :D

That said .... it lasted far longer than I figured it would. :rolleyes: But I ain't mad at anybody. :)

03-12-2006, 02:27 PM
Come on guys, boobies are only the 2nd best thing in world, we have to bow down to the 1st :bows: :bows: :bows: :bows:

03-12-2006, 02:40 PM
Probably few guys like boobies more than me...:) , but I agree with Gordon that the boobies closed a thread that started as a joke, turned serious; almost ugly and slowly it showed that oppossing view points can coexist without acting like idiots toward each other.

I am conservative because it is in the very core of my nature and upbringing, but some of the guys that presented their liberal point of view made sense and presented solid arguments to spouse their position without insult; made me think.

No one is going to change my core beliefs and I am sure that I will not change anyone's opposing viewpoint, but when a man or woman makes an honest effort to say this is where I stand and why; without resorting to insult, both sides can often find common ground and realize that in the end we may have more in common than what separates us.

03-12-2006, 03:25 PM
Probably few guys like boobies more than me...:) , but I agree with Gordon that the boobies closed a thread that started as a joke, turned serious; almost ugly and slowly it showed that oppossing view points can coexist without acting like idiots toward each other.

I am conservative because it is in the very core of my nature and upbringing, but some of the guys that presented their liberal point of view made sense and presented solid arguments to spouse their position without insult; made me think.

No one is going to change my core beliefs and I am sure that I will not change anyone's opposing viewpoint, but when a man or woman makes an honest effort to say this is where I stand and why; without resorting to insult, both sides can often find common ground and realize that in the end we may have more in common than what separates us.
My feeling exactly Javier, thanks for posting.

I was upset, but I am not mad at you Charlie (DEFYANT) or an one else here, it is that the pics were uncalled for when everyone was starting to be civilized discussing their point of view which is rare. And yes the thread started as a joke that members took as a personal attack which was not my intention and I was learning different view points from people that I call friends even though we do not see eye to eye.

[QUOTE=Bluerauder] Yeah, I was a little disappointed in the boobie posting also. Not because of the pics but because it diverted the discussion in a whole new direction. In fact, those Cougar Emblems were "Real and Magnificent" ....

The conservative-liberal banter was kinda insightful for me .... it's interesting to listen to other viewpoints ... I think it gives me better understanding of the issues and of the parties involved.

That said .... it lasted far longer than I figured it would. But I ain't mad at anybody. [QUOTE]
Thank you Charlie.

Now that everyone is friends again.....RIGHT!!

What do you all think about DP World backing out of the US ports deal?

03-12-2006, 03:26 PM
Enough already.

Tit shots, suggestive comments, guys with poles stuck up their asses, politics, religion... None of its cool on this site.

Why can't y'all just go post your crap on mustangwhores.com or something?

This site is about Marauders...